Qt for Python 5.15.1 is a bug-fix release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * PySide2 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-74] Implement default __ne__ and __eq__ for all PySide types - [PYSIDE-198] Add compatibility with Nuitka - [PYSIDE-829] signature: Avoid non-existent attributes in compiled code (Nuitka) - [PYSIDE-841] doc: Add widget styling tutorial - [PYSIDE-841] add quick painteditem example - [PYSIDE-904] Add QObject.findChildren(QRegularExpression) - [PYSIDE-904] qp5_tool.py: Add an configuration key for the CMake generator - [PYSIDE-904] Port some examples from QRegExp to QRegularExpression - [PYSIDE-904] Fix libsample/photon test for Qt 6 / Windows - [PYSIDE-904] Enable adding operators ==, != as functions without code injection - [PYSIDE-957] Implement the QEnum/QFlag decorator, V2 - [PYSIDE-981] Return QVariantList when using list as Signal argument - [PYSIDE-1019] feature-select: Implement a selectable feature framework - [PYSIDE-1019] feature-select: allow snake_case instead of camelCase for methods - [PYSIDE-1019] feature-select: delay the feature switching - [PYSIDE-1223] Use pyside2-uic instead of uic for the loadUiType - [PYSIDE-1257] Potential fix for deploying with cx_freeze using zip_include_packages - [PYSIDE-1282] pthreads: Try to abandon the GIL in case a thread was terminated - [PYSIDE-1292] Doc: Enable doc builds using the offline template - [PYSIDE-1313] basewrapper.cpp: add PyErr_Fetch/Restore in SbkDeallocWrapperCommon() - [PYSIDE-1317] Add QSocketDescriptor class - [PYSIDE-1321] Fix leaking reference in PySide2 property getter - [PYSIDE-1321] Fix some leaks in enumeration creation - [PYSIDE-1323] Add missing Win runtime dll into win wheels - [PYSIDE-1323] Update vcredist binaries for MSVC 2019 - [PYSIDE-1332] Fix crashes in QThread::wait(), QWaitCondition::wait() - [PYSIDE-1349] QQmlComponent: allow thread in constructors - [PYSIDE-1353] doc: fix Property indentation - [PYSIDE-1355] Add Qt3DExtras.QNormalDiffuseMapAlphaMaterial - [PYSIDE-1368] __feature__: ignore if `__name__` does not exist in a module - [PYSIDE-1372] QDomElement: remove unnecesary setAttribute overloads - [PYSIDE-1374] Add the QWidget *-based overloads of the QtWinExtras functions **************************************************************************** * Shiboken2 * **************************************************************************** * shiboken now accepts multiple headers on the command line. * A number of error and warning messages have been prefixed by file name and line for better tooling. - [PYSIDE-841] Add custom widget shiboken example - [PYSIDE-904] shiboken2: Handle virtual methods returning a reference - [PYSIDE-1019] shiboken2: Re-add support for parsing Q_PROPERTY - [PYSIDE-1177] shiboken: Fix __doc__ setter for derived types - [PYSIDE-1325] shiboken: Fix default-initialized function arguments - [PYSIDE-1327] shiboken: Resolve typedef'ed base classes