//! [0] #include #include #include class Employee { public: Employee(): s(0) {} Employee( const QString& name, int salary ) : n( name ), s( salary ) { } QString name() const { return n; } int salary() const { return s; } void setSalary( int salary ) { s = salary; } private: QString n; int s; }; int main() { typedef Q3ValueVector EmployeeVector; EmployeeVector vec( 3 ); // vector of 3 Employees vec[0] = Employee( "Bill", 50000 ); vec[1] = Employee( "Steve", 80000 ); vec[2] = Employee( "Ron", 60000 ); Employee joe( "Joe", 50000 ); vec.push_back( joe ); // vector expands to accommodate 4 Employees joe.setSalary( 70000 ); EmployeeVector::iterator it; for( it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it ) printf( "%s earns %d\n", (*it).name().latin1(), (*it).salary() ); return 0; } //! [0] //! [1] Bill earns 50000 Steve earns 80000 Ron earns 60000 Joe earns 50000 //! [1] //! [2] Q3ValueVector vec1; // an empty vector vec1[10] = 4; // WARNING: undefined, probably a crash Q3ValueVector vec2(25); // initialize with 25 elements vec2[10] = "Dave"; // OK //! [2] //! [3] void func( Q3ValueVector& vec ) { if ( vec.size() > 10 ) { vec[9] = 99; // OK } }; //! [3] //! [4] Q3ValueVector vec( 3 ); vec.push_back( 1 ); vec.push_back( 2 ); vec.push_back( 3 ); ... if ( !vec.empty() ) { // OK: modify the first element int& i = vec.front(); i = 18; } ... Q3ValueVector dvec; double d = dvec.back(); // undefined behavior //! [4]