# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import sys from pathlib import Path from PySide6.QtCore import QFile, QIODevice, QObject from PySide6.QtGraphs import (QBar3DSeries, QCategory3DAxis, QValue3DAxis) from variantbardataproxy import VariantBarDataProxy from variantbardatamapping import VariantBarDataMapping from variantdataset import VariantDataSet MONTHS = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] class RainfallData(QObject): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._columnCount = 0 self._rowCount = 0 self._years = [] self._numericMonths = [] self._proxy = VariantBarDataProxy() self._mapping = None self._dataSet = None self._series = QBar3DSeries() self._valueAxis = QValue3DAxis() self._rowAxis = QCategory3DAxis() self._colAxis = QCategory3DAxis() # In data file the months are in numeric format, so create custom list for i in range(1, 13): self._numericMonths.append(str(i)) self._columnCount = len(self._numericMonths) self.updateYearsList(2010, 2022) # Create proxy and series self._proxy = VariantBarDataProxy() self._series = QBar3DSeries(self._proxy) self._series.setItemLabelFormat("%.1f mm") # Create the axes self._rowAxis = QCategory3DAxis(self) self._colAxis = QCategory3DAxis(self) self._valueAxis = QValue3DAxis(self) self._rowAxis.setAutoAdjustRange(True) self._colAxis.setAutoAdjustRange(True) self._valueAxis.setAutoAdjustRange(True) # Set axis labels and titles self._rowAxis.setTitle("Year") self._colAxis.setTitle("Month") self._valueAxis.setTitle("rainfall (mm)") self._valueAxis.setSegmentCount(5) self._rowAxis.setLabels(self._years) self._colAxis.setLabels(MONTHS) self._rowAxis.setTitleVisible(True) self._colAxis.setTitleVisible(True) self._valueAxis.setTitleVisible(True) self.addDataSet() def customSeries(self): return self._series def valueAxis(self): return self._valueAxis def rowAxis(self): return self._rowAxis def colAxis(self): return self._colAxis def updateYearsList(self, start, end): self._years.clear() for i in range(start, end + 1): self._years.append(str(i)) self._rowCount = len(self._years) def addDataSet(self): # Create a new variant data set and data item list self._dataSet = VariantDataSet() itemList = [] # Read data from a data file into the data item list file_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "data" / "raindata.txt" dataFile = QFile(file_path) if dataFile.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly | QIODevice.Text): data = dataFile.readAll().data().decode("utf8") for line in data.split("\n"): if line and not line.startswith("#"): # Ignore comments tokens = line.split(",") # Each line has three data items: Year, month, and # rainfall value if len(tokens) >= 3: # Store year and month as strings, and rainfall value # as double into a variant data item and add the item to # the item list. newItem = [] newItem.append(tokens[0].strip()) newItem.append(tokens[1].strip()) newItem.append(float(tokens[2].strip())) itemList.append(newItem) else: print("Unable to open data file:", dataFile.fileName(), file=sys.stderr) # Add items to the data set and set it to the proxy self._dataSet.addItems(itemList) self._proxy.setDataSet(self._dataSet) # Create new mapping for the data and set it to the proxy self._mapping = VariantBarDataMapping(0, 1, 2, self._years, self._numericMonths) self._proxy.setMapping(self._mapping)