Qt for Python 6.1.0 is a minor release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * PySide6 * **************************************************************************** * QtOpenGLFunctions have been moved into QtOpenGL. * Examples habe been improve: brush up, use snake_case, add new ones, etc - [PYSIDE-535] PyPy-compatibility was improved by: Avoid the __builtins__ quirk and import builtins, instead - [PYSIDE-1019] Confusing import error messages causes by feature-import have been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1425] The broken encoding of QCoreApplication.arguments() on Windows has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1455] Bindings for the Qt Designer libraries have been added - [PYSIDE-1455] A Qt Designer plugin has been added, allowing for creating custom widgets in Python. - [PYSIDE-1482] Active Qt, QtCharts, QtDataVisualization and QStateMachine have been re-added. The namespaces from QtCharts and QtDataVisualization have been removed. - [PYSIDE-1503] Overloads using numpy-arrays of x,y data have been added to functions taking lists of QPointF. - [PYSIDE-1520] Implicit C++ conversions generated by shiboken are now reflected as typing.Union[]. - [PYSIDE-1523] Nuitka: Allow for compiled functions and methods, too. **************************************************************************** * Shiboken6 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-504] --avoid-protected-hack can now be used with gcc, clang as well. - [PYSIDE-1477] clang options can now be specified using command line options or project files, allowing for cross-compiling.