# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import errno import fnmatch import glob import itertools import os import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import urllib.request as urllib from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent, indent from .log import log from . import (PYSIDE_PYTHON_TOOLS, PYSIDE_LINUX_BIN_TOOLS, PYSIDE_LINUX_LIBEXEC_TOOLS, PYSIDE_WINDOWS_BIN_TOOLS) try: # Using the distutils implementation within setuptools from setuptools.errors import SetupError except ModuleNotFoundError: # This is motivated by our CI using an old version of setuptools # so then the coin_build_instructions.py script is executed, and # import from this file, it was failing. from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError as SetupError try: WindowsError except NameError: WindowsError = None def which(name): """ Like shutil.which, but accepts a string or a PathLike and returns a Path """ path = None try: if isinstance(name, Path): name = str(name) path = shutil.which(name) if path is None: raise TypeError("None was returned") path = Path(path) except TypeError as e: log.error(f"{name} was not found in PATH: {e}") return path def is_64bit(): return sys.maxsize > 2147483647 def filter_match(name, patterns): for pattern in patterns: if pattern is None: continue if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): return True return False def update_env_path(newpaths): paths = os.environ['PATH'].lower().split(os.pathsep) for path in newpaths: if str(path).lower() not in paths: log.info(f"Inserting path '{path}' to environment") paths.insert(0, path) os.environ['PATH'] = f"{path}{os.pathsep}{os.environ['PATH']}" def get_numpy_location(): for p in sys.path: if 'site-' in p: numpy = Path(p).resolve() / 'numpy' if numpy.is_dir(): return os.fspath(numpy / 'core' / 'include') return None def platform_cmake_options(as_tuple_list=False): result = [] if sys.platform == 'win32': # Prevent cmake from auto-detecting clang if it is in path. if as_tuple_list: result.append(("CMAKE_C_COMPILER", "cl.exe")) result.append(("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER", "cl.exe")) else: result.append("-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cl.exe") result.append("-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=cl.exe") return result def copyfile(src, dst, force=True, _vars=None, force_copy_symlink=False, make_writable_by_owner=False): if isinstance(src, str): src = Path(src.format(**_vars)) if _vars else Path(src) if isinstance(dst, str): dst = Path(dst.format(**_vars)) if _vars else Path(dst) assert(isinstance(src, Path)) assert(isinstance(dst, Path)) if not src.exists() and not force: log.info(f"**Skipping copy file\n {src} to\n {dst}\n Source does not exist") return if not src.is_symlink() or force_copy_symlink: if dst.is_file(): src_stat = os.stat(src) dst_stat = os.stat(dst) if (src_stat.st_size == dst_stat.st_size and src_stat.st_mtime <= dst_stat.st_mtime): log.info(f"{dst} is up to date.") return dst log.debug(f"Copying file\n {src} to\n {dst}.") shutil.copy2(src, dst) if make_writable_by_owner: make_file_writable_by_owner(dst) return dst # We use 'strict=False' to mimic os.path.realpath in case # the directory doesn't exist. link_target_path = src.resolve(strict=False) if link_target_path.parent == src.parent: link_target = Path(link_target_path.name) link_name = Path(src.name) current_directory = Path.cwd() try: target_dir = dst if dst.is_dir() else dst.parent os.chdir(target_dir) if link_name.exists(): if (link_name.is_symlink() and os.readlink(link_name) == link_target): log.info(f"Symlink already exists\n {link_name} ->\n {link_target}") return dst os.remove(link_name) log.info(f"Symlinking\n {link_name} ->\n {link_target} in\n {target_dir}") os.symlink(link_target, link_name) except OSError: log.error(f"Error creating symlink\n {link_name} ->\n {link_target}") finally: os.chdir(current_directory) else: log.error(f"{src} -> {link_target_path}: Can only create symlinks within the same " "directory") return dst def makefile(dst, content=None, _vars=None): if _vars is not None: if content is not None: content = content.format(**_vars) dst = Path(dst.format(**_vars)) log.info(f"Making file {dst}.") dstdir = dst.parent if not dstdir.exists(): dstdir.mkdir(parents=True) with open(dst, "wt") as f: if content is not None: f.write(content) def copydir(src, dst, _filter=None, ignore=None, force=True, recursive=True, _vars=None, dir_filter_function=None, file_filter_function=None, force_copy_symlinks=False): if isinstance(src, str): src = Path(src.format(**_vars)) if _vars else Path(src) if isinstance(dst, str): dst = Path(dst.format(**_vars)) if _vars else Path(dst) assert(isinstance(src, Path)) assert(isinstance(dst, Path)) if _vars is not None: if _filter is not None: _filter = [i.format(**_vars) for i in _filter] if ignore is not None: ignore = [i.format(**_vars) for i in ignore] if not src.exists() and not force: log.info(f"**Skipping copy tree\n {src} to\n {dst}\n Source does not exist. " f"filter={_filter}. ignore={ignore}.") return [] log.debug(f"Copying tree\n {src} to\n {dst}. filter={_filter}. ignore={ignore}.") names = os.listdir(src) results = [] copy_errors = [] for name in names: srcname = src / name dstname = dst / name try: if srcname.is_dir(): if (dir_filter_function and not dir_filter_function(name, src, srcname)): continue if recursive: results.extend(copydir(srcname, dstname, _filter, ignore, force, recursive, _vars, dir_filter_function, file_filter_function, force_copy_symlinks)) else: if ((file_filter_function is not None and not file_filter_function(name, srcname)) or (_filter is not None and not filter_match(name, _filter)) or (ignore is not None and filter_match(name, ignore))): continue if not dst.is_dir(): dst.mkdir(parents=True) results.append(copyfile(srcname, dstname, True, _vars, force_copy_symlinks)) # catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can # continue with other files except shutil.Error as err: copy_errors.extend(err.args[0]) except EnvironmentError as why: copy_errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why))) try: if dst.exists(): shutil.copystat(str(src), str(dst)) except OSError as why: if WindowsError is not None and isinstance(why, WindowsError): # Copying file access times may fail on Windows pass else: copy_errors.extend((src, dst, str(why))) if copy_errors: raise EnvironmentError(copy_errors) return results def make_file_writable_by_owner(path): current_permissions = stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(path).st_mode) os.chmod(path, current_permissions | stat.S_IWUSR) def remove_tree(dirname, ignore=False): def handle_remove_readonly(func, path, exc): # exc returns like 'sys.exc_info()': type, value, traceback _, excvalue, _ = exc if func in (os.rmdir, os.remove) and excvalue.errno == errno.EACCES: os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777 func(path) else: raise IOError shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=ignore, onerror=handle_remove_readonly) def run_process_output(args, initial_env=None): if initial_env is None: initial_env = os.environ result = [] with subprocess.Popen(args, env=initial_env, universal_newlines=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p: for raw_line in p.stdout.readlines(): result.append(raw_line.rstrip()) p.stdout.close() return result def run_process(args, initial_env=None): """ Run process until completion and return the process exit code. No output is captured. """ command = " ".join([(" " in x and f'"{x}"' or x) for x in args]) log.debug(f"In directory {Path.cwd()}:\n\tRunning command: {command}") if initial_env is None: initial_env = os.environ kwargs = {} kwargs['env'] = initial_env exit_code = subprocess.call(args, **kwargs) return exit_code def back_tick(cmd, ret_err=False): """ Run command `cmd`, return stdout, or (stdout, stderr, return_code) if `ret_err` is True. Parameters ---------- cmd : str command to execute ret_err : bool, optional If True, return stderr and return_code