# Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only from setuptools import Command import sys import logging from pathlib import Path from .log import log, LogLevel from .qtinfo import QtInfo from .utils import memoize, which _AVAILABLE_MKSPECS = ["ninja", "msvc", "mingw"] if sys.platform == "win32" else ["ninja", "make"] # Global options not which are not part of the commands ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS = """ Additional options: --limited-api Use Limited API [yes/no] --macos-use-libc++ Use libc++ on macOS --snapshot-build Snapshot build --package-timestamp Package Timestamp --cmake-toolchain-file Path to CMake toolchain to enable cross-compiling --shiboken-host-path Path to host shiboken package when cross-compiling --qt-host-path Path to host Qt installation when cross-compiling --disable-pyi Disable .pyi file generation """ def _warn_multiple_option(option): log.warning(f'Option "{option}" occurs multiple times on the command line.') def _warn_deprecated_option(option, replacement=None): w = f'Option "{option}" is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.' if replacement: w = f'{w}\nUse "{replacement}" instead.' log.warning(w) class Options(object): def __init__(self): # Dictionary containing values of all the possible options. self.dict = {} def has_option(self, name, remove=True): """ Returns True if argument '--name' was passed on the command line. """ option = f"--{name}" count = sys.argv.count(option) remove_count = count if not remove and count > 0: remove_count -= 1 for _ in range(remove_count): sys.argv.remove(option) if count > 1: _warn_multiple_option(option) return count > 0 def option_value(self, name, short_option_name=None, remove=True): """ Returns the value of a command line option. :param name: The name of the command line option. :param remove: Whether the option and its value should be removed from sys.argv. Useful when there's a need to query for the value and also pass it along to setuptools for example. :return: Either the option value or None. """ option = f"--{name}" short_option = f"-{short_option_name}" if short_option_name else None single_option_prefix = f"{option}=" value = None for index in reversed(range(len(sys.argv))): arg = sys.argv[index] if arg == option or short_option and arg == short_option: if value: _warn_multiple_option(option) else: if index + 1 >= len(sys.argv): raise RuntimeError(f"The option {option} requires a value") value = sys.argv[index + 1] if remove: sys.argv[index:index + 2] = [] elif arg.startswith(single_option_prefix): if value: _warn_multiple_option(option) else: value = arg[len(single_option_prefix):] if remove: sys.argv[index:index + 1] = [] self.dict[name] = value return value options = Options() def has_option(*args, **kwargs): return options.has_option(*args, **kwargs) def option_value(*args, **kwargs): return options.option_value(*args, **kwargs) def _jobs_option_value(): """Option value for parallel builds.""" value = option_value('parallel', short_option_name='j') if value: return f"-j{value}" if not value.startswith('-j') else value return '' def find_qtpaths(): # for these command --qtpaths should not be required no_qtpaths_commands = ["--help", "--help-commands", "--qt-target-path", "build_rst_docs"] for no_qtpaths_command in no_qtpaths_commands: if any(no_qtpaths_command in argument for argument in sys.argv): return None qtpaths = option_value("qtpaths") if qtpaths: return qtpaths # if qtpaths is not given as cli option, try to find it in PATH qtpaths = which("qtpaths6") if qtpaths: return str(qtpaths.resolve()) qtpaths = which("qtpaths") if qtpaths: return str(qtpaths.resolve()) return qtpaths # Declare options which need to be known when instantiating the setuptools # commands or even earlier during SetupRunner.run(). OPTION = { "BUILD_TYPE": option_value("build-type"), "INTERNAL_BUILD_TYPE": option_value("internal-build-type"), # number of parallel build jobs "JOBS": _jobs_option_value(), # Legacy, not used any