############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. ## Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ## ## This file is part of the Qt for Python examples of the Qt Toolkit. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ## You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ## the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ## distribution. ## * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its ## contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ## from this software without specific prior written permission. ## ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ## "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ## A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 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sampleMin) / float(sampleCountX - 1) stepZ = (sampleMax - sampleMin) / float(sampleCountZ - 1) dataArray = [] for i in range(sampleCountZ): newRow = [] # Keep values within range bounds, since just adding step can cause # minor drift due to the rounding errors. z = min(sampleMax, (i * stepZ + sampleMin)) for j in range(sampleCountX): x = min(sampleMax, (j * stepX + sampleMin)) R = math.sqrt(z * z + x * x) + 0.01 y = (math.sin(R) / R + 0.24) * 1.61 newRow.append(QSurfaceDataItem(QVector3D(x, y, z))) dataArray.append(newRow) self.m_sqrtSinProxy.resetArray(dataArray) def enableSqrtSinModel(self, enable): if enable: self.m_sqrtSinSeries.setDrawMode(QSurface3DSeries.DrawSurfaceAndWireframe) self.m_sqrtSinSeries.setFlatShadingEnabled(True) self.m_graph.axisX().setLabelFormat("%.2f") self.m_graph.axisZ().setLabelFormat("%.2f") self.m_graph.axisX().setRange(sampleMin, sampleMax) self.m_graph.axisY().setRange(0.0, 2.0) self.m_graph.axisZ().setRange(sampleMin, sampleMax) self.m_graph.axisX().setLabelAutoRotation(30) self.m_graph.axisY().setLabelAutoRotation(90) self.m_graph.axisZ().setLabelAutoRotation(30) self.m_graph.removeSeries(self.m_heightMapSeries) self.m_graph.addSeries(self.m_sqrtSinSeries) # Reset range sliders for Sqrt&Sin self.m_rangeMinX = sampleMin self.m_rangeMinZ = sampleMin self.m_stepX = (sampleMax - sampleMin) / float(sampleCountX - 1) self.m_stepZ = (sampleMax - sampleMin) / float(sampleCountZ - 1) self.m_axisMinSliderX.setMaximum(sampleCountX - 2) self.m_axisMinSliderX.setValue(0) self.m_axisMaxSliderX.setMaximum(sampleCountX - 1) self.m_axisMaxSliderX.setValue(sampleCountX - 1) self.m_axisMinSliderZ.setMaximum(sampleCountZ - 2) self.m_axisMinSliderZ.setValue(0) self.m_axisMaxSliderZ.setMaximum(sampleCountZ - 1) self.m_axisMaxSliderZ.setValue(sampleCountZ - 1) def enableHeightMapModel(self, enable): if enable: self.m_heightMapSeries.setDrawMode(QSurface3DSeries.DrawSurface) self.m_heightMapSeries.setFlatShadingEnabled(False) self.m_graph.axisX().setLabelFormat("%.1f N") self.m_graph.axisZ().setLabelFormat("%.1f E") self.m_graph.axisX().setRange(34.0, 40.0) self.m_graph.axisY().setAutoAdjustRange(True) self.m_graph.axisZ().setRange(18.0, 24.0) self.m_graph.axisX().setTitle("Latitude") self.m_graph.axisY().setTitle("Height") self.m_graph.axisZ().setTitle("Longitude") self.m_graph.removeSeries(self.m_sqrtSinSeries) self.m_graph.addSeries(self.m_heightMapSeries) # Reset range sliders for height map mapGridCountX = self.m_heightMapWidth / heightMapGridStepX mapGridCountZ = self.m_heightMapHeight / heightMapGridStepZ self.m_rangeMinX = 34.0 self.m_rangeMinZ = 18.0 self.m_stepX = 6.0 / float(mapGridCountX - 1) self.m_stepZ = 6.0 / float(mapGridCountZ - 1) self.m_axisMinSliderX.setMaximum(mapGridCountX - 2) self.m_axisMinSliderX.setValue(0) self.m_axisMaxSliderX.setMaximum(mapGridCountX - 1) self.m_axisMaxSliderX.setValue(mapGridCountX - 1) self.m_axisMinSliderZ.setMaximum(mapGridCountZ - 2) self.m_axisMinSliderZ.setValue(0) self.m_axisMaxSliderZ.setMaximum(mapGridCountZ - 1) self.m_axisMaxSliderZ.setValue(mapGridCountZ - 1) def adjustXMin(self, minimum): minX = self.m_stepX * float(minimum) + self.m_rangeMinX maximum = self.m_axisMaxSliderX.value() if minimum >= maximum: maximum = minimum + 1 self.m_axisMaxSliderX.setValue(maximum) maxX = self.m_stepX * maximum + self.m_rangeMinX self.setAxisXRange(minX, maxX) def adjustXMax(self, maximum): maxX = self.m_stepX * float(maximum) + self.m_rangeMinX minimum = self.m_axisMinSliderX.value() if maximum <= minimum: minimum = maximum - 1 self.m_axisMinSliderX.setValue(minimum) minX = self.m_stepX * minimum + self.m_rangeMinX self.setAxisXRange(minX, maxX) def adjustZMin(self, minimum): minZ = self.m_stepZ * float(minimum) + self.m_rangeMinZ maximum = self.m_axisMaxSliderZ.value() if minimum >= maximum: maximum = minimum + 1 self.m_axisMaxSliderZ.setValue(maximum) maxZ = self.m_stepZ * maximum + self.m_rangeMinZ self.setAxisZRange(minZ, maxZ) def adjustZMax(self, maximum): maxX = self.m_stepZ * float(maximum) + self.m_rangeMinZ minimum = self.m_axisMinSliderZ.value() if maximum <= minimum: minimum = maximum - 1 self.m_axisMinSliderZ.setValue(minimum) minX = self.m_stepZ * minimum + self.m_rangeMinZ self.setAxisZRange(minX, maxX) def setAxisXRange(self, minimum, maximum): self.m_graph.axisX().setRange(minimum, maximum) def setAxisZRange(self, minimum, maximum): self.m_graph.axisZ().setRange(minimum, maximum) @Slot() def changeTheme(self, theme): self.m_graph.activeTheme().setType(Q3DTheme.Theme(theme)) def setBlackToYellowGradient(self): gr = QLinearGradient() gr.setColorAt(0.0, Qt.black) gr.setColorAt(0.33, Qt.blue) gr.setColorAt(0.67, Qt.red) gr.setColorAt(1.0, Qt.yellow) self.m_graph.seriesList()[0].setBaseGradient(gr) self.m_graph.seriesList()[0].setColorStyle(Q3DTheme.ColorStyleRangeGradient) def setGreenToRedGradient(self): gr = QLinearGradient() gr.setColorAt(0.0, Qt.darkGreen) gr.setColorAt(0.5, Qt.yellow) gr.setColorAt(0.8, Qt.red) gr.setColorAt(1.0, Qt.darkRed) series = self.m_graph.seriesList()[0] series.setBaseGradient(gr) series.setColorStyle(Q3DTheme.ColorStyleRangeGradient) def toggleModeNone(self): self.m_graph.setSelectionMode(QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionNone) def toggleModeItem(self): self.m_graph.setSelectionMode(QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionItem) def toggleModeSliceRow(self): self.m_graph.setSelectionMode( QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionItemAndRow | QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionSlice ) def toggleModeSliceColumn(self): self.m_graph.setSelectionMode( QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionItemAndColumn | QAbstract3DGraph.SelectionSlice ) def setAxisMinSliderX(self, slider): self.m_axisMinSliderX = slider def setAxisMaxSliderX(self, slider): self.m_axisMaxSliderX = slider def setAxisMinSliderZ(self, slider): self.m_axisMinSliderZ = slider def setAxisMaxSliderZ(self, slider): self.m_axisMaxSliderZ = slider