in addition to stdout. If False, just return stdout Returns ------- out : str or tuple If `ret_err` is False, return stripped string containing stdout from `cmd`. If `ret_err` is True, return tuple of (stdout, stderr, return_code) where ``stdout`` is the stripped stdout, and ``stderr`` is the stripped stderr, and ``return_code`` is the process exit code. Raises ------ Raises RuntimeError if command returns non-zero exit code when ret_err isn't set. """ with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) as proc: out_bytes, err_bytes = proc.communicate() out = out_bytes.decode().strip() err = err_bytes.decode().strip() retcode = proc.returncode if retcode is None and not ret_err: proc.terminate() raise RuntimeError(f"{cmd} process did not terminate") if retcode != 0 and not ret_err: raise RuntimeError(f"{cmd} process returned code {retcode}\n*** {err}") if not ret_err: return out return out, err, retcode MACOS_OUTNAME_RE = re.compile(r'\(compatibility version [\d.]+, current version [\d.]+\)') def macos_get_install_names(libpath): """ Get macOS library install names from library `libpath` using ``otool`` Parameters ---------- libpath : str path to library Returns ------- install_names : list of str install names in library `libpath` """ out = back_tick(f"otool -L {libpath}") libs = [line for line in out.split('\n')][1:] return [MACOS_OUTNAME_RE.sub('', lib).strip() for lib in libs] MACOS_RPATH_RE = re.compile(r"path (.+) \(offset \d+\)") def macos_get_rpaths(libpath): """ Get rpath load commands from library `libpath` using ``otool`` Parameters ---------- libpath : str path to library Returns ------- rpaths : list of str rpath values stored in ``libpath`` Notes ----- See ``man dyld`` for more information on rpaths in libraries """ lines = back_tick(f"otool -l {libpath}").split('\n') ctr = 0 rpaths = [] while ctr < len(lines): line = lines[ctr].strip() if line != 'cmd LC_RPATH': ctr += 1 continue assert lines[ctr + 1].strip().startswith('cmdsize') rpath_line = lines[ctr + 2].strip() match = MACOS_RPATH_RE.match(rpath_line) if match is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected path line: {rpath_line}") rpaths.append(match.groups()[0]) ctr += 3 return rpaths def macos_add_rpath(rpath, library_path): try: back_tick(f"install_name_tool -add_rpath {rpath} {library_path}") except RuntimeError as e: print(f"Exception {type(e).__name__}: {e}") def macos_fix_rpaths_for_library(library_path, qt_lib_dir): """ Adds required rpath load commands to given library. This is a necessary post-installation step, to allow loading PySide modules without setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH. The CMake rpath commands which are added at build time are used only for testing (make check), and they are stripped once the equivalent of make install is executed (except for shiboken, which currently uses CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH, which might be necessary to remove in the future). Parameters ---------- library_path : str path to library for which to set rpaths. qt_lib_dir : str rpath to installed Qt lib directory. """ install_names = macos_get_install_names(library_path) existing_rpath_commands = macos_get_rpaths(library_path) needs_loader_path = False for install_name in install_names: # Absolute path, skip it. if install_name[0] == '/': continue # If there are dynamic library install names that contain # @rpath tokens, we will provide an rpath load command with the # value of "@loader_path". This will allow loading dependent # libraries from within the same directory as 'library_path'. if install_name[0] == '@': needs_loader_path = True break if needs_loader_path and "@loader_path" not in existing_rpath_commands: macos_add_rpath("@loader_path", library_path) # If the library depends on a Qt library, add an rpath load comment # pointing to the Qt lib directory. macos_add_qt_rpath(library_path, qt_lib_dir, existing_rpath_commands, install_names) def macos_add_qt_rpath(library_path, qt_lib_dir, existing_rpath_commands=None, library_dependencies=None): """ Adds an rpath load command to the Qt lib directory if necessary Checks if library pointed to by 'library_path' has Qt dependencies, and adds an rpath load command that points to the Qt lib directory (qt_lib_dir). """ if existing_rpath_commands is None: existing_rpath_commands = [] if library_dependencies is None: library_dependencies = [] if not existing_rpath_commands: existing_rpath_commands = macos_get_rpaths(library_path) # Return early if qt rpath is already present. if qt_lib_dir in existing_rpath_commands: return # Check if any library dependencies are Qt libraries (hacky). if not library_dependencies: library_dependencies = macos_get_install_names(library_path) needs_qt_rpath = False for library in library_dependencies: if 'Qt' in library: needs_qt_rpath = True break if needs_qt_rpath: macos_add_rpath(qt_lib_dir, library_path) # Find an executable specified by a glob pattern ('foo*') in the OS path def find_glob_in_path(pattern): result = [] if sys.platform == 'win32': pattern += '.exe' for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep): for match in glob.glob(str(Path(path) / pattern)): result.append(match) return result # Expand the __ARCH_ place holder in the CLANG environment variables def expand_clang_variables(target_arch): for var in 'LLVM_INSTALL_DIR', 'CLANG_INSTALL_DIR': value = os.environ.get(var) if value and '_ARCH_' in value: value = value.replace('_ARCH_', target_arch) os.environ[var] = value print(f"{var} = {value}") # Add Clang to path for Windows for the shiboken ApiExtractor tests. # Revisit once Clang is bundled with Qt. def detect_clang(): source = 'LLVM_INSTALL_DIR' clang_dir = os.environ.get(source, None) if not clang_dir: source = 'CLANG_INSTALL_DIR' clang_dir = os.environ.get(source, None) if not clang_dir: raise OSError("clang not found") return (Path(clang_dir), source) _7z_binary = None def download_and_extract_7z(fileurl, target): """ Downloads 7z file from fileurl and extract to target """ info = "" localfile = None for i in range(1, 10): try: log.info(f"Downloading fileUrl {fileurl}, attempt #{i}") localfile, info = urllib.urlretrieve(fileurl) break except urllib.URLError: pass if not localfile: log.error(f"Error downloading {fileurl} : {info}") raise RuntimeError(f" Error downloading {fileurl}") try: global _7z_binary outputDir = f"-o{target}" if not _7z_binary: if sys.platform == "win32": candidate = Path("c:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe") if candidate.exists(): _7z_binary = candidate if not _7z_binary: _7z_binary = '7z' log.info(f"calling {_7z_binary} x {localfile} {outputDir}") subprocess.call([_7z_binary, "x", "-y", localfile, outputDir]) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): raise RuntimeError(f"Error extracting {localfile}") def split_and_strip(sinput): lines = [s.strip() for s in sinput.splitlines()] return lines def ldd_get_dependencies(executable_path): """ Returns a dictionary of dependencies that `executable_path` depends on. The keys are library names and the values are the library paths. """ output = ldd(executable_path) lines = split_and_strip(output) pattern = re.compile(r"\s*(.*?)\s+=>\s+(.*?)\s+\(.*\)") dependencies = {} for line in lines: match = pattern.search(line) if match: dependencies[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) return dependencies def ldd_get_paths_for_dependencies(dependencies_regex, executable_path=None, dependencies=None): """ Returns file paths to shared library dependencies that match given `dependencies_regex` against given `executable_path`. The function retrieves the list of shared library dependencies using ld.so for the given `executable_path` in order to search for libraries that match the `dependencies_regex`, and then returns a list of absolute paths of the matching libraries. If no matching library is found in the list of dependencies, an empty list is returned. """ if not dependencies and not executable_path: return None if not dependencies: dependencies = ldd_get_dependencies(executable_path) pattern = re.compile(dependencies_regex) paths = [] for key in dependencies: match = pattern.search(key) if match: paths.append(dependencies[key]) return paths def _ldd_ldd(executable_path): """Helper for ldd(): Returns ldd output of shared library dependencies for given `executable_path`. Parameters ---------- executable_path : str path to executable or shared library. Returns ------- output : str the raw output retrieved from the dynamic linker. """ output = '' error = '' try: output_lines = run_process_output(['ldd', executable_path]) output = '\n'.join(output_lines) except Exception as e: error = str(e) if not output: message = (f"ldd failed to query for dependent shared libraries of {executable_path}: " f"{error}") raise RuntimeError(message) return output def _ldd_ldso(executable_path): """ Helper for ldd(): Returns ld.so output of shared library dependencies for given `executable_path`. This is a partial port of /usr/bin/ldd from bash to Python for systems that do not have ldd. The dependency list is retrieved by setting the LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 environment variable, and executing the given path via the dynamic loader ld.so. Only works on Linux. This is because ldd (on Ubuntu) is shipped in the libc-bin package that, which might have a minuscule percentage of not being installed. Parameters ---------- executable_path : str path to executable or shared library. Returns ------- output : str the raw output retrieved from the dynamic linker. """ chosen_rtld = None # List of ld's considered by ldd on Ubuntu (here's hoping it's the # same on all distros). rtld_list = ["/lib/ld-linux.so.2", "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "/libx32/ld-linux-x32.so.2"] # Choose appropriate runtime dynamic linker. for rtld in rtld_list: rtld = Path(rtld) if rtld.is_file() and os.access(rtld, os.X_OK): (_, _, code) = back_tick(rtld, True) # Code 127 is returned by ld.so when called without any # arguments (some kind of sanity check I guess). if code == 127: (_, _, code) = back_tick(f"{rtld} --verify {executable_path}", True) # Codes 0 and 2 mean given executable_path can be # understood by ld.so. if code in [0, 2]: chosen_rtld = rtld break if not chosen_rtld: raise RuntimeError("Could not find appropriate ld.so to query for dependencies.") # Query for shared library dependencies. rtld_env = "LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1" rtld_cmd = f"{rtld_env} {chosen_rtld} {executable_path}" (out, _, return_code) = back_tick(rtld_cmd, True) if return_code == 0: return out else: raise RuntimeError("ld.so failed to query for dependent shared " f"libraries of {executable_path}") def ldd(executable_path): """ Returns ldd output of shared library dependencies for given `executable_path`, using either ldd or ld.so depending on availability. Parameters ---------- executable_path : str path to executable or shared library. Returns ------- output : str the raw output retrieved from the dynamic linker. """ result = '' try: result = _ldd_ldd(executable_path) except RuntimeError as e: message = f"ldd: Falling back to ld.so ({str(e)})" log.warning(message) if not result: result = _ldd_ldso(executable_path) return result def find_files_using_glob(path, pattern): """ Returns list of files that matched glob `pattern` in `path`. """ final_pattern = Path(path) / pattern maybe_files = glob.glob(str(final_pattern)) return maybe_files def find_qt_core_library_glob(lib_dir): """ Returns path to the QtCore library found in `lib_dir`. """ maybe_file = find_files_using_glob(lib_dir, "libQt6Core.so.?") if len(maybe_file) == 1: return maybe_file[0] return None # @TODO: Possibly fix ICU library copying on macOS and Windows. # This would require to implement the equivalent of the custom written # ldd for the specified platforms. # This has less priority because ICU libs are not used in the default # Qt configuration build. # Note: Uses ldd to query shared library dependencies and thus does not # work for cross builds. def copy_icu_libs(patchelf, destination_lib_dir): """ Copy ICU libraries that QtCore depends on, to given `destination_lib_dir`. """ qt_core_library_path = Path(find_qt_core_library_glob(destination_lib_dir)) if not qt_core_library_path or not qt_core_library_path.