# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import os import logging import site import sys from build_scripts.log import log from build_scripts.options import has_option, log, option_value from build_scripts.utils import (expand_clang_variables, get_ci_qmake_path, get_qtci_virtualEnv, remove_tree, run_instruction) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Values must match COIN thrift CI_HOST_OS = option_value("os") CI_TARGET_OS = option_value("targetOs") CI_HOST_ARCH = option_value("hostArch") CI_TARGET_ARCH = option_value("targetArch") CI_HOST_OS_VER = option_value("osVer") CI_ENV_INSTALL_DIR = option_value("instdir") CI_ENV_AGENT_DIR = option_value("agentdir") or "." CI_COMPILER = option_value("compiler") CI_FEATURES = [] _ci_features = option_value("features") if _ci_features is not None: for f in _ci_features.split(', '): CI_FEATURES.append(f) CI_RELEASE_CONF = has_option("packaging") def call_testrunner(python_ver, buildnro): _pExe, _env, env_pip, env_python = get_qtci_virtualEnv(python_ver, CI_HOST_OS, CI_HOST_ARCH, CI_TARGET_ARCH) remove_tree(_env, True) # Pinning the virtualenv before creating one # Use pip3 if possible while pip seems to install the virtualenv to wrong dir in some OS python3 = "python3" if sys.platform == "win32": python3 = os.path.join(os.getenv("PYTHON3_PATH"), "python.exe") # we shouldn't install anything outside of virtualenv, while m1 is not virtualized yet if CI_HOST_OS == "MacOS" and CI_HOST_ARCH == "ARM64": v_env = "virtualenv" run_instruction([str(v_env), "-p", str(_pExe), str(_env)], "Failed to create virtualenv") run_instruction([env_pip, "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"], "Failed to install dependencies") else: run_instruction([python3, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "virtualenv==20.7.2"], "Failed to pin virtualenv") # installing to user base might not be in PATH by default. env_path = os.path.join(site.USER_BASE, "bin") v_env = os.path.join(env_path, "virtualenv") if sys.platform == "win32": env_path = os.path.join(site.USER_BASE, "Scripts") v_env = os.path.join(env_path, "virtualenv.exe") try: run_instruction([str(v_env), "--version"], "Using default virtualenv") except Exception as e: log.info("Failed to use the default virtualenv") log.info(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}") v_env = "virtualenv" run_instruction([str(v_env), "-p", str(_pExe), str(_env)], "Failed to create virtualenv") # When the 'python_ver' variable is empty, we are using Python 2 # Pip is always upgraded when CI template is provisioned, upgrading it in later phase may cause perm issue run_instruction([env_pip, "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"], "Failed to install dependencies") # Install distro to replace missing platform.linux_distribution() in python3.8 run_instruction([env_pip, "install", "distro"], "Failed to install distro") cmd = [env_python, "testrunner.py", "test", "--blacklist", "build_history/blacklist.txt", f"--buildno={buildnro}"] run_instruction(cmd, "Failed to run testrunner.py") qmake_path = get_ci_qmake_path(CI_ENV_INSTALL_DIR, CI_HOST_OS) # Try to install built wheels, and build some buildable examples. if CI_RELEASE_CONF: wheel_tester_path = os.path.join("testing", "wheel_tester.py") # We create wheels differently in Qt CI with Windows and there are no "old" wheels if CI_HOST_OS != "Windows": # Run the test for the old set of wheels cmd = [env_python, wheel_tester_path, qmake_path] run_instruction(cmd, "Error while running wheel_tester.py on old wheels") # Uninstalling the other wheels run_instruction([env_pip, "uninstall", "shiboken6", "shiboken6_generator", "pyside6", "-y"], "Failed to uninstall old wheels") # Run the test for the new set of wheels cmd = [env_python, wheel_tester_path, qmake_path, "--wheels-dir=dist_new", "--new"] run_instruction(cmd, "Error while running wheel_tester.py on new wheels") def run_test_instructions(): # Remove some environment variables that impact cmake arch = '32' if CI_TARGET_ARCH == 'X86' else '64' expand_clang_variables(arch) for env_var in ['CC', 'CXX']: if os.environ.get(env_var): del os.environ[env_var] os.chdir(CI_ENV_AGENT_DIR) testRun = 0 # In win machines, there are additional python versions to test with if CI_HOST_OS == "Windows": if (os.environ.get('HOST_OSVERSION_COIN')).startswith('windows_10'): call_testrunner("3.10.0", str(testRun)) else: call_testrunner("3.7.9", str(testRun)) elif CI_HOST_OS == "Linux": call_testrunner("3.8", str(testRun)) else: call_testrunner("3", str(testRun)) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test_instructions()