.. _words-of-advice: *************** Words of Advice *************** When writing or using Python bindings there is some things you must keep in mind. .. _duck-punching-and-virtual-methods: Duck punching and virtual methods ================================= The combination of duck punching, the practice of altering class characteristics of already instantiated objects, and virtual methods of wrapped C++ classes, can be tricky. That was an optimistic statement. Let's see duck punching in action for educational purposes. .. code-block:: python import types import Binding obj = Binding.CppClass() # CppClass has a virtual method called 'virtualMethod', # but we don't like it anymore. def myVirtualMethod(self_obj, arg): pass obj.virtualMethod = types.MethodType(myVirtualMethod, obj, Binding.CppClass) If some C++ code happens to call `CppClass::virtualMethod(...)` on the C++ object held by "obj" Python object, the new duck punched "virtualMethod" method will be properly called. That happens because the underlying C++ object is in fact an instance of a generated C++ class that inherits from `CppClass`, let's call it `CppClassWrapper`, responsible for receiving the C++ virtual method calls and finding out the proper Python override to which handle such a call. Now that you know this, consider the case when C++ has a factory method that gives you new C++ objects originated somewhere in C++-land, in opposition to the ones generated in Python-land by the usage of class constructors, like in the example above. Brief interruption to show what I was saying: .. code-block:: python import types import Binding obj = Binding.createCppClass() def myVirtualMethod(self_obj, arg): pass # Punching a dead duck... obj.virtualMethod = types.MethodType(myVirtualMethod, obj, Binding.CppClass) The `Binding.createCppClass()` factory method is just an example, C++ created objects can pop out for a number of other reasons. Objects created this way have a Python wrapper holding them as usual, but the object held is not a `CppClassWrapper`, but a regular `CppClass`. All virtual method calls originated in C++ will stay in C++ and never reach a Python virtual method overridden via duck punching. Although duck punching is an interesting Python feature, it don't mix well with wrapped C++ virtual methods, specially when you can't tell the origin of every single wrapped C++ object. In summary: don't do it!