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[1] def QSqlField_snippets(): //! [2] field = QSqlField("age", QVariant.Int) field.setValue(QPixmap()) # WRONG //! [2] //! [3] field = QSqlField("age", QVariant.Int) field.setValue(QString("123")) # casts QString to int //! [3] //! [4] query = QSqlQuery() //! [4] //! [5] record = query.record() //! [5] //! [6] field = record.field("country") //! [6] def doSomething(str): pass def QSqlQuery_snippets(): # typical loop //! [7] query = QSqlQuery("SELECT country FROM artist") while query.next(): country = query.value(0) doSomething(country) //! [7] # field index lookup //! [8] query = QSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM artist") fieldNo = query.record().indexOf("country") while query.next(): country = query.value(fieldNo) doSomething(country) //! [8] # named with named //! [9] query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) " "VALUES (:id, :forename, :surname)") query.bindValue(":id", 1001) query.bindValue(":forename", "Bart") query.bindValue(":surname", "Simpson") query.exec_() //! [9] # positional with named //! [10] query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) " "VALUES (:id, :forename, :surname)") query.bindValue(0, 1001) query.bindValue(1, "Bart") query.bindValue(2, "Simpson") query.exec_() //! [10] # positional 1 //! [11] query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?)") query.bindValue(0, 1001) query.bindValue(1, "Bart") query.bindValue(2, "Simpson") query.exec_() //! [11] # positional 2 //! [12] query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?)") query.addBindValue(1001) query.addBindValue("Bart") query.addBindValue("Simpson") query.exec_() //! [12] # stored //! [13] query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("CALL AsciiToInt(?, ?)") query.bindValue(0, "A") query.bindValue(1, 0, QSql.Out) query.exec_() i = query.boundValue(1) # i is 65 //! [13] query = QSqlQuery() # examine with named binding //! [14] i = query.boundValues() while i.hasNext(): i.next() print i.key(), ": ", i.value() //! [14] # examine with positional binding //! [15] list_ = query.boundValues().values() for item in list: print item //! [15] def QSqlQueryModel_snippets(): //! [16] model = QSqlQueryModel() model.setQuery("SELECT name, salary FROM employee") model.setHeaderData(0, Qt.Horizontal, tr("Name")) model.setHeaderData(1, Qt.Horizontal, tr("Salary")) //! [17] view = QTableView() //! [17] //! [18] view.setModel(model) //! [18] //! [19] view.show() //! [16] //! [19] //! [20] view.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) //! [20] //! [21] model = QSqlQueryModel() model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM employee") salary = model.record(4).value("salary") //! [21] //! [22] salary = model.data(model.index(4, 2)) //! [22] for row in range(model.rowCount()): for (col in range(model.columnCount())): print model.data(model.index(row, col)) class MyModel(QSqlQueryModel) m_specialColumnNo = 0 def data(item, role): //! [23] if item.column() == self.m_specialColumnNo: # handle column separately pass return QSqlQueryModel.data(item, role) //! [23] def QSqlTableModel_snippets(): //! [24] model = QSqlTableModel() model.setTable("employee") model.setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel.OnManualSubmit) model.select() model.removeColumn(0) # don't show the ID model.setHeaderData(0, Qt.Horizontal, tr("Name")) model.setHeaderData(1, Qt.Horizontal, tr("Salary")) view = QTableView() view.setModel(model) view.show() //! [24] //! [25] model = QSqlTableModel() model.setTable("employee") QString name = model.record(4).value("name") //! [25] def sql_intro_snippets(): //! [26] db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL") db.setHostName("bigblue") db.setDatabaseName("flightdb") db.setUserName("acarlson") db.setPassword("1uTbSbAs") ok = db.open() //! [26] //! [27] firstDB = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL", "first") secondDB = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL", "second") //! [27] //! [28] defaultDB = QSqlDatabase.database() //! [28] //! [29] firstDB = QSqlDatabase.database("first") //! [29] //! [30] secondDB = QSqlDatabase.database("second") //! [30] # SELECT1 //! [31] query = QSqlQuery() query.exec_("SELECT name, salary FROM employee WHERE salary > 50000") //! [31] //! [32] while query.next(): name = query.value(0) salary = query.value(1) print name, salary //! [32] # FEATURE //! [33] query = QSqlQuery() query.exec_("SELECT name, salary FROM employee WHERE salary > 50000") defaultDB = QSqlDatabase.database() if defaultDB.driver().hasFeature(QSqlDriver.QuerySize): numRows = query.size() else: # self can be very slow query.last() numRows = query.at() + 1 //! [33] # INSERT1 //! [34] query = QSqlQuery() query.exec_("INSERT INTO employee (id, name, salary) " "VALUES (1001, 'Thad Beaumont', 65000)") //! [34] # NAMED BINDING //! [35] query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO employee (id, name, salary) " "VALUES (:id, :name, :salary)") query.bindValue(":id", 1001) query.bindValue(":name", "Thad Beaumont") query.bindValue(":salary", 65000) query.exec_() //! [35] # POSITIONAL BINDING //! [36] query = QSqlQuery() query.prepare("INSERT INTO employee (id, name, salary) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?)") query.addBindValue(1001) query.addBindValue("Thad Beaumont") query.addBindValue(65000) query.exec_() //! [36] # UPDATE1 //! [37] query = QSqlQuery() query.exec_("UPDATE employee SET salary = 70000 WHERE id = 1003") //! [37] # DELETE1 //! [38] query = QSqlQuery() query.exec_("DELETE FROM employee WHERE id = 1007") //! [38] # TRANSACTION //! [39] QSqlDatabase.database().transaction() query = QSqlQuery() query.exec_("SELECT id FROM employee WHERE name = 'Torild Halvorsen'") if query.next(): employeeId = query.value(0) query.exec_("INSERT INTO project (id, name, ownerid) " "VALUES (201, 'Manhattan Project', " + QString.number(employeeId) + ')') QSqlDatabase.database().commit() //! [39] # SQLQUERYMODEL1 //! [40] model = QSqlQueryModel() model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM employee") for i in range(model.rowCount()): _id = model.record(i).value("id") name = model.record(i).value("name") print _id, name //! [40] } { # SQLTABLEMODEL1 //! [41] model = QSqlTableModel() model.setTable("employee") model.setFilter("salary > 50000") model.setSort(2, Qt.DescendingOrder) model.select() for i in range(model.rowCount()): name = model.record(i).value("name") salary = model.record(i).value("salary") print "%s: %d" % (name, salary) //! [41] # SQLTABLEMODEL2 model = QSqlTableModel() model.setTable("employee") //! [42] for i in range(model.rowCount()): record = model.record(i) salary = record.value("salary") salary *= 1.1 record.setValue("salary", salary) model.setRecord(i, record) model.submitAll() //! [42] # SQLTABLEMODEL3 row = 1 column = 2 //! [43] model.setData(model.index(row, column), 75000) model.submitAll() //! [43] # SQLTABLEMODEL4 //! [44] model.insertRows(row, 1) model.setData(model.index(row, 0), 1013) model.setData(model.index(row, 1), "Peter Gordon") model.setData(model.index(row, 2), 68500) model.submitAll() //! [44] //! [45] model.removeRows(row, 5) //! [45] //! [46] model.submitAll() //! [46] //! [47] class XyzResult(QSqlResult): def __init__(driver): QSqlResult.__init__(self, driver) pass def data(self, index): return QVariant() def isNull(self, index): return False def reset(self, query): return False def fetch(self, index): return False def fetchFirst(self): return False def fetchLast(self): return False def size(self): return 0 def numRowsAffected(self): return 0 def record(self): return QSqlRecord() //! [47] //! [48] class XyzDriver(QSqlDriver) def hasFeature(self, feature): return False def open(self, db, user, password, host, port, options): return False def close(self): pass def createResult(self): return XyzResult(self) //! [48] def main(): app = QApplication([]) QSqlDatabase_snippets() QSqlField_snippets() QSqlQuery_snippets() QSqlQueryModel_snippets() QSqlTableModel_snippets() driver = XyzDriver() result = XyzResult(driver)