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"QtCore library does not exist at path: {qt_core_library_path}. " "Failed to copy ICU libraries.") dependencies = ldd_get_dependencies(qt_core_library_path) icu_regex = r"^libicu.+" icu_compiled_pattern = re.compile(icu_regex) icu_required = False for dependency in dependencies: match = icu_compiled_pattern.search(dependency) if match: icu_required = True break if icu_required: paths = ldd_get_paths_for_dependencies(icu_regex, dependencies=dependencies) if not paths: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find the necessary ICU libraries required by QtCore.") log.debug('Copying the detected ICU libraries required by QtCore.') destination_lib_dir = Path(destination_lib_dir) if not destination_lib_dir.exists(): destination_lib_dir.mkdir(parents=True) for path in paths: basename = Path(path).name destination = destination_lib_dir / basename copyfile(path, destination, force_copy_symlink=True) # Patch the ICU libraries to contain the $ORIGIN rpath # value, so that only the local package libraries are used. linux_set_rpaths(patchelf, destination, '$ORIGIN') # Patch the QtCore library to find the copied over ICU libraries # (if necessary). log.info("Checking if QtCore library needs a new rpath to make it work with ICU libs.") linux_prepend_rpath(patchelf, qt_core_library_path, '$ORIGIN') def linux_run_read_elf(executable_path): cmd = f"readelf -d {executable_path}" (out, err, code) = back_tick(cmd, True) if code != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Running `readelf -d {executable_path}` failed with error " f"output:\n {err}. ") lines = split_and_strip(out) return lines def linux_set_rpaths(patchelf, executable_path, rpath_string): """ Patches the `executable_path` with a new rpath string. """ cmd = [str(patchelf), '--set-rpath', str(rpath_string), str(executable_path)] if run_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Error patching rpath in {executable_path}") def linux_prepend_rpath(patchelf, executable_path, new_path): """ Prepends a path to the rpaths of the executable unless it has ORIGIN. """ rpaths = linux_get_rpaths(executable_path) if not rpaths or not rpaths_has_origin(rpaths): rpaths.insert(0, new_path) new_rpaths_string = ":".join(rpaths) linux_set_rpaths(patchelf, executable_path, new_rpaths_string) def linux_patch_executable(patchelf, executable_path): """ Patch an executable to run with the Qt libraries. """ linux_prepend_rpath(patchelf, executable_path, '$ORIGIN/../lib') def linux_get_dependent_libraries(executable_path): """ Returns a list of libraries that executable_path depends on. """ lines = linux_run_read_elf(executable_path) pattern = re.compile(r"^.+?\(NEEDED\).+?\[(.+?)\]$") library_lines = [] for line in lines: match = pattern.search(line) if match: library_line = match.group(1) library_lines.append(library_line) return library_lines def linux_get_rpaths(executable_path): """ Returns a list of run path values embedded in the executable or just an empty list. """ lines = linux_run_read_elf(executable_path) pattern = re.compile(r"^.+?\(RUNPATH\).+?\[(.+?)\]$") rpath_line = None for line in lines: match = pattern.search(line) if match: rpath_line = match.group(1) break rpaths = [] if rpath_line: rpaths = rpath_line.split(':') return rpaths def rpaths_has_origin(rpaths): """ Return True if the specified list of rpaths has an "$ORIGIN" value (aka current dir). """ if not rpaths: return False pattern = re.compile(r"^\$ORIGIN(/)?