Qt for Python 5.15.2 is a bug-fix release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Important Source Incompatible/Behavior Changes * **************************************************************************** - Projects generating bindings for Qt-based code no longer need to include pyside2_global.h for the property and signal/slot annotations to work. **************************************************************************** * PySide2 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-487] Some missing enumerations and classes were added. - [PYSIDE-644] QNetworkCookie was added to WebEngineCore. - [PYSIDE-665] A crash when reimplementing QLayout.takeAt() was fixed. - [PYSIDE-807] setup.py was rewritten to properly show options the in command help. - [PYSIDE-972] Launching PySide2 from paths with non-ASCII Latin1 characters was fixed. - [PYSIDE-1019] feature_select: Qt Properties are now represented as Python properties. - [PYSIDE-1070] A crash when overriding QUiLoader::createWidget() in QUiLoader was fixed. - [PYSIDE-1082] A crash when creating QMimeData from Q(Plain)TextEdit::createMimeDataFromSelection() was fixed. - [PYSIDE-1202] More classes from QtConcurrent were added. - [PYSIDE-1224] The namespace QColorConstants was added. - [PYSIDE-1326] Operators for QFlags on hidden top level namespace are now generated. - [PYSIDE-1354] Slots being invoked from the wrong thread were fixed. - [PYSIDE-1381] The dependency of the QtQml module header on internal header pysideqmlregistertype.h was removed. - [PYSIDE-1385] Deprecated wheel.pep425tags imports were removed. - [PYSIDE-1390] setup.py: The build_rst_docs command was added to build rst documentation only - [PYSIDE-1397] Functions taking a smart pointer now accept smart pointers to base classes. - [PYSIDE-1410] QAxBase::dynamicCall() was fixed. **************************************************************************** * Shiboken2 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-841] The documentation on modifications was restructured. - [PYSIDE-904] An attribute for generating "using namespace" was added. - [PYSIDE-1019] A way of specifying properties for non-Qt classes in typesystem XML was added. - [PYSIDE-1075] Functions from invisible namespaces are now generated into their parent namespaces. - [PYSIDE-1224] Variables in namespaces are now generated. - [PYSIDE-1366] The order of overloads may now be specified to work around problems with the order generated by the overload decisor. - [PYSIDE-1388] Final classes with protected methods when disabling the protected hack are now correctly generated.