# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import os import platform import sys from pathlib import Path from email.generator import Generator from .log import log from .options import OPTION, CommandMixin from .utils import is_64bit from .wheel_utils import get_package_version, get_qt_version, macos_plat_name wheel_module_exists = False try: from packaging import tags from wheel import __version__ as wheel_version from wheel.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel as _bdist_wheel from wheel.bdist_wheel import get_abi_tag, get_platform from wheel.bdist_wheel import safer_name as _safer_name wheel_module_exists = True except Exception as e: _bdist_wheel, wheel_version = type, "" # dummy to make class statement happy log.warning(f"***** Exception while trying to prepare bdist_wheel override class: {e}. " "Skipping wheel overriding.") def get_bdist_wheel_override(): return PysideBuildWheel if wheel_module_exists else None class PysideBuildWheel(_bdist_wheel, CommandMixin): user_options = (_bdist_wheel.user_options + CommandMixin.mixin_user_options if wheel_module_exists else None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.command_name = "bdist_wheel" self._package_version = None _bdist_wheel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) CommandMixin.__init__(self) def finalize_options(self): CommandMixin.mixin_finalize_options(self) if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Override the platform name to contain the correct # minimum deployment target. # This is used in the final wheel name. self.plat_name = macos_plat_name() # When limited API is requested, notify bdist_wheel to # create a properly named package, which will contain # the initial cpython version we support. limited_api_enabled = OPTION["LIMITED_API"] == 'yes' if limited_api_enabled: self.py_limited_api = "cp37" self._package_version = get_package_version() _bdist_wheel.finalize_options(self) @property def wheel_dist_name(self): # Slightly modified version of wheel's wheel_dist_name # method, to add the Qt version as well. # Example: # PySide6-6.3-6.3.2-cp36-abi3-macosx_10_10_intel.whl # The PySide6 version is "6.3". # The Qt version built against is "6.3.2". wheel_version = f"{self._package_version}-{get_qt_version()}" components = (_safer_name(self.distribution.get_name()), wheel_version) if self.build_number: components += (self.build_number,) return '-'.join(components) # Modify the returned wheel tag tuple to use correct python version # info when cross-compiling. We use the python info extracted from # the shiboken python config test. # setuptools / wheel don't support cross compiling out of the box # at the moment. Relevant discussion at # https://discuss.python.org/t/towards-standardizing-cross-compiling/10357 def get_cross_compiling_tag_tuple(self, tag_tuple): (old_impl, old_abi_tag, plat_name) = tag_tuple # Compute tag from the python version that the build command # queried. build_command = self.get_finalized_command('build') python_target_info = build_command.python_target_info['python_info'] impl = 'no-py-ver-impl-available' abi = 'no-abi-tag-info-available' py_version = python_target_info['version'].split('.') py_version_major, py_version_minor, _ = py_version so_abi = python_target_info['so_abi'] if so_abi and so_abi.startswith('cpython-'): interpreter_name, cp_version = so_abi.split('-')[:2] impl_name = tags.INTERPRETER_SHORT_NAMES.get(interpreter_name) or interpreter_name impl_ver = f"{py_version_major}{py_version_minor}" impl = impl_name + impl_ver abi = f'cp{cp_version}' tag_tuple = (impl, abi, plat_name) return tag_tuple # Adjust wheel tag for limited api and cross compilation. @staticmethod def adjust_cross_compiled_many_linux_tag(old_tag): (old_impl, old_abi_tag, old_plat_name) = old_tag new_plat_name = old_plat_name # TODO: Detect glibc version instead. We're abusing the # manylinux2014 tag here, just like we did with manylinux1 # for x86_64 builds. many_linux_prefix = 'manylinux2014' linux_prefix = "linux_" if old_plat_name.startswith(linux_prefix): # Extract the arch suffix like -armv7l or -aarch64 _index = old_plat_name.index(linux_prefix) + len(linux_prefix) plat_name_arch_suffix = old_plat_name[_index:] new_plat_name = f"{many_linux_prefix}_{plat_name_arch_suffix}" tag = (old_impl, old_abi_tag, new_plat_name) return tag # Adjust wheel tag for limited api and cross compilation. def