Qt for Python 6.6.1 is a bug-fix release. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * PySide6 * **************************************************************************** - PySide6 examples are now also available as a separate wheel (PySide6_Examples). - [PYSIDE-748] An optional parameter "tag" has been added to @Slot, allowing to set QMetaMethod.tag(). - [PYSIDE-2500] QMetaMethod.invoke() has been added. The invocation functions of QMetaObject now accept up to 10 arguments. - [PYSIDE-841] QtQuick3D procedural texture and QRhi window examples have been added. - [PYSIDE-2230] Support for Python 3.12 has been added. - [PYSIDE-2367] Threading deadlocks of QObject::(dis)connect() with (dis)connectNotify() have been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2485] A QLocale-related crash on macOS has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2487] Error messages around signal/slot connections have been improved. - [PYSIDE-2494] The install location of QtAsyncio for CMake builds has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2509] The signature of SignalInstance.connect() has been fixed. - [PYSIDE-2510] An error is now set when instantiating a Signal on a non-QObject. - [PYSIDE-2514] The type hints of QAbstractItemView.setModel()/QGraphicsView.setScene() now accept None. - [QTBUG-113331] QRhi and related classes have been added. **************************************************************************** * Shiboken6 * **************************************************************************** - [PYSIDE-1958] Cross building support: Additional debug statements regarding include parsing (depending on verboseness) have been added. shiboken can now also process Qt headers inside system include directories. Extra generator flags can now be passed via a CMake variable. - [PYSIDE-2505] The error handling in API extractor command line arguments parsing has been improved. - [PYSIDE-2506] Generated code doing multiple inheritance offset calculation has been streamlined.