Qt for Python 6.5.0 is a minor release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * PySide6 * **************************************************************************** - pyside6-project can now generate simple project templates. - QtSerialBus has been added. - Class QHashSeed has been added. - [PYSIDE-510] The non-standard __signature__ attribute of functions and classes has been removed in favor of get_signature(). - [PYSIDE-1019] A callback error when using true_property has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-1713] A `signatures` attribute has been added to the Signal type in order to increase compatibility with other implementations. - [PYSIDE-2029] __feature__ switching now works even with recursive imports like in the qasync module. In addition, a new efficient optimization has been implemented for __feature__ switching. Initial work towards PyPy support for __feature__ switching has been done. - [PYSIDE-2101] Python 3.10 and up have an incompatibility to the __signature__ attribute. This is fixed by a temporary patch until the final removal of that attribute. - [PYSIDE-753] The shared pointer types of Qt 3D have been added. - [PYSIDE-769] asyncio versions of the async examples have been added. - [PYSIDE-841] Examples networkx graph viewer, can bus, modbus client, charts lightMarker and selection, charts selected point configuration, graphgallery, qmlsurfacegallery, map view (QtLocation) and and Qt Quick custom geometry have been added. - [PYSIDE-971] QOpenGLContext.getProcAddress() has been added. - [PYSIDE-1019] libpyside: The function `getMetaDataFromQObject` has been removed. - [PYSIDE-1106] The documentation code snippet conversion has been improved. - [PYSIDE-1295] QObject::sender() has been implemented for non-C++ slots. - [PYSIDE-1345] QSGGeometry.vertexDataAsPoint2D()/setVertexDataAsPoint2D() has been added. - [PYSIDE-1564] Cooperative multiple inheritance is now implemented for all __init__ methods. - [PYSIDE-1603] Signals are now listed in the typing hints. - [PYSIDE-1612] Initial support for Android Deployment has been added. - [PYSIDE-1713] Compatibility of Qt signals has been improved by providing a signatures attribute. - [PYSIDE-1735] Documentation: enum types are now indicated. - [PYSIDE-2079] setuptools are now used instead of distutils. - [PYSIDE-2098] dicts can now be passed as QVariantMap to QML. - [PYSIDE-2136] An error calling deprecated functions with warning-as-error set has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2141] A crash when deleting QObject instances with connections in threads has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2155] CMake UNITY_BUILD (jumbo) builds are now supported, speeding up building. Pass --unity to setup.py. - [PYSIDE-2160] The formatting of delayed errors in Python 3.11 has been improved. - [PYSIDE-2221] First changes for NoGIL support have been added. - [PYSIDE-2206] Some examples have been updated. - [PYSIDE-2230] First changes for Python 3.12 have been added. - [PYSIDE-2234] QRunnable.create() has been added. - [PYSIDE-2236] QMetaMethod.fromSignal() has been added. - [PYSIDE-2247] Examples are not included in the wheels any more and the setup.py option --no-example was removed. Examples can now be downloaded as .zip files from the documentation. - [PYSIDE-2251] Qt Designer Python plugins now work with non- activated virtual environments. - [PYSIDE-2259] QtTextToSpeech has been added. - [PYSIDE-2252] QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext has been added. - [PYSIDE-2169] A leak in Enum forgiveness mode has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2260] A QML deployment issue with Nuitka has been fixed. **************************************************************************** * Shiboken6 * **************************************************************************** - shiboken6 now generates new calls to the new functions PyObject_Vectorcall() or PyObject_CallNoArgs() for overridden virtual methods for newer Python versions (not for Limited API). - shiboken6 can now generate exclusions for classes based on preprocessor conditions, for example by the Qt configure system. - [PYSIDE-454] It is now possible to specify names and namespaces for smart pointer instantiations. - [PYSIDE-1019] Documentation for Qt properties is now generated. - [PYSIDE-1106] Documentation for Qt signals is now generated. - [PYSIDE-1106] shiboken6/Documentation: Use the py:method directives - [PYSIDE-2088] An overflow of 64bit enumerations has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2099] An option --lean-header to generate forward declarations instead of includes into the module header has been added. This considerably reduces the dependencies but may require additional includes to be specified for injected code. - [PYSIDE-2133] The sorting of overloads for integer/float types has been improved to avoid overflows. - [PYSIDE-2256] The code generator no longer generates goto's. - [PYSIDE-2174] A typesystem XML element for opaque containers has been added, removing the need repeat the container element. - [PYSIDE-2174] Support for std::array (C++ 11) and std::span has been added. - [PYSIDE-2255] Overriding abstract private virtual methods is now possible. - [PYSIDE-2264] A PyPy problem with version 7.3.10 and up was fixed.