Qt for Python 5.12.2 is a bug-fix release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * PySide2 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-95] Added ownership transfer for QGraphicsItemGroup.addToGroup - [PYSIDE-928][PYSIDE-937][PYSIDE-943] Fixing a refcounting bug shown by __doc__ handling - [PYSIIDE-931] Added the attribute 'allow-thread' to the type system and class entries. - [PYSIDE-947] Fixed conversions of list of smart pointers to python - [PYSIDE-953] Preventing Python 3.5 from crashing the build - [PYSIDE-940] Added setPageSize new signature to QPageSize - [PYSIDE-950] Allowed subclassing PyCFunction in extension modules - [PYSIDE-938] Set the proper parent when overloading QUiLoader.addAction() - Added common QPrintSupport typesystem for QWebEngine - [PYSIDE-942] Fixed an error when importing signatures in frozen executables - [PYSIDE-948] Fixed problem when using smart pointers with namespaces - [PYSIDE-45] Added support for using PyObject wrapper when an invalid QVariant is used - [PYSIDE-922] Added pyObj check for the setSequenceOwnership - [PYSIDE-919] Modernized the cmake build process - [PYSIDE-924] Propagated Property attributes to the MetaObject - Improved the type hints for containers - [PYSIDE-906] Added missing classes QWebEngineHistory and WebEngineHistoryItem - Added QtRemoteObject classes - Added a script to generate a debug log in windows called debug_windows.py **************************************************************************** * Shiboken2 * **************************************************************************** - Fixed many build warnings on shiboken and pyside - Extended the exception handling test in shiboken - [PYSIDE-929] Added dependency version for shiboken2 - [PYSIDE-914] Including MSVC dlls in the shiboken module package