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self.m_pos, maxlen - total) data.append(self.m_buffer.mid(self.m_pos, chunk)) self.m_pos = (self.m_pos + chunk) % self.m_buffer.size() total += chunk return data.data() def writeData(self, data): return 0 def bytesAvailable(self): return self.m_buffer.size() + super(Generator, self).bytesAvailable() class AudioTest(QMainWindow): PUSH_MODE_LABEL = "Enable push mode" PULL_MODE_LABEL = "Enable pull mode" SUSPEND_LABEL = "Suspend playback" RESUME_LABEL = "Resume playback" DURATION_SECONDS = 1 TONE_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ = 600 DATA_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ = 44100 def __init__(self, devices): super().__init__() self.m_devices = devices self.m_device = self.m_devices[0] self.m_output = None self.initialize_window() self.initialize_audio() def initialize_window(self): central_widget = QWidget() layout = QVBoxLayout(central_widget) self.m_deviceBox = QComboBox() self.m_deviceBox.activated[int].connect(self.device_changed) for deviceInfo in self.m_devices: self.m_deviceBox.addItem(deviceInfo.description(), deviceInfo) layout.addWidget(self.m_deviceBox) self.m_modeButton = QPushButton() self.m_modeButton.clicked.connect(self.toggle_mode) self.m_modeButton.setText(self.PUSH_MODE_LABEL) layout.addWidget(self.m_modeButton) self.m_suspendResumeButton = QPushButton( clicked=self.toggle_suspend_resume) self.m_suspendResumeButton.setText(self.SUSPEND_LABEL) layout.addWidget(self.m_suspendResumeButton) volume_box = QHBoxLayout() volume_label = QLabel("Volume:") self.m_volumeSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, minimum=0, maximum=100, singleStep=10) self.m_volumeSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.volume_changed) volume_box.addWidget(volume_label) volume_box.addWidget(self.m_volumeSlider) layout.addLayout(volume_box) self.setCentralWidget(central_widget) def initialize_audio(self): self.m_pullTimer = QTimer(self) self.m_pullTimer.timeout.connect(self.pull_timer_expired) self.m_pullMode = True self.m_format = QAudioFormat() self.m_format.setSampleRate(self.DATA_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ) self.m_format.setChannelCount(1) self.m_format.setSampleFormat(QAudioFormat.Int16) info = self.m_devices[0] if not info.isFormatSupported(self.m_format): qWarning("Default format not supported - trying to use nearest") self.m_format = info.nearestFormat(self.m_format) self.m_generator = Generator(self.m_format, self.DURATION_SECONDS * 1000000, self.TONE_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ, self) self.create_audio_output() def create_audio_output(self): self.m_audioSink = QAudioSink(self.m_device, self.m_format) self.m_audioSink.stateChanged.connect(self.handle_state_changed) self.m_generator.start() self.m_audioSink.start(self.m_generator) self.m_volumeSlider.setValue(self.m_audioSink.volume() * 100) @Slot(int) def device_changed(self, index): self.m_pullTimer.stop() self.m_generator.stop() self.m_audioSink.stop() self.m_device = self.m_deviceBox.itemData(index) self.create_audio_output() @Slot(int) def volume_changed(self, value): if self.m_audioSink is not None: self.m_audioSink.setVolume(value / 100.0) @Slot() def notified(self): bytes_free = self.m_audioSink.bytesFree() elapsed = self.m_audioSink.elapsedUSecs() processed = self.m_audioSink.processedUSecs() qWarning(f"bytesFree = {bytes_free}, " f"elapsedUSecs = {elapsed}, " f"processedUSecs = {processed}") @Slot() def pull_timer_expired(self): if self.m_audioSink is not None and self.m_audioSink.state() != QAudio.StoppedState: bytes_free = self.m_audioSink.bytesFree() data = self.m_generator.read(bytes_free) if data: self.m_output.write(data) @Slot() def toggle_mode(self): self.m_pullTimer.stop() self.m_audioSink.stop() if self.m_pullMode: self.m_modeButton.setText(self.PULL_MODE_LABEL) self.m_output = self.m_audioSink.start() self.m_pullMode = False self.m_pullTimer.start(20) else: self.m_modeButton.setText(self.PUSH_MODE_LABEL) self.m_pullMode = True self.m_audioSink.start(self.m_generator) