# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import os import platform import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from shutil import copy, rmtree from sysconfig import get_config_var from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import build # type: ignore from build_scripts.wheel_files import (ModuleData, # type: ignore set_pyside_package_path, wheel_files_pyside_addons, wheel_files_pyside_essentials) from build_scripts.utils import available_pyside_tools PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS = "package_for_wheels" @dataclass class SetupData: name: str version: str description: str long_description: str console_scripts: List[str] def get_version_from_package(name: str) -> str: # Get version from the already configured '__init__.py' file version = "" with open(package_path / name / "__init__.py") as f: for line in f: if line.strip().startswith("__version__"): version = line.split("=")[1].strip().replace('"', "") break return version def get_manifest(wheel_name: str, data: List[ModuleData]) -> str: lines = [] for module in data: # It's crucial to have this adjust method here # because it include all the necessary modifications to make # our soltuion work on the three main platforms. module.adjusts_paths_and_extensions() for field in module.get_fields(): if field == "name": lines.append(f"# {getattr(module, field)}") continue if field == "ext": continue for line in getattr(module, field): if field in ("extra_dirs", "qml", "plugins"): lines.append(f"graft PySide6/{line}") elif field == "qtlib" and sys.platform == "darwin": lines.append(f"graft PySide6/{line}") else: lines.append(f"include PySide6/{line}") lines.append("recursive-exclude PySide6 *qt.conf*") lines.append("") # Skip certain files if needed lines.append("recursive-exclude PySide6/Qt/qml *.debug") lines.append("prune PySide6/Qt/qml/QtQuick3D/MaterialEditor") return "\n".join(lines) def generate_setup_cfg(artifacts: Path, setup: SetupData) -> str: content = None _os = sys.platform arch = platform.machine() # as Qt6 we know it's GLIBC 2.28 on RHEL 8.4 _tag = "" if _os == "linux": glibc = platform.libc_ver()[1].replace(".", "_") # Will generate manylinux_2_28_x86_64 _tag = f"manylinux_{glibc}_{arch}" elif _os == "darwin": target = get_config_var("MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET") if not target: print("Error: couldn't get the value from MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET. " "Falling back to local platform version.") mac_ver, _, _ = platform.mac_ver() # We get 10.14.2 for example, and transform into 10_14 target = "_".join(mac_ver.split(".")[:2]) else: version = target.split(".") if len(version) > 1: target = "_".join(version) else: target = f"{version[0]}_0" # TODO: Make it general # To check if is compatible with 64bit on multi-arch systems # is_64bits = sys.maxsize > 2**32 # # We know the CI builds universal2 wheels _tag = f"macosx_{target}_universal2" elif _os == "win32": win_arch = platform.architecture()[0] msvc_arch = "x86" if win_arch.startswith("32") else "amd64" _tag = f"win_{msvc_arch}" with open(artifacts / "setup.cfg.base") as f: content = f.read().format( name=setup.name, version=setup.version, description=setup.description, long_description=setup.long_description, tag=_tag, ) return content def generate_setup_py(artifacts: Path, setup: SetupData): content = None _name = setup.name # To get the 'abi3' tag on the wheel name, we need to use # a fake extension to activate the limited-api option. # Because of the order of copying, we will use a name of a real # module for each package, so it gets overwrited. if _name == "PySide6": fext = "PySide6/QtCore" elif _name == "PySide6_Addons": fext = "PySide6/Qt3DCore" else: fext = "Shiboken" # Installing dependencies install_requires = [] if name == "PySide6": install_requires.append(f"shiboken6=={setup.version}") install_requires.append(f"PySide6_Essentials=={setup.version}") install_requires.append(f"PySide6_Addons=={setup.version}") elif _name == "PySide6_Essentials": install_requires.append(f"shiboken6=={setup.version}") elif _name == "PySide6_Addons": install_requires.append(f"shiboken6=={setup.version}") install_requires.append(f"PySide6_Essentials=={setup.version}") # For special wheels based on 'PySide6' # we force the name to be PySide6 for the package_name, # so we can take the files from that packaged-directory if setup.name in ("PySide6_Essentials", "PySide6_Addons"): _name = "PySide6" with open(artifacts / "setup.py.base") as f: content = f.read().format( name=_name, fake_ext=fext, install=install_requires, console_scripts={"console_scripts": setup.console_scripts}, ) return content def wheel_shiboken_generator() -> Tuple[SetupData, None]: setup = SetupData( name="shiboken6_generator", version=get_version_from_package("shiboken6_generator"), description="Python/C++ bindings generator", long_description="README.shiboken6-generator.md", console_scripts=[ "shiboken6 = shiboken6_generator.scripts.shiboken_tool:main", "shiboken6-genpyi = shiboken6_generator.scripts.shiboken_tool:genpyi", ], ) return setup, None def wheel_shiboken_module() -> Tuple[SetupData, None]: setup = SetupData( name="shiboken6", version=get_version_from_package("shiboken6"), description="Python/C++ bindings helper module", long_description="README.shiboken6.md", console_scripts=[], ) return setup, None def wheel_pyside6_essentials(packaged_qt_tools_path: Path) -> Tuple[SetupData, List[ModuleData]]: set_pyside_package_path(packaged_qt_tools_path) _pyside_tools = available_pyside_tools(packaged_qt_tools_path, package_for_wheels=True) # replacing pyside6-android_deploy by pyside6-android-deploy for consistency # Also, the tool should not exist in any other platform than Linux _console_scripts = [] if ("android_deploy" in _pyside_tools) and sys.platform.startswith("linux"): _console_scripts = ["pyside6-android-deploy = PySide6.scripts.pyside_tool:android_deploy"] _pyside_tools.remove("android_deploy") _console_scripts.extend([f"pyside6-{tool} = PySide6.scripts.pyside_tool:{tool}" for tool in _pyside_tools]) setup = SetupData( name="PySide6_Essentials", version=get_version_from_package("PySide6"), # we use 'PySide6' here description="Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework (Essentials)", long_description="README.pyside6_essentials.md", console_scripts=_console_scripts ) data = wheel_files_pyside_essentials() return setup, data def wheel_pyside6_addons() -> Tuple[SetupData, List[ModuleData]]: setup = SetupData( name="PySide6_Addons", version=get_version_from_package("PySide6"), # we use 'PySide6' here description="Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework (Addons)", long_description="README.pyside6_addons.md", console_scripts=[], ) data = wheel_files_pyside_addons() return setup, data def wheel_pyside6() -> Tuple[SetupData, Optional[List[ModuleData]]]: setup = SetupData( name="PySide6", version=get_version_from_package("PySide6"), description="Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework", long_description="README.pyside6.md", console_scripts=[], ) return setup, None def venv_name(): v = os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV") return Path(v).name if v else None def get_build_directory(options: Namespace): build_dir = Path("build") # Search for a "--env" option first", try postfix "a" for limited API or "d", debug venv = options.env if options.env else venv_name() if venv: for postfix in ("a", "d", ""): result = build_dir / f"{venv}{postfix}" if result.is_dir(): return result if options.env: raise Exception(f'Invalid environment "{options.env}" passed') # Try explicit build-dir if options.build_dir and (Path(options.build_dir) / PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS).is_dir(): return Path(options.build_dir) # Fallback to existing dirs (skip "config.tests") for d in build_dir.glob("*"): if (d / PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS).is_dir(): print( "No valid environment or build directory was specified, so create_wheels is using " "the first valid directory it could find on its own. If this is not the one you " "want, use the --env or --build-dir options to provide it explicitly." ) return d raise Exception("Unable to determine build directory, no matching virtual environment found") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser() # Command line option to find the build/a/package_for_wheels parser.add_argument( "--env", type=str, default=None, help="The env's name from which PySide was built such that the " "build directory is 'build/' (must contain a " "'package_for_wheels' folder" ) # Alternatively, (must contain "package_for_wheels") parser.add_argument( "--build-dir", type=str, default=None, help="The directory where PySide was build (must contain a " "'package_for_wheels' folder" ) options = parser.parse_args() build_directory = get_build_directory(options) verbose = False # Setup paths current_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent artifacts_path = Path("wheel_artifacts/") # the extra 'a' is for compatibility with the build_scripts # notation that adds an 'a' when using limited-api package_path = build_directory / PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS print(f'Using build dir "{build_directory.name}"') # Check for 'package_for_wheels' directory if not package_path.is_dir(): print(f"Couldn't find the directory: {package_path}") print("Maybe your build used '--skip-packaging'?. Exiting") sys.exit(-1) setup_cfg_path = package_path / "setup.cfg" setup_py_path = package_path / "setup.py" base_files = [ artifacts_path / "pyproject.toml", current_path / "LICENSES/GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/GPL-2.0-only.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/GPL-3.0-only.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/Qt-GPL-exception-1.0.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/LGPL-3.0-only.txt", ] # Main generation wheels = { "shiboken6": wheel_shiboken_module, "shiboken6_generator": wheel_shiboken_generator, "PySide6_Essentials": wheel_pyside6_essentials, "PySide6_Addons": wheel_pyside6_addons, "PySide6": wheel_pyside6, } for name, wheel_info in wheels.items(): print(f"Starting process for: {name}") setup, data = wheel_info() if not name=="PySide6_Essentials" else \ wheel_pyside6_essentials(package_path / "PySide6") # 1. Generate 'setup.cfg' print("-- Generating setup.cfg") setup_cfg_content = generate_setup_cfg(artifacts_path, setup) with open(setup_cfg_path, "w") as f: f.write(setup_cfg_content) # 2. Generate 'setup.py' print("-- Generating setup.py") setup_py_content = generate_setup_py(artifacts_path, setup) with open(setup_py_path, "w") as f: f.write(setup_py_content) # 3. Create the 'MANIFEST.in' # Special case for shiboken and shiboken_generator # so we copy the whole directory, only PySide and derivatives # will need to have specific information print("-- Creating MANIFEST.in") if not data: if name == "PySide6": with open(package_path / "MANIFEST.in", "w") as f: f.write(f"purge {name}\n") else: with open(package_path / "MANIFEST.in", "w") as f: f.write(f"graft {name}\n") else: manifest_content = get_manifest(name, data) with open(package_path / "MANIFEST.in", "w") as f: f.write(manifest_content) # 4. copy configuration files to create the wheel print("-- Copy configuration files to create the wheel") _files: List[Path] = base_files + [Path(setup.long_description)] for fname in _files: copy(fname, package_path) # 5. call the build module to create the wheel # print("-- Creating wheel") # os.chdir(package_path) if not verbose: _runner = build.pep517.wrappers.quiet_subprocess_runner else: _runner = build.pep517.wrappers.default_subprocess_runner builder = build.ProjectBuilder(package_path, runner=_runner) builder.build("wheel", "dist_new") # os.chdir(current_path) # 6. Copy wheels back print("-- Copying wheels to dist_new/") dist_path = Path("dist_new") if not dist_path.is_dir(): dist_path.mkdir() for wheel in Path(package_path / "dist_new").glob("*.whl"): copy(wheel, dist_path / wheel.name) # 7. Remove leftover files print("-- Removing leftover files") all_files = set(package_path.glob("*")) files_to_remove = all_files - { package_path / i for i in ("PySide6", "shiboken6", "shiboken6_generator") } for _f in files_to_remove: if _f.is_dir(): rmtree(_f) elif _f.is_file(): _f.unlink()