$") for rpath in rpaths: match = pattern.search(rpath) if match: return True return False def linux_needs_qt_rpath(executable_path): """ Returns true if library_path depends on Qt libraries. """ dependencies = linux_get_dependent_libraries(executable_path) # Check if any library dependencies are Qt libraries (hacky). needs_qt_rpath = False for dep in dependencies: if 'Qt' in dep: needs_qt_rpath = True break return needs_qt_rpath def linux_fix_rpaths_for_library(patchelf, executable_path, qt_rpath, override=False): """ Adds or overrides required rpaths in given executable / library. """ rpaths = ['$ORIGIN/'] existing_rpaths = [] if not override: existing_rpaths = linux_get_rpaths(executable_path) rpaths.extend(existing_rpaths) qt_rpath = str(qt_rpath) if linux_needs_qt_rpath(executable_path) and qt_rpath not in existing_rpaths: rpaths.append(qt_rpath) rpaths_string = ':'.join(rpaths) linux_set_rpaths(patchelf, executable_path, rpaths_string) def memoize(function): """ Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable. It returns cached values when the wrapped function is called with the same arguments. """ memo = {} def wrapper(*args): if args in memo: return memo[args] else: rv = function(*args) memo[args] = rv return rv return wrapper def get_python_dict(python_script_path): try: with open(python_script_path) as f: python_dict = {} code = compile(f.read(), python_script_path, 'exec') exec(code, {}, python_dict) return python_dict except IOError as e: print(f"get_python_dict: Couldn't get dict from python " f"file: {python_script_path}. {e}") raise def get_qtci_virtualEnv(python_ver, host, hostArch, targetArch): _pExe = "python" _env = f"{os.environ.get('PYSIDE_VIRTUALENV') or 'env'+python_ver}" env_python = f"{_env}/bin/python" env_pip = f"{_env}/bin/pip" if host == "Windows": log.info("New virtualenv to build {targetArch} in {hostArch} host") _pExe = "python.exe" # With windows we are creating building 32-bit target in 64-bit host if hostArch == "X86_64" and targetArch == "X86": if python_ver.startswith("3"): var = f"PYTHON{python_ver}-32_PATH" log.info(f"Try to find python from {var} env variable") _path = Path(os.getenv(var, "")) _pExe = _path / "python.exe" if not _pExe.is_file(): log.warn(f"Can't find python.exe from {_pExe}, using default python3") _pExe = Path(os.getenv("PYTHON3_32_PATH")) / "python.exe" else: _pExe = Path(os.getenv("PYTHON2_32_PATH")) / "python.exe" else: if python_ver.startswith("3"): var = f"PYTHON{python_ver}-64_PATH" log.info(f"Try to find python from {var} env variable") _path = Path(os.getenv(var, "")) _pExe = _path / "python.exe" if not _pExe.is_file(): log.warn(f"Can't find python.exe from {_pExe}, using default python3") _pExe = Path(os.getenv("PYTHON3_PATH")) / "python.exe" env_python = f"{_env}\\Scripts\\python.exe" env_pip = f"{_env}\\Scripts\\pip.exe" else: _pExe = f"python{python_ver}" try: run_instruction([_pExe, "--version"], f"Failed to guess python version {_pExe}") except Exception as e: print(f"Exception {type(e).__name__}: {e}") _pExe = "python3" return(_pExe, _env, env_pip, env_python) def run_instruction(instruction, error, initial_env=None): if initial_env is None: initial_env = os.environ log.info(f"Running Coin instruction: {' '.join(str(e) for e in instruction)}") result = subprocess.call(instruction, env=initial_env) if result != 0: log.error(f"ERROR : {error}") exit(result) def get_ci_qtpaths_path(ci_install_dir, ci_host_os): qtpaths_path = f"--qtpaths={ci_install_dir}" if ci_host_os == "MacOS": return f"{qtpaths_path}/bin/qtpaths" elif ci_host_os == "Windows": return f"{qtpaths_path}\\bin\\qtpaths.exe" else: return f"{qtpaths_path}/bin/qtpaths" def get_ci_qmake_path(ci_install_dir, ci_host_os): qmake_path = f"--qmake={ci_install_dir}" if ci_host_os == "MacOS": return f"{qmake_path}/bin/qmake" elif ci_host_os == "Windows": return f"{qmake_path}\\bin\\qmake.exe" else: return f"{qmake_path}/bin/qmake" def parse_cmake_conf_assignments_by_key(source_dir): """ Parses a .cmake.conf file that contains set(foo "bar") assignments and returns a dict with those assignments transformed to keys and values. """ contents = (Path(source_dir) / ".cmake.conf").read_text() matches = re.findall(r'set\((.+?) "(.*?)"