more. "JOM": has_option('jom'), "MACOS_USE_LIBCPP": has_option("macos-use-libc++"), "LOG_LEVEL": option_value("log-level", remove=False), "QUIET": has_option('quiet'), "VERBOSE_BUILD": has_option('verbose-build'), "SNAPSHOT_BUILD": has_option("snapshot-build"), "LIMITED_API": option_value("limited-api"), "DISABLE_PYI": has_option("disable-pyi"), "PACKAGE_TIMESTAMP": option_value("package-timestamp"), # This is used automatically by setuptools.command.install object, to # specify the final installation location. "FINAL_INSTALL_PREFIX": option_value("prefix", remove=False), "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE": option_value("cmake-toolchain-file"), "SHIBOKEN_HOST_PATH": option_value("shiboken-host-path"), "SHIBOKEN_HOST_PATH_QUERY_FILE": option_value("internal-shiboken-host-path-query-file"), "QT_HOST_PATH": option_value("qt-host-path"), # This is used to identify the template for doc builds "QTPATHS": find_qtpaths() # This is an optional command line option. If --qtpaths is not provided via command-line, # then qtpaths is checked inside PATH variable } _deprecated_option_jobs = option_value('jobs') if _deprecated_option_jobs: _warn_deprecated_option('jobs', 'parallel') OPTION["JOBS"] = _deprecated_option_jobs class CommandMixin(object): """Mixin for the setuptools build/install commands handling the options.""" _static_class_finalized_once = False mixin_user_options = [ ('avoid-protected-hack', None, 'Force --avoid-protected-hack'), ('debug', None, 'Build with debug information'), ('relwithdebinfo', None, 'Build in release mode with debug information'), ('only-package', None, 'Package only'), ('no-strip', None, 'Do not strip package libraries (release mode)'), ('standalone', None, 'Standalone build'), ('ignore-git', None, 'Do update subrepositories'), ('skip-docs', None, 'Skip documentation build (deprecated)'), ('build-docs', None, 'Build the API documentation'), ('no-jom', None, 'Do not use jom (MSVC)'), ('build-tests', None, 'Build tests'), ('use-xvfb', None, 'Use Xvfb for testing'), ('reuse-build', None, 'Reuse existing build'), ('compiler-launcher=', None, 'Use a compiler launcher like ccache or sccache for builds'), ('skip-cmake', None, 'Skip CMake step'), ('skip-make-install', None, 'Skip install step'), ('skip-packaging', None, 'Skip packaging step'), ('log-level=', None, 'Log level of the build.'), ('verbose-build', None, 'Verbose build'), ('quiet', None, 'Quiet build'), ('sanitize-address', None, 'Build with address sanitizer'), ('shorter-paths', None, 'Use shorter paths'), ('doc-build-online', None, 'Build online documentation'), ('qtpaths=', None, 'Path to qtpaths'), ('qmake=', None, 'Path to qmake (deprecated, use qtpaths)'), ('qt=', None, 'Qt version'), ('qt-target-path=', None, 'Path to device Qt installation (use Qt libs when cross-compiling)'), ('cmake=', None, 'Path to CMake'), ('openssl=', None, 'Path to OpenSSL libraries'), # FIXME: Deprecated in favor of shiboken-target-path ('shiboken-config-dir=', None, 'shiboken configuration directory'), ('shiboken-target-path=', None, 'Path to target shiboken package'), ('python-target-path=', None, 'Path to target Python installation / prefix'), ('make-spec=', None, 'Qt make-spec'), ('macos-arch=', None, 'macOS architecture'), ('macos-sysroot=', None, 'macOS sysroot'), ('macos-deployment-target=', None, 'macOS deployment target'), ('skip-modules=', None, 'Qt modules to be skipped'), ('module-subset=', None, 'Qt modules to be built'), ('rpath=', None, 'RPATH'), ('qt-conf-prefix=', None, 'Qt configuration prefix'), ('qt-src-dir=', None, 'Qt source directory'), ('no-qt-tools', None, 'Do not copy the Qt tools'), ('no-size-optimization', None, 'Turn off size optimization for PySide6 binaries'), # Default is auto-detected by PysideBuild._enable_numpy() ('pyside-numpy-support', None, 'libpyside: Add numpy support (deprecated)'), ('enable-numpy-support', None, 'Enable numpy support'), ('disable-numpy-support', None, 'Disable numpy support'), ('internal-cmake-install-dir-query-file-path=', None, 'Path to file where the CMake install path of the project will be saved'), # We redeclare plat-name as an option so it's recognized by the # install command and doesn't throw an error. ('plat-name=', None, 'The platform name for which we are