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Area Chart chart_view = QChartView(self.create_areachart()) self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(chart_view, 1, 0) self.charts.append(chart_view) # Pie Chart chart_view = QChartView(self.create_pie_chart()) chart_view.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Ignored) self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(chart_view, 1, 1) self.charts.append(chart_view) # Line Chart chart_view = QChartView(self.create_line_chart()) self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(chart_view, 1, 2) self.charts.append(chart_view) # Bar Chart chart_view = QChartView(self.create_bar_chart()) self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(chart_view, 2, 0) self.charts.append(chart_view) # Spline Chart chart_view = QChartView(self.create_spline_chart()) self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(chart_view, 2, 1) self.charts.append(chart_view) # Scatter Chart chart_view = QChartView(self.create_scatterchart()) self.ui.gridLayout.addWidget(chart_view, 2, 2) self.charts.append(chart_view) # Set defaults self.ui.antialiasCheckBox.setChecked(True) # Set the colors from the light theme as default ones pal = qApp.palette() pal.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor(0xf0f0f0)) pal.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, QColor(0x404044)) qApp.setPalette(pal) self.update_ui() def generate_random_data(self, list_count, value_max, value_count): data_table = [] for i in range(list_count): data_list = [] y_value = 0 for j in range(value_count): constant = value_max / float(value_count) y_value += uniform(0, constant) x_value = (j + random()) * constant value = QPointF(x_value, y_value) label = f"Slice {i}: {j}" data_list.append((value, label)) data_table.append(data_list) return data_table def populate_themebox(self): theme = self.ui.themeComboBox theme.addItem("Light", QChart.ChartThemeLight) theme.addItem("Blue Cerulean", QChart.ChartThemeBlueCerulean) theme.addItem("Dark", QChart.ChartThemeDark) theme.addItem("Brown Sand", QChart.ChartThemeBrownSand) theme.addItem("Blue NCS", QChart.ChartThemeBlueNcs) theme.addItem("High Contrast", QChart.ChartThemeHighContrast) theme.addItem("Blue Icy", QChart.ChartThemeBlueIcy) theme.addItem("Qt", QChart.ChartThemeQt) def populate_animationbox(self): animated = self.ui.animatedComboBox animated.addItem("No Animations", QChart.NoAnimation) animated.addItem("GridAxis Animations", QChart.GridAxisAnimations) animated.addItem("Series Animations", QChart.SeriesAnimations) animated.addItem("All Animations", QChart.AllAnimations) def populate_legendbox(self): legend = self.ui.legendComboBox legend.addItem("No Legend ", 0) legend.addItem("Legend Top", Qt.AlignTop) legend.addItem("Legend Bottom", Qt.AlignBottom) legend.addItem("Legend Left", Qt.AlignLeft) legend.addItem("Legend Right", Qt.AlignRight) def create_areachart(self): chart = QChart() chart.setTitle("Area Chart") # The lower series initialized to zero values lower_series = None name = "Series " for i in range(len(self.data_table)): upper_series = QLineSeries(chart) for j in range(len(self.data_table[i])): data = self.data_table[i][j] if lower_series: points = lower_series.points() y_value = points[i].y() + data[0].y() upper_series.append(QPointF(j, y_value)) else: upper_series.append(QPointF(j, data[0].y())) area = QAreaSeries(upper_series, lower_series) area.setName(f"{name}{i}") chart.addSeries(area) lower_series = upper_series chart.createDefaultAxes() axis_x = chart.axes(Qt.Horizontal)[0] axis_x.setRange(0, self.value_count - 1) axis_y = chart.axes(Qt.Vertical)[0] axis_y.setRange(0, self.value_max) # Add space to label to add space between labels and axis axis_y.setLabelFormat("%.1f ") return chart def create_bar_chart(self): chart = QChart() chart.setTitle("Bar chart") series = QStackedBarSeries(chart) for i in range(len(self.data_table)): barset = QBarSet(f"Bar set {i}") for data in self.data_table[i]: barset.append(data[0].y()) series.append(barset) chart.addSeries(series) chart.createDefaultAxes() axis_y = chart.axes(Qt.Vertical)[0] axis_y.setRange(0, self.value_max * 2) # Add space to label to add space between labels and axis axis_y.setLabelFormat("%.1f ") return chart def create_line_chart(self): chart = QChart() chart.setTitle("Line chart") name = "Series " for i, lst in enumerate(self.data_table): series = QLineSeries(chart) for data in lst: series.append(data[0]) series.setName(f"{name}{i}") chart.addSeries(series) chart.createDefaultAxes() axis_x = chart.axes(Qt.Horizontal)[0] axis_x.setRange(0, self.value_max) axis_y = chart.axes(Qt.Vertical)[0] axis_y.setRange(0, self.value_count) # Add space to label to add space between labels and axis axis_y.setLabelFormat("%.1f ") return chart def create_pie_chart(self): chart = QChart() chart.setTitle("Pie