\)', contents) d = {key: value for key, value in matches} return d def _configure_failure_message(project_path, cmd, return_code, output, error, env): """Format a verbose message about configure_cmake_project() failures.""" cmd_string = ' '.join(cmd) error_text = indent(error.strip(), " ") output_text = indent(output.strip(), " ") result = dedent(f""" Failed to configure CMake project: '{project_path}' Configure args were: {cmd_string} Return code: {return_code} """) first = True for k, v in env.items(): if k.startswith("CMAKE"): if first: result += "Environment:\n" first = False result += f" {k}={v}\n" result += f"\nwith error:\n{error_text}\n" CMAKE_CMAKEOUTPUT_LOG_PATTERN = r'See also "([^"]+CMakeOutput\.log)"\.' cmakeoutput_log_match = re.search(CMAKE_CMAKEOUTPUT_LOG_PATTERN, output) if cmakeoutput_log_match: cmakeoutput_log = Path(cmakeoutput_log_match.group(1)) if cmakeoutput_log.is_file(): log = indent(cmakeoutput_log.read_text().strip(), " ") result += f"CMakeOutput.log:\n{log}\n" result += f"Output:\n{output_text}\n" return result def configure_cmake_project(project_path, cmake_path, build_path=None, temp_prefix_build_path=None, cmake_args=None, cmake_cache_args=None, ): clean_temp_dir = False if not build_path: # Ensure parent dir exists. if temp_prefix_build_path: os.makedirs(temp_prefix_build_path, exist_ok=True) project_name = Path(project_path).name build_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=f"{project_name}_", dir=temp_prefix_build_path) if 'QFP_SETUP_KEEP_TEMP_FILES' not in os.environ: clean_temp_dir = True cmd = [cmake_path, '-G', 'Ninja', '-S', project_path, '-B', build_path] if cmake_args: cmd.extend(cmake_args) for arg, value in cmake_cache_args: cmd.extend([f'-D{arg}={value}']) cmd = [str(i) for i in cmd] proc = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=False, cwd=build_path, capture_output=True, universal_newlines=True) return_code = proc.returncode output = proc.stdout error = proc.stderr if return_code != 0: m = _configure_failure_message(project_path, cmd, return_code, output, error, os.environ) raise RuntimeError(m) if clean_temp_dir: remove_tree(build_path) return output def parse_cmake_project_message_info(output): # Parse the output for anything prefixed # '-- qfp::: ' as created by the message() # calls in a given CMake project and store it in a python dict. result = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str)) pattern = re.compile(r"^-- qfp:(.+?):(.+?):(.*)$") for line in output.splitlines(): found = pattern.search(line) if found: category = found.group(1).strip() key = found.group(2).strip() value = found.group(3).strip() result[category][key] = str(value) return result def available_pyside_tools(qt_tools_path: Path, package_for_wheels: bool = False): pyside_tools = PYSIDE_PYTHON_TOOLS.copy() if package_for_wheels: # Qt wrappers in build/{python_env_name}/package_for_wheels/PySide6 bin_path = qt_tools_path else: bin_path = qt_tools_path / "bin" def tool_exist(tool_path: Path): if tool_path.exists(): return True else: log.warning(f"{tool_path} not found. pyside-{tool_path.name} not included.") return False if sys.platform == 'win32': pyside_tools.extend([tool for tool in PYSIDE_WINDOWS_BIN_TOOLS if tool_exist(bin_path / f"{tool}.exe")]) else: lib_exec_path = qt_tools_path / "Qt" / "libexec" if package_for_wheels \ else qt_tools_path / "libexec" pyside_tools.extend([tool for tool in PYSIDE_LINUX_LIBEXEC_TOOLS if tool_exist(lib_exec_path / tool)]) pyside_tools.extend([tool for tool in PYSIDE_LINUX_BIN_TOOLS if tool_exist(bin_path / tool)]) return pyside_tools def copy_qt_metatypes(destination_qt_dir, _vars): """Copy the Qt metatypes files which changed location in 6.5""" # /[lib]?/metatypes/* -> /{st_package_name}/Qt/[lib]?/metatypes qt_meta_types_dir = "{qt_metatypes_dir}".format(**_vars) qt_prefix_dir = "{qt_prefix_dir}".format(**_vars) rel_meta_data_dir = os.fspath(Path(qt_meta_types_dir).relative_to(qt_prefix_dir)) copydir(qt_meta_types_dir, destination_qt_dir / rel_meta_data_dir, _filter=["*.json"], recursive=False, _vars=_vars, force_copy_symlinks=True)