Qt for Python 6.6.0 is a minor release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * PySide6 * **************************************************************************** - The module QtGraphs has been added. - [PYSIDE-769] A custom asyncio event loop based on Qt has been implemented. - [PYSIDE-1106] Documentation: The translation of code snippets from C++ to Python has been improved. - [PYSIDE-1106] Documentation: The example gallery has been improved. - [PYSIDE-1106] Documentation: Markdown is now also supported for example documentation. - [PYSIDE-1612] Android: Unity build is now enabled by default. Qt Permissions API has been added for Android. Auto download of Android NDK and SDK now possible with Android wheel cross-compilation tool. Full support for Qt modules now available on Android. .js files are now supported when QML/Quick application deployed to Android. - [PYSIDE-1735] The old enumerations have been removed. - [PYSIDE-1884] The __doc__ attribute is now used for signatures when provided. - [PYSIDE-2206] Example improvements: removed macpasteboardmime, tabbed browser and old statemachine examples; updated camera, chart theme, DOM bookmarks, Bluetooth heartrate game, Bluetooth lowenergyscanner, markdowneditor, mapviewer, mdi, QML reference examples, quicknanobrowser and scriptableapplication; added document viewer, filesystemexplorer, simplebrowser, statemachine moveblocks, screencapture, Qt Graphs widgetgallery and widgetsnanobrowser. - [PYSIDE-2226] QLocale.toLong() has been fixed to properly return a tuple (int, bool) rather than only int. - [PYSIDE-2235] Type hints: QObject.setParent() now accepts an Optional object. - [PYSIDE-2272] Type hints: The signatures of the qmlRegister() functions have been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2384] QWizardPage::registerField() taking a Signal instance has been added. - [PYSIDE-2394] A deprecation warning about QSqlQueryModel::setQuery(const QSqlQuery &) originating from Qt / C++ has been removed. - [PYSIDE-2395] The signatures of QClipboard.setPixmap() and setImage() have been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2402] Modules QtDBus and QtHttpServer have been enabled on Windows. - [PYSIDE-2415] QQmlComponent is now supported as a Property. - [PYSIDE-2417] Overflows when passing int to functions taking floats have been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2442] QDataStream.writeRawData() now also takes bytes. - [PYSIDE-2471] The pyside6-project now also recognizes .pyw files as Python files on Windows. - [PYSIDE-2473] Feature switching has been fixed to work with unittest.mock.patch.dict. *************************************************************************** * Shiboken6 * **************************************************************************** - Typesystem syntax: The attributes "allow-thread", "exception-handling" and "snake-case" can now be specified on and . - The cast operators of libshiboken's class AutoDecRef have been deprecated and the class is now movable. - [PYSIDE-1790] Experimental support for rvalue references has been added. - [PYSIDE-2230] Initial support for Python 3.12 has been added. - [PYSIDE-2316] Correctly register smartpointer signatures - [PYSIDE-2394] It is now possible to override a C++ deprecation attribute in the typesystem. - [PYSIDE-2446] More special functions of the number protocol have been added, for example __int__, __float__ using operator int(), operator double() as well as and __abs__ and __pow__. - [PYSIDE-2462] The __repr__ function of smart pointers has been improved to show information on the pointee. Similarly, the dir() of smart pointers now includes the entries of the pointee.