chart") series = QPieSeries(chart) for data in self.data_table[0]: slc = series.append(data[1], data[0].y()) if data == self.data_table[0][0]: # Show the first slice exploded with label slc.setLabelVisible() slc.setExploded() slc.setExplodeDistanceFactor(0.5) series.setPieSize(0.4) chart.addSeries(series) return chart def create_spline_chart(self): chart = QChart() chart.setTitle("Spline chart") name = "Series " for i, lst in enumerate(self.data_table): series = QSplineSeries(chart) for data in lst: series.append(data[0]) series.setName(f"{name}{i}") chart.addSeries(series) chart.createDefaultAxes() axis_x = chart.axes(Qt.Horizontal)[0] axis_x.setRange(0, self.value_max) axis_y = chart.axes(Qt.Vertical)[0] axis_y.setRange(0, self.value_count) # Add space to label to add space between labels and axis axis_y.setLabelFormat("%.1f ") return chart def create_scatterchart(self): chart = QChart() chart.setTitle("Scatter chart") name = "Series " for i, lst in enumerate(self.data_table): series = QScatterSeries(chart) for data in lst: series.append(data[0]) series.setName(f"{name}{i}") chart.addSeries(series) chart.createDefaultAxes() axis_x = chart.axes(Qt.Horizontal)[0] axis_x.setRange(0, self.value_max) axis_y = chart.axes(Qt.Vertical)[0] axis_y.setRange(0, self.value_count) # Add space to label to add space between labels and axis axis_y.setLabelFormat("%.1f ") return chart def update_ui(self): def set_colors(window_color, text_color): pal = self.window().palette() pal.setColor(QPalette.Window, window_color) pal.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, text_color) self.window().setPalette(pal) idx = self.ui.themeComboBox.currentIndex() theme = self.ui.themeComboBox.itemData(idx) if len(self.charts): chart_theme = self.charts[0].chart().theme() if chart_theme != theme: for chart_view in self.charts: if theme == 0: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeLight elif theme == 1: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeBlueCerulean elif theme == 2: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeDark elif theme == 3: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeBrownSand elif theme == 4: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeBlueNcs elif theme == 5: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeHighContrast elif theme == 6: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeBlueIcy elif theme == 7: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeQt else: theme_name = QChart.ChartThemeLight chart_view.chart().setTheme(theme_name) # Set palette colors based on selected theme if theme == QChart.ChartThemeLight: set_colors(QColor(0xf0f0f0), QColor(0x404044)) elif theme == QChart.ChartThemeDark: set_colors(QColor(0x121218), QColor(0xd6d6d6)) elif theme == QChart.ChartThemeBlueCerulean: set_colors(QColor(0x40434a), QColor(0xd6d6d6)) elif theme == QChart.ChartThemeBrownSand: set_colors(QColor(0x9e8965), QColor(0x404044)) elif theme == QChart.ChartThemeBlueNcs: set_colors(QColor(0x018bba), QColor(0x404044)) elif theme == QChart.ChartThemeHighContrast: set_colors(QColor(0xffab03), QColor(0x181818)) elif theme == QChart.ChartThemeBlueIcy: set_colors(QColor(0xcee7f0), QColor(0x404044)) else: set_colors(QColor(0xf0f0f0), QColor(0x404044)) # Update antialiasing checked = self.ui.antialiasCheckBox.isChecked() for chart in self.charts: chart.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, checked) # Update animation options idx = self.ui.animatedComboBox.currentIndex() options = self.ui.animatedComboBox.itemData(idx) if len(self.charts): chart = self.charts[0].chart() animation_options = chart.animationOptions() if animation_options != options: for chart_view in self.charts: options_name = QChart.NoAnimation if options == 0: options_name = QChart.NoAnimation elif options == 1: options_name = QChart.GridAxisAnimations elif options == 2: options_name = QChart.SeriesAnimations elif options == 3: options_name = QChart.AllAnimations chart_view.chart().setAnimationOptions(options_name) # Update legend alignment idx = self.ui.legendComboBox.currentIndex() alignment = self.ui.legendComboBox.itemData(idx) if not alignment: for chart_view in self.charts: chart_view.chart().legend().hide() else: for chart_view in self.charts: alignment_name = Qt.AlignTop if alignment == 32: alignment_name = Qt.AlignTop elif alignment == 64: alignment_name = Qt.AlignBottom elif alignment == 1: alignment_name = Qt.AlignLeft elif alignment == 2: alignment_name = Qt.AlignRight chart_view.chart().legend().setAlignment(alignment_name) chart_view.chart().legend().show() if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = QMainWindow() widget = ThemeWidget(None) window.setCentralWidget(widget) available_geometry = window.screen().availableGeometry() size = available_geometry.height() * 0.75 window.setFixedSize(size, size * 0.8) window.show() sys.exit(app.exec())