Qt for Python 5.15.3 is a bug-fix release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * PySide2 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-454] namespace std is no longer rejected in the Qt typesystem files. - [PYSIDE-807] setup.py's 'clean' command has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1305] The error handling of constructor keyword arguments has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1422] A crash related to Signal and __eq__ has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1432] An ownership issue in QLayout::replaceWidget() has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1442] QFlags operations have been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1447] A crash related to qApp and Python 3.9 has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1449] QTestlib's QAbstractItemModelTester has been added. - [PYSIDE-1460] An infinite loop changing up directories in the signature bootstrap code has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1466] The newly introduced overload QSetting.value() taking a type has been documentated. - [PYSIDE-1478] A bug related to using QQmlContext.setContextProperty() with the snake case feature has been fixed. **************************************************************************** * Shiboken2 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-1347] Inheritance for enum types has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1448] Code injected at target/end being invoked for multiple overload ids has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1470] shiboken.delete() can now be used to delete Q*Application. - [PYSIDE-1501] The clang parser has been fixed to be able to handle some Boost headers.