cross-compiling'), ('unity', None, 'Use CMake UNITY_BUILD_MODE'), ('unity-build-batch-size=', None, 'Value of CMAKE_UNITY_BUILD_BATCH_SIZE') ] def __init__(self): self.avoid_protected_hack = False self.debug = False self.relwithdebinfo = False self.no_strip = False self.only_package = False self.standalone = False self.ignore_git = False self.skip_docs = False self.build_docs = False self.no_jom = False self.build_tests = False self.use_xvfb = False self.reuse_build = False self.compiler_launcher = None self.skip_cmake = False self.skip_make_install = False self.skip_packaging = False self.log_level = "info" self.verbose_build = False self.sanitize_address = False self.snapshot_build = False self.shorter_paths = False self.doc_build_online = False self.qtpaths = None self.qmake = None self.has_qmake_option = False self.qt = '5' self.qt_host_path = None self.qt_target_path = None self.cmake = None self.openssl = None self.shiboken_config_dir = None self.shiboken_host_path = None self.shiboken_host_path_query_file = None self.shiboken_target_path = None self.python_target_path = None self.is_cross_compile = False self.cmake_toolchain_file = None self.make_spec = None self.macos_arch = None self.macos_sysroot = None self.macos_deployment_target = None self.skip_modules = None self.module_subset = None self.rpath = None self.qt_conf_prefix = None self.qt_src_dir = None self.no_qt_tools = False self.no_size_optimization = False self.pyside_numpy_support = False self.enable_numpy_support = False self.disable_numpy_support = False self.plat_name = None self.internal_cmake_install_dir_query_file_path = None self._per_command_mixin_options_finalized = False self.unity = False self.unity_build_batch_size = "16" # When initializing a command other than the main one (so the # first one), we need to copy the user options from the main # command to the new command options dict. Then # Distribution.get_command_obj will pick up the copied options # ensuring that all commands that inherit from # the mixin, get our custom properties set by the time # finalize_options is called. if CommandMixin._static_class_finalized_once: current_command: Command = self dist = current_command.distribution main_command_name = dist.commands[0] main_command_opts = dist.get_option_dict(main_command_name) current_command_name = current_command.get_command_name() current_command_opts = dist.get_option_dict(current_command_name) mixin_options_set = self.get_mixin_options_set() for key, value in main_command_opts.items(): if key not in current_command_opts and key in mixin_options_set: current_command_opts[key] = value # qtpaths is already known before running SetupRunner self.qtpaths = OPTION["QTPATHS"] @staticmethod @memoize def get_mixin_options_set(): keys = set() for (name, _, _) in CommandMixin.mixin_user_options: keys.add(name.rstrip("=").replace("-", "_")) return keys def mixin_finalize_options(self): # The very first we finalize options, record that. if not CommandMixin._static_class_finalized_once: CommandMixin._static_class_finalized_once = True # Ensure we finalize once per command object, rather than per # setup.py invocation. We want to have the option values # available in all commands that derive from the mixin. if not self._per_command_mixin_options_finalized: self._per_command_mixin_options_finalized = True self._do_finalize() def _do_finalize(self): # is_cross_compile must be set before checking for qtpaths/qmake # because we DON'T want those to be found when cross compiling. # Currently when cross compiling, qt-target-path MUST be used. using_cmake_toolchain_file = False cmake_toolchain_file = None if OPTION["CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE"]: self.is_cross_compile = True using_cmake_toolchain_file = True cmake_toolchain_file = OPTION["CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE"] self.cmake_toolchain_file = cmake_toolchain_file if not self._determine_defaults_and_check(): sys.exit(-1) OPTION['AVOID_PROTECTED_HACK'] = self.avoid_protected_hack OPTION['DEBUG'] = self.debug OPTION['RELWITHDEBINFO'] = self.relwithdebinfo OPTION['NO_STRIP'] = self.no_strip OPTION['ONLYPACKAGE'] = self.only_package