# Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import os from .log import log from pathlib import Path from . import PYSIDE, PYSIDE_MODULE, SHIBOKEN from .utils import available_pyside_tools class Config(object): def __init__(self): # Constants self._build_type_all = "all" self._invocation_type_top_level = "top-level" self._invocation_type_internal = "internal" # The keyword arguments which will be given to setuptools.setup self.setup_kwargs = {} # The setup.py invocation type. # top-level # internal self.invocation_type = None # The type of the top-level build. # all - build shiboken6 module, shiboken6-generator and PySide6 # modules # shiboken6 - build only shiboken6 module # shiboken6-generator - build only the shiboken6-generator # pyside6 - build only PySide6 modules self.build_type = None # The internal build type, used for internal invocations of # setup.py to build a specific module only. self.internal_build_type = None # Options that can be given to --build-type and # --internal-build-type self.shiboken_module_option_name = SHIBOKEN self.shiboken_generator_option_name = f"{SHIBOKEN}-generator" self.pyside_option_name = PYSIDE # Names to be passed to setuptools.setup() name key, # so not package name, but rather project name as it appears # in the wheel name and on PyPi. self.shiboken_module_st_name = SHIBOKEN self.shiboken_generator_st_name = f"{SHIBOKEN}-generator" self.pyside_st_name = PYSIDE_MODULE # Path to CMake toolchain file when intending to cross compile # the project. self.cmake_toolchain_file = None # Store where host shiboken is built during a cross-build. self.shiboken_host_query_path = None # Used by check_allowed_python_version to validate the # interpreter version. self.python_version_classifiers = [ 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11', ] self.setup_script_dir = None def init_config(self, build_type=None, internal_build_type=None, cmd_class_dict=None, package_version=None, ext_modules=None, setup_script_dir=None, cmake_toolchain_file=None, quiet=False, qt_install_path: Path = None): """ Sets up the global singleton config which is used in many parts of the setup process. """ # if --internal-build-type was passed, it means that this is a # sub-invocation to build a specific package. if internal_build_type: self.set_is_internal_invocation() self.set_internal_build_type(internal_build_type) else: self.set_is_top_level_invocation() # --build-type was specified explicitly, so set it. Otherwise # default to all. if build_type: self.build_type = build_type else: self.build_type = self._build_type_all self.setup_script_dir = Path(setup_script_dir) self.cmake_toolchain_file = cmake_toolchain_file setup_kwargs = {} setup_kwargs['long_description'] = self.get_long_description() setup_kwargs['long_description_content_type'] = 'text/markdown' setup_kwargs['keywords'] = 'Qt' setup_kwargs['author'] = 'Qt for Python Team' setup_kwargs['author_email'] = 'pyside@qt-project.org' setup_kwargs['url'] = 'https://www.pyside.org' setup_kwargs['download_url'] = 'https://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython' setup_kwargs['license'] = 'LGPL' setup_kwargs['zip_safe'] = False setup_kwargs['cmdclass'] = cmd_class_dict setup_kwargs['version'] = package_version setup_kwargs['python_requires'] = ">=3.7, <3.12" if quiet: # Tells distutils / setuptools to be quiet, and only print warnings or errors. # Makes way less noise in the terminal when building. setup_kwargs['verbose'] = 0 # Setting these two keys is still a bit of a discussion point. # In general not setting them will allow using "build" and # "bdist_wheel" just fine. What they do, is they specify to the # setuptools.command.build_py command that certain pure python # modules (.py files) exist in the specified package location, # and that they should be copied over to the setuptools build # dir. # But it doesn't really make sense for us, because we copy all # the necessary files to the build dir via prepare_packages() # function anyway. # If we don't set them, the build_py sub-command will be # skipped, but the build command will still be executed, which # is where we run cmake / make. # The only plausible usage of it, is if we will implement a # correctly functioning setup.py develop command (or bdist_egg). # But currently that doesn't seem to work. setup_kwargs['packages'] = self.get_setup_tools_packages_for_current_build() setup_kwargs['package_dir'] = self.get_package_name_to_dir_path_mapping() # Add a bogus extension module (will never be built here since # we are overriding the build command to do it using cmake) so # things like bdist_egg will know that there are extension # modules and will name the dist with the full platform info. setup_kwargs['ext_modules'] = ext_modules common_classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Console', 'Environment :: MacOS X', 'Environment :: X11 Applications :: Qt', 'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)', 'License :: Other/Proprietary License', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Operating System :: Microsoft', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Programming Language :: C++'] common_classifiers.extend(self.python_version_classifiers) common_classifiers.extend([ 'Topic :: Database', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks', 'Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Widget Sets']) setup_kwargs['classifiers'] = common_classifiers package_name = self.package_name() if self.internal_build_type == self.shiboken_module_option_name: setup_kwargs['name'] = self.shiboken_module_st_name setup_kwargs['description'] = "Python / C++ bindings helper module" setup_kwargs['entry_points'] = {} elif self.internal_build_type == self.shiboken_generator_option_name: setup_kwargs['name'] = self.shiboken_generator_st_name setup_kwargs['description'] = "Python / C++ bindings generator" setup_kwargs['install_requires'] = [ f"{self.shiboken_module_st_name}=={package_version}" ] setup_kwargs['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': [ f'{SHIBOKEN} = {package_name}.scripts.shiboken_tool:main', f'{SHIBOKEN}-genpyi = {package_name}.scripts.shiboken_tool:genpyi', ] } elif self.internal_build_type == self.pyside_option_name: setup_kwargs['name'] = self.pyside_st_name setup_kwargs['description'] = ("Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application " "and UI framework") setup_kwargs['install_requires'] = [ f"{self.shiboken_module_st_name}=={package_version}" ] _pyside_tools = available_pyside_tools(qt_tools_path=qt_install_path) setup_kwargs['entry_points'] = { 'console_scripts': [f'{PYSIDE}-{tool} = {package_name}.scripts.pyside_tool:{tool}' for tool in _pyside_tools] } self.setup_kwargs = setup_kwargs def get_long_description(self): readme_filename = 'README.md' changes_filename = 'CHANGES.rst' if self.is_internal_shiboken_module_build(): readme_filename = f'README.{SHIBOKEN}.md' elif self.is_internal_shiboken_generator_build(): readme_filename = f'README.{SHIBOKEN}-generator.md' elif self.is_internal_pyside_build(): readme_filename = f'README.{PYSIDE}.md' content = '' changes = '' try: with open(self.setup_script_dir / readme_filename) as f: readme = f.read() except Exception as e: log.error(f"Couldn't read contents of {readme_filename}. {e}") raise # Don't include CHANGES.rst for now, because we have not decided # how to handle change files yet. include_changes = False if include_changes: try: with open(self.setup_script_dir / changes_filename) as f: changes = f.read() except Exception as e: log.error(f"Couldn't read contents of {changes_filename}. {e}") raise content += readme if changes: content += f"\n\n{changes}" return content def package_name(self): """ Returns package name as it appears in Python's site-packages directory. Package names can only be delimited by underscores, and not by dashes. """ if self.is_internal_shiboken_module_build(): return SHIBOKEN elif self.is_internal_shiboken_generator_build(): return f"{SHIBOKEN}_generator" elif self.is_internal_pyside_build(): return PYSIDE_MODULE else: return None def get_setup_tools_packages_for_current_build(self): """ Returns a list of packages for setup tools to consider in the build_py command, so that it can copy the pure python files. Not really necessary because it's done in prepare_packages() anyway. This is really just to satisfy some checks in setuptools build_py command, and if we ever properly implement the develop command. """ if self.internal_build_type == self.pyside_option_name: return [ config.package_name(), ] elif self.internal_build_type == self.shiboken_module_option_name: return [self.package_name()] else: return [] def get_package_name_to_dir_path_mapping(self): """ Used in setuptools.setup 'package_dir' argument to specify where the actual module packages are located. For example when building the shiboken module, setuptools will expect to find the "shiboken6" module sources under "sources/{SHIBOKEN}/shibokenmodule". This is really just to satisfy some checks in setuptools build_py command, and if we ever properly implement the develop command. """ if self.is_internal_shiboken_module_build(): return { self.package_name(): f"sources/{SHIBOKEN}/shibokenmodule" } elif self.is_internal_shiboken_generator_build(): # This is left empty on purpose, because the shiboken # generator doesn't have a python module for now. return {} elif self.is_internal_pyside_build(): return { self.package_name(): f"sources/{PYSIDE}/{PYSIDE_MODULE}", } else: return {} def get_buildable_extensions(self): """ Used by PysideBuild.run to build the CMake projects. :return: A list of directory names under the sources directory. """ if self.is_internal_shiboken_module_build() or self.is_internal_shiboken_generator_build(): return [SHIBOKEN] elif self.is_internal_pyside_build(): return [PYSIDE, 'pyside-tools'] return None def set_is_top_level_invocation(self): self.invocation_type = self._invocation_type_top_level def set_is_internal_invocation(self): self.invocation_type = self._invocation_type_internal def is_top_level_invocation(self): return self.invocation_type == self._invocation_type_top_level def is_internal_invocation(self): return self.invocation_type == self._invocation_type_internal def is_top_level_build_all(self): return self.build_type == self._build_type_all def is_top_level_build_shiboken_module(self): return self.build_type == self.shiboken_module_option_name def is_top_level_build_shiboken_generator(self): return self.build_type == self.shiboken_generator_option_name def is_top_level_build_pyside(self): return self.build_type == self.pyside_option_name def is_cross_compile(self): if not self.cmake_toolchain_file: return False return True def set_internal_build_type(self, internal_build_type): self.internal_build_type = internal_build_type def is_internal_shiboken_module_build(self): return self.internal_build_type == self.shiboken_module_option_name def is_internal_shiboken_generator_build(self): return self.internal_build_type == self.shiboken_generator_option_name def is_internal_pyside_build(self): return self.internal_build_type == self.pyside_option_name def is_internal_shiboken_generator_build_and_part_of_top_level_all(self): """ Used to skip certain build rules and output, when we know that the CMake build of shiboken was already done as part of the top-level "all" build when shiboken6-module was built. """ return self.is_internal_shiboken_generator_build() and self.is_top_level_build_all() def get_allowed_top_level_build_values(self): return [ self._build_type_all, self.shiboken_module_option_name, self.shiboken_generator_option_name, self.pyside_option_name ] def get_allowed_internal_build_values(self): return [ self.shiboken_module_option_name, self.shiboken_generator_option_name, self.pyside_option_name ] config = Config()