# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import os import platform import sys import importlib from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from shutil import copy, rmtree, copytree from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import build # type: ignore from build_scripts.wheel_files import (ModuleData, # type: ignore set_pyside_package_path, wheel_files_pyside_addons, wheel_files_pyside_essentials) from build_scripts.utils import available_pyside_tools PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS = "package_for_wheels" @dataclass class SetupData: name: str version: str description: str readme: str console_scripts: List[str] def get_version_from_package(name: str, package_path: Path) -> str: # Get version from the already configured '__init__.py' file version = "" with open(package_path / name / "__init__.py") as f: for line in f: if line.strip().startswith("__version__"): version = line.split("=")[1].strip().replace('"', "") break return version, f"{name}.__init__.__version__" def get_manifest(wheel_name: str, data: List[ModuleData]) -> str: lines = [] for module in data: # It's crucial to have this adjust method here # because it include all the necessary modifications to make # our soltuion work on the three main platforms. module.adjusts_paths_and_extensions() for field in module.get_fields(): if field == "name": lines.append(f"# {getattr(module, field)}") continue if field == "ext": continue for line in getattr(module, field): if field in ("extra_dirs", "qml", "plugins"): lines.append(f"graft PySide6/{line}") elif field == "qtlib" and sys.platform == "darwin": lines.append(f"graft PySide6/{line}") else: lines.append(f"include PySide6/{line}") lines.append("recursive-exclude PySide6 *qt.conf*") lines.append("") # Skip certain files if needed lines.append("recursive-exclude PySide6/Qt/qml *.debug") lines.append("prune PySide6/Qt/qml/QtQuick3D/MaterialEditor") return "\n".join(lines) def get_simple_manifest(name: str) -> str: if name == "PySide6": return f"prune {name}\n" elif name == "PySide6_Examples": return "prune PySide6\ngraft PySide6/examples\n" return f"graft {name}\n" def get_platform_tag() -> str: _os = sys.platform arch = platform.machine() # as Qt6 we know it's GLIBC 2.28 on RHEL 8.4 _tag = "" if _os == "linux": glibc = platform.libc_ver()[1].replace(".", "_") # Will generate manylinux_2_28_x86_64 _tag = f"manylinux_{glibc}_{arch}" elif _os == "darwin": # find _config.py and load it to obtain __qt_macos_min_deployment_target__ target = None config_py = package_path / "shiboken6" / "_config.py" if not config_py.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find {str(config_py)}") module_name = config_py.name[:-3] _spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(f"{module_name}", config_py) _module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(_spec) _spec.loader.exec_module(module=_module) target = _module.__qt_macos_min_deployment_target__ if not target: print("Error: couldn't get the value from MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET. " "Falling back to local platform version.") mac_ver, _, _ = platform.mac_ver() # We get 10.14.2 for example, and transform into 10_14 target = "_".join(mac_ver.split(".")[:2]) else: version = target.split(".") if len(version) > 1: target = "_".join(version) else: target = f"{version[0]}_0" # TODO: Make it general # To check if is compatible with 64bit on multi-arch systems # is_64bits = sys.maxsize > 2**32 # # We know the CI builds universal2 wheels _tag = f"macosx_{target}_universal2" elif _os == "win32": win_arch = platform.architecture()[0] msvc_arch = "x86" if win_arch.startswith("32") else "amd64" _tag = f"win_{msvc_arch}" return _tag def generate_pyproject_toml(artifacts: Path, setup: SetupData) -> str: content = None _tag = get_platform_tag() with open(artifacts / "pyproject.toml.base") as f: content = ( f.read() .replace("PROJECT_NAME", f'"{setup.name}"') .replace("PROJECT_VERSION", f'"{setup.version[1]}"') .replace("PROJECT_DESCRIPTION", f'"{setup.description}"') .replace("PROJECT_README", f'"{setup.readme}"') .replace("PROJECT_TAG", f'"{_tag}"') ) return content def generate_setup_py(artifacts: Path, setup: SetupData): content = None _name = setup.name # To get the 'abi3' tag on the wheel name, we need to use # a fake extension to activate the limited-api option. # Because of the order of copying, we will use a name of a real # module for each package, so it gets overwrited. if _name == "PySide6": fext = "PySide6/QtCore" elif _name == "PySide6_Addons": fext = "PySide6/Qt3DCore" else: fext = "Shiboken" # Installing dependencies install_requires = [] if name in ("PySide6", "PySide6_Examples"): install_requires.append(f"shiboken6=={setup.version[0]}") install_requires.append(f"PySide6_Essentials=={setup.version[0]}") install_requires.append(f"PySide6_Addons=={setup.version[0]}") elif _name == "PySide6_Essentials": install_requires.append(f"shiboken6=={setup.version[0]}") elif _name == "PySide6_Addons": install_requires.append(f"shiboken6=={setup.version[0]}") install_requires.append(f"PySide6_Essentials=={setup.version[0]}") # For special wheels based on 'PySide6' # we force the name to be PySide6 for the package_name, # so we can take the files from that packaged-directory if setup.name in ("PySide6_Essentials", "PySide6_Addons", "PySide6_Examples"): _name = "PySide6" with open(artifacts / "setup.py.base") as f: content = f.read().format( name=_name, fake_ext=fext, install=install_requires, console_scripts={"console_scripts": setup.console_scripts}, ) return content def wheel_shiboken_generator(package_path: Path) -> Tuple[SetupData, None]: setup = SetupData( name="shiboken6_generator", version=get_version_from_package("shiboken6_generator", package_path), description="Python/C++ bindings generator", readme="README.shiboken6-generator.md", console_scripts=[ "shiboken6 = shiboken6_generator.scripts.shiboken_tool:main", "shiboken6-genpyi = shiboken6_generator.scripts.shiboken_tool:genpyi", ], ) return setup, None def wheel_shiboken_module(package_path: Path) -> Tuple[SetupData, None]: setup = SetupData( name="shiboken6", version=get_version_from_package("shiboken6", package_path), description="Python/C++ bindings helper module", readme="README.shiboken6.md", console_scripts=[], ) return setup, None def wheel_pyside6_essentials(package_path: Path) -> Tuple[SetupData, List[ModuleData]]: packaged_qt_tools_path = package_path / "PySide6" set_pyside_package_path(packaged_qt_tools_path) _pyside_tools = available_pyside_tools(packaged_qt_tools_path, package_for_wheels=True) # replacing pyside6-android_deploy by pyside6-android-deploy for consistency # Also, the tool should not exist in any other platform than Linux _console_scripts = [] if ("android_deploy" in _pyside_tools) and sys.platform.startswith("linux"): _console_scripts = ["pyside6-android-deploy = PySide6.scripts.pyside_tool:android_deploy"] _pyside_tools.remove("android_deploy") _console_scripts.extend([f"pyside6-{tool} = PySide6.scripts.pyside_tool:{tool}" for tool in _pyside_tools]) setup = SetupData( name="PySide6_Essentials", version=get_version_from_package("PySide6", package_path), # we use 'PySide6' here description="Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework (Essentials)", readme="README.pyside6_essentials.md", console_scripts=_console_scripts ) data = wheel_files_pyside_essentials() return setup, data def wheel_pyside6_addons(package_path: Path) -> Tuple[SetupData, List[ModuleData]]: setup = SetupData( name="PySide6_Addons", version=get_version_from_package("PySide6", package_path), # we use 'PySide6' here description="Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework (Addons)", readme="README.pyside6_addons.md", console_scripts=[], ) data = wheel_files_pyside_addons() return setup, data def wheel_pyside6(package_path: Path) -> Tuple[SetupData, Optional[List[ModuleData]]]: setup = SetupData( name="PySide6", version=get_version_from_package("PySide6", package_path), description="Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework", readme="README.pyside6.md", console_scripts=[], ) return setup, None def wheel_pyside6_examples(package_path: Path) -> Tuple[SetupData, Optional[List[ModuleData]]]: setup = SetupData( name="PySide6_Examples", version=get_version_from_package("PySide6", package_path), description="Examples for the Qt for Python project", readme="README.pyside6_examples.md", console_scripts=[], ) return setup, None def copy_examples_for_wheel(package_path: Path): # Copying examples try: copytree("examples", package_path / "PySide6" / "examples", dirs_exist_ok=True) except OSError as e: print("Error trying to copy the examples directory:", e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) def venv_name(): v = os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV") return Path(v).name if v else None def get_build_directory(options: Namespace): build_dir = Path("build") # Search for a "--env" option first", try postfix "a" for limited API or "d", debug venv = options.env if options.env else venv_name() if venv: for postfix in ("a", "d", ""): result = build_dir / f"{venv}{postfix}" if result.is_dir(): return