OPTION['STANDALONE'] = self.standalone OPTION['IGNOREGIT'] = self.ignore_git OPTION['SKIP_DOCS'] = self.skip_docs OPTION['BUILD_DOCS'] = self.build_docs OPTION['BUILDTESTS'] = self.build_tests OPTION['NO_JOM'] = self.no_jom OPTION['XVFB'] = self.use_xvfb OPTION['REUSE_BUILD'] = self.reuse_build OPTION['COMPILER_LAUNCHER'] = self.compiler_launcher OPTION['SKIP_CMAKE'] = self.skip_cmake OPTION['SKIP_MAKE_INSTALL'] = self.skip_make_install OPTION['SKIP_PACKAGING'] = self.skip_packaging # Logging options: # 'quiet' and 'verbose-build' are deprecated, # log-level has higher priority when used. OPTION['LOG_LEVEL'] = self.log_level OPTION['VERBOSE_BUILD'] = self.verbose_build # The OPTION["QUIET"] doesn't need to be initialized with a value # because is an argument that it will not be removed due to being # a setuptools argument as well. # By default they are False, so we check if they changed with xor if bool(OPTION["QUIET"]) != bool(OPTION["VERBOSE_BUILD"]): log.warn("Using --quiet and --verbose-build is deprecated. " "Please use --log-level=quiet or --log-level=verbose instead.") # We assign a string value instead of the enum # because is what we get from the command line. # Later we assign the enum if OPTION["QUIET"]: OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] = "quiet" elif OPTION["VERBOSE_BUILD"]: OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] = "verbose" if OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] not in ("quiet", "info", "verbose"): log.error(f"Invalid value for log level: '--log-level={OPTION['LOG_LEVEL']}'. " "Use 'quiet', 'info', or 'verbose'.") sys.exit(-1) else: if OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] == "quiet": OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] = LogLevel.QUIET log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] == "info": OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] = LogLevel.INFO log.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] == "verbose": OPTION["LOG_LEVEL"] = LogLevel.VERBOSE log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) OPTION['SANITIZE_ADDRESS'] = self.sanitize_address OPTION['SHORTER_PATHS'] = self.shorter_paths OPTION['DOC_BUILD_ONLINE'] = self.doc_build_online OPTION['UNITY'] = self.unity OPTION['UNITY_BUILD_BATCH_SIZE'] = self.unity_build_batch_size qtpaths_abs_path = None if self.qtpaths and Path(self.qtpaths).exists(): qtpaths_abs_path = Path(self.qtpaths).resolve() # FIXME PYSIDE7: Remove qmake handling # make qtinfo.py independent of relative paths. qmake_abs_path = None if self.qmake: qmake_abs_path = Path(self.qmake).resolve() OPTION['QMAKE'] = qmake_abs_path OPTION['HAS_QMAKE_OPTION'] = self.has_qmake_option OPTION['QT_VERSION'] = self.qt self.qt_host_path = OPTION['QT_HOST_PATH'] OPTION['QT_TARGET_PATH'] = self.qt_target_path qt_target_path = self.qt_target_path # We use the CMake project to find host Qt if neither qmake or # qtpaths is available. This happens when building the host # tools in the overall cross-building process. use_cmake = False if (using_cmake_toolchain_file or (not self.qmake and not self.qtpaths and self.qt_target_path)): use_cmake = True QtInfo().setup(qtpaths_abs_path, self.cmake, qmake_abs_path, self.has_qmake_option, use_cmake=use_cmake, qt_target_path=qt_target_path, cmake_toolchain_file=cmake_toolchain_file) if 'build_rst_docs' not in sys.argv: try: QtInfo().prefix_dir except Exception as e: if not self.qt_target_path: log.error( "\nCould not find Qt. You can pass the --qt-target-path= option " "as a hint where to find Qt. Error was:\n\n\n") else: log.error( f"\nCould not find Qt via provided option --qt-target-path={qt_target_path}" "Error was:\n\n\n") raise e OPTION['CMAKE'] = self.cmake.resolve() OPTION['OPENSSL'] = self.openssl OPTION['SHIBOKEN_CONFIG_DIR'] = self.shiboken_config_dir if self.shiboken_config_dir: _warn_deprecated_option('shiboken-config-dir', 'shiboken-target-path') self.shiboken_host_path = OPTION['SHIBOKEN_HOST_PATH'] self.shiboken_host_path_query_file = OPTION['SHIBOKEN_HOST_PATH_QUERY_FILE'] if not self.shiboken_host_path and self.shiboken_host_path_query_file: try: queried_shiboken_host_path = Path(self.shiboken_host_path_query_file).read_text() self.shiboken_host_path = queried_shiboken_host_path OPTION['SHIBOKEN_HOST_PATH'] = queried_shiboken_host_path except Exception as e: log.error( f"\n Could not find shiboken host tools via the query file: " f"{self.shiboken_host_path_query_file:} Error was:\n\n\n") raise e OPTION['SHIBOKEN_TARGET_PATH'] = self.shiboken_target_path OPTION['PYTHON_TARGET_PATH'] = self.python_target_path OPTION['MAKESPEC'] = self.make_spec OPTION['MACOS_ARCH'] = self.macos_arch OPTION['MACOS_SYSROOT'] = self.macos_sysroot OPTION['MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = self.macos_deployment_target OPTION['SKIP_MODULES'] = self.skip_modules OPTION['MODULE_SUBSET'] = self.module_subset OPTION['RPATH_VALUES'] = self.rpath OPTION['QT_CONF_PREFIX'] = self.qt_conf_prefix OPTION['QT_SRC'] = self.qt_src_dir OPTION['NO_QT_TOOLS'] = self.no_qt_tools OPTION['NO_OVERRIDE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS'] = self.no_size_optimization OPTION['DISABLE_NUMPY_SUPPORT'] = self.disable_numpy_support OPTION['ENABLE_NUMPY_SUPPORT'] = self.enable_numpy_support OPTION['PYSIDE_NUMPY_SUPPORT'] = self.pyside_numpy_support if not self._extra_checks(): sys.exit(-1) OPTION['PLAT_NAME'] = self.plat_name def _extra_checks(self): if self.is_cross_compile and not self.plat_name: log.error("No value provided to --plat-name while cross-compiling.") return False return True def _determine_defaults_and_check(self): if not self.cmake: self.cmake = Path(which("cmake")) elif isinstance(self.cmake, str): # command line option self.cmake = Path(self.cmake) if not self.cmake: log.error("cmake could not be found.") return False if not self.cmake.exists(): log.error(f"'{self.cmake}' does not exist.") return False # Setting up the Paths when passing via command line if isinstance(self.qtpaths, str): self.qtpaths = Path(self.qtpaths) if isinstance(self.qmake, str): self.qmake = Path(self.qmake) if self.qt_target_path and isinstance(self.qt_target_path, str): self.qt_target_path = Path(self.qt_target_path) # When cross-compiling, we only accept the qt-target-path # option and don't rely on auto-searching in PATH or the other # qtpaths / qmake options. # We also don't do auto-searching if qt-target-path is passed # explicitly. This is to help with the building of host tools # while cross-compiling. # Skip this process for the 'build_rst_docs' command if not (self.is_cross_compile and not self.qt_target_path and 'build_rst_docs' not in sys.argv): # Enforce usage of qmake in QtInfo if it was given explicitly. if self.qmake: self.has_qmake_option = True _warn_deprecated_option('qmake', 'qtpaths') # If no tool was specified and qtpaths was not found in PATH, # ask to provide a path to qtpaths. if not self.qtpaths and not self.qmake and not self.qt_target_path: log.error("No value provided to --qtpaths option. Please provide one to find Qt.") return False # Validate that the given tool path exists. if self.qtpaths and not self.qtpaths.exists(): log.error(f"The specified qtpaths path '{self.qtpaths}' does not exist.") return False if self.qmake and not self.qmake.exists(): log.error(f"The specified qmake path '{self.qmake}' does not exist.") return False else: # Check for existence, but don't require if it's not set. A # check later will be done to see if it's needed. if self.qt_target_path and not self.qt_target_path.exists(): log.error(f"Provided --qt-target-path='{self.qt_target_path}' " "path does not exist.") return False if not self.make_spec: self.make_spec = _AVAILABLE_MKSPECS[0] if self.make_spec not in _AVAILABLE_MKSPECS: log.error(f'Invalid option --make-spec "{self.make_spec}". ' f'Available values are {_AVAILABLE_MKSPECS}') return False if OPTION["JOBS"] and sys.platform == 'win32' and self.no_jom: log.error("Option --jobs can only be used with jom on Windows.") return False if sys.platform == 'win32' and OPTION["LIMITED_API"] == "yes" and self.debug: log.error("It is not possible to make a debug build of PySide6 with limited API. " "Please select a release build or disable limited API.") return False return True