adjust_tag_and_supported_tags(self, old_tag, supported_tags): tag = old_tag (old_impl, old_abi_tag, old_plat_name) = old_tag # Get new tag for cross builds. if self.is_cross_compile: tag = self.get_cross_compiling_tag_tuple(old_tag) # Use PEP600 for manylinux wheel name # For Qt6 we know RHEL 8.4 is the base linux platform, # and has GLIBC 2.28. # This will generate a name that contains: # manylinux_2_28 # TODO: Add actual distro detection, instead of # relying on limited_api option. if (old_plat_name in ('linux-x86_64', 'linux_x86_64') and is_64bit() and self.py_limited_api): _, _version = platform.libc_ver() glibc = _version.replace(".", "_") tag = (old_impl, old_abi_tag, f"manylinux_{glibc}_x86_64") # Set manylinux tag for cross-compiled builds when targeting # limited api. if self.is_cross_compile and self.py_limited_api: tag = self.adjust_cross_compiled_many_linux_tag(tag) # Reset the abi name and python versions supported by this wheel # when targeting limited API. This is the same code that's # in get_tag(), but done later after our own customizations. if self.py_limited_api and old_impl.startswith('cp3'): (_, _, adjusted_plat_name) = tag impl = self.py_limited_api abi_tag = 'abi3' tag = (impl, abi_tag, adjusted_plat_name) # If building for limited API or we created a new tag, add it # to the list of supported tags. if tag != old_tag or self.py_limited_api: supported_tags.append(tag) return tag # A slightly modified copy of get_tag from bdist_wheel.py, to allow # adjusting the returned tag without triggering an assert. Otherwise # we would have to rename wheels manually. # Copy is up-to-date since commit # 0acd203cd896afec7f715aa2ff5980a403459a3b in the wheel repo. def get_tag(self): # bdist sets self.plat_name if unset, we should only use it for purepy # wheels if the user supplied it. if self.plat_name_supplied: plat_name = self.plat_name elif self.root_is_pure: plat_name = 'any' else: # macosx contains system version in platform name so need special handle if self.plat_name and not self.plat_name.startswith("macosx"): plat_name = self.plat_name else: # on macOS always limit the platform name to comply with any # c-extension modules in bdist_dir, since the user can specify # a higher MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET via tools like CMake # on other platforms, and on macOS if there are no c-extension # modules, use the default platform name. plat_name = get_platform(self.bdist_dir) if plat_name in ('linux-x86_64', 'linux_x86_64') and not is_64bit(): plat_name = 'linux_i686' plat_name = plat_name.lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') if self.root_is_pure: if self.universal: impl = 'py3' else: impl = self.python_tag tag = (impl, 'none', plat_name) else: impl_name = tags.interpreter_name() impl_ver = tags.interpreter_version() impl = impl_name + impl_ver # We don't work on CPython 3.1, 3.0. if self.py_limited_api and (impl_name + impl_ver).startswith('cp3'): impl = self.py_limited_api abi_tag = 'abi3' else: abi_tag = str(get_abi_tag()).lower() tag = (impl, abi_tag, plat_name) # issue gh-374: allow overriding plat_name supported_tags = [(t.interpreter, t.abi, plat_name) for t in tags.sys_tags()] # PySide's custom override. tag = self.adjust_tag_and_supported_tags(tag, supported_tags) assert tag in supported_tags, (f"would build wheel with unsupported tag {tag}") return tag # Copy of get_tag from bdist_wheel.py, to write a triplet Tag # only once for the limited_api case. def write_wheelfile(self, wheelfile_base, generator=f'bdist_wheel ({wheel_version})'): from email.message import Message msg = Message() msg['Wheel-Version'] = '1.0' # of the spec msg['Generator'] = generator msg['Root-Is-Purelib'] = str(self.root_is_pure).lower() if self.build_number is not None: msg['Build'] = self.build_number # Doesn't work for bdist_wininst impl_tag, abi_tag, plat_tag = self.get_tag() # To enable pypi upload we are adjusting the wheel name pypi_ready = True if OPTION["LIMITED_API"] else False def writeTag(impl): for abi in abi_tag.split('.'): for plat in plat_tag.split('.'): msg['Tag'] = '-'.join((impl, abi, plat)) if pypi_ready: writeTag(impl_tag) else: for impl in impl_tag.split('.'): writeTag(impl) wheelfile_path = Path(wheelfile_base) / 'WHEEL' log.info(f'creating {wheelfile_path}') with open(wheelfile_path, 'w') as f: Generator(f, maxheaderlen=0).flatten(msg) if not wheel_module_exists: del PysideBuildWheel