result if options.env: raise Exception(f'Invalid environment "{options.env}" passed') # Try explicit build-dir if options.build_dir and (Path(options.build_dir) / PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS).is_dir(): return Path(options.build_dir) # Fallback to existing dirs (skip "config.tests") for d in build_dir.glob("*"): if (d / PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS).is_dir(): print( "No valid environment or build directory was specified, so create_wheels is using " "the first valid directory it could find on its own. If this is not the one you " "want, use the --env or --build-dir options to provide it explicitly." ) return d raise Exception("Unable to determine build directory, no matching virtual environment found") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser() # Command line option to find the build/a/package_for_wheels parser.add_argument( "--env", type=str, default=None, help="The env's name from which PySide was built such that the " "build directory is 'build/' (must contain a " "'package_for_wheels' folder" ) # Alternatively, (must contain "package_for_wheels") parser.add_argument( "--build-dir", type=str, default=None, help="The directory where PySide was build (must contain a " "'package_for_wheels' folder" ) options = parser.parse_args() build_directory = get_build_directory(options) verbose = False # Setup paths current_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent artifacts_path = Path("wheel_artifacts/") # the extra 'a' is for compatibility with the build_scripts # notation that adds an 'a' when using limited-api package_path = build_directory / PACKAGE_FOR_WHEELS print(f'Using build dir "{build_directory.name}"') # Check for 'package_for_wheels' directory if not package_path.is_dir(): print(f"Couldn't find the directory: {package_path}") print("Maybe your build used '--skip-packaging'?. Exiting") sys.exit(-1) setup_py_path = package_path / "setup.py" pyproject_toml_path = package_path / "pyproject.toml" base_files = [ current_path / "LICENSES/GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/GPL-2.0-only.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/GPL-3.0-only.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/Qt-GPL-exception-1.0.txt", current_path / "LICENSES/LGPL-3.0-only.txt", ] # Main generation wheels = { "shiboken6": wheel_shiboken_module, "shiboken6_generator": wheel_shiboken_generator, "PySide6_Essentials": wheel_pyside6_essentials, "PySide6_Addons": wheel_pyside6_addons, "PySide6": wheel_pyside6, "PySide6_Examples": wheel_pyside6_examples, } for name, wheel_info in wheels.items(): print(f"Starting process for: {name}") setup, data = wheel_info(package_path) # 1. Generate 'setup.py' print("-- Generating setup.py") setup_py_content = generate_setup_py(artifacts_path, setup) with open(setup_py_path, "w") as f: f.write(setup_py_content) # 2. Generate 'pyproject.toml' print("-- Generating pyproject.toml") pyproject_toml_content = generate_pyproject_toml(artifacts_path, setup) with open(pyproject_toml_path, "w") as f: f.write(pyproject_toml_content) # 3. Create the 'MANIFEST.in' # Special case for shiboken and shiboken_generator # so we copy the whole directory, only PySide and derivatives # will need to have specific information print("-- Creating MANIFEST.in") if data is None: manifest_content = get_simple_manifest(name) else: manifest_content = get_manifest(name, data) with open(package_path / "MANIFEST.in", "w") as f: f.write(manifest_content) # 4. copy configuration files to create the wheel print("-- Copy configuration files to create the wheel") if name == "PySide6_Examples": copy_examples_for_wheel(package_path) _files: List[Path] = base_files + [Path(setup.readme)] for fname in _files: copy(fname, package_path) # 5. call the build module to create the wheel print("-- Creating wheels") if not verbose: _runner = build.pep517.wrappers.quiet_subprocess_runner else: _runner = build.pep517.wrappers.default_subprocess_runner builder = build.ProjectBuilder(package_path, runner=_runner) builder.build("wheel", "dist_new") # 6. Copy wheels back print("-- Copying wheels to dist_new/") dist_path = Path("dist_new") if not dist_path.is_dir(): dist_path.mkdir() for wheel in Path(package_path / "dist_new").glob("*.whl"): copy(wheel, dist_path / wheel.name) # 7. Remove leftover files print("-- Removing leftover files") all_files = set(package_path.glob("*")) files_to_remove = all_files - { package_path / i for i in ("PySide6", "shiboken6", "shiboken6_generator") } for _f in files_to_remove: if _f.is_dir(): rmtree(_f) elif _f.is_file(): _f.unlink()