# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import time from pathlib import Path from sysconfig import get_config_var, get_platform from packaging.version import parse as parse_version from setuptools.errors import SetupError from .options import OPTION from .qtinfo import QtInfo from .utils import memoize, parse_cmake_conf_assignments_by_key from . import PYSIDE @memoize def get_package_timestamp(): """ In a Coin CI build the returned timestamp will be the Coin integration id timestamp. For regular builds it's just the current timestamp or a user provided one.""" option_value = OPTION["PACKAGE_TIMESTAMP"] return option_value if option_value else int(time.time()) def get_qt_version(): qtinfo = QtInfo() qt_version = qtinfo.version if not qt_version: raise SetupError("Failed to query the Qt version with qmake {qtinfo.qmake_command}") if parse_version(qtinfo.version) < parse_version("5.7"): raise SetupError(f"Incompatible Qt version detected: {qt_version}. " "A Qt version >= 5.7 is required.") return qt_version @memoize def get_package_version(): """ Returns the version string for the PySide6 package. """ setup_script_dir = Path.cwd() pyside_project_dir = setup_script_dir / "sources" / PYSIDE d = parse_cmake_conf_assignments_by_key(pyside_project_dir) major_version = d['pyside_MAJOR_VERSION'] minor_version = d['pyside_MINOR_VERSION'] patch_version = d['pyside_MICRO_VERSION'] final_version = f"{major_version}.{minor_version}.{patch_version}" release_version_type = d.get('pyside_PRE_RELEASE_VERSION_TYPE') pre_release_version = d.get('pyside_PRE_RELEASE_VERSION') if release_version_type and not release_version_type.startswith("comm") and pre_release_version: final_version = f"{final_version}{release_version_type}{pre_release_version}" if release_version_type and release_version_type.startswith("comm"): final_version = f"{final_version}+{release_version_type}" # Add the current timestamp to the version number, to suggest it # is a development snapshot build. if OPTION["SNAPSHOT_BUILD"]: final_version = f"{final_version}.dev{get_package_timestamp()}" return final_version def macos_qt_min_deployment_target(): target = QtInfo().macos_min_deployment_target if not target: raise SetupError("Failed to query for Qt's QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET.") return target @memoize def macos_pyside_min_deployment_target(): """ Compute and validate PySide6 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET value. Candidate sources that are considered: - setup.py provided value - maximum value between minimum deployment target of the Python interpreter and the minimum deployment target of the Qt libraries. If setup.py value is provided, that takes precedence. Otherwise use the maximum of the above mentioned two values. """ python_target = get_config_var('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET') or None qt_target = macos_qt_min_deployment_target() setup_target = OPTION["MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] qt_target_split = [int(x) for x in qt_target.split('.')] if python_target: # macOS Big Sur returns a number not a string python_target_split = [int(x) for x in str(python_target).split('.')] if setup_target: setup_target_split = [int(x) for x in setup_target.split('.')] message = ("Can't set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET value to {} because " "{} was built with minimum deployment target set to {}.") # setup.py provided OPTION["MACOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] value takes # precedence. if setup_target: if python_target and setup_target_split < python_target_split: raise SetupError(message.format(setup_target, "Python", python_target)) if setup_target_split < qt_target_split: raise SetupError(message.format(setup_target, "Qt", qt_target)) # All checks clear, use setup.py provided value. return setup_target # Setup.py value not provided, # use same value as provided by Qt. if python_target: maximum_target = '.'.join([str(e) for e in max(python_target_split, qt_target_split)]) else: maximum_target = qt_target return maximum_target @memoize def macos_plat_name(): deployment_target = macos_pyside_min_deployment_target() # Example triple "macosx-10.12-x86_64". plat = get_platform().split("-") plat_name = f"{plat[0]}-{deployment_target}-{plat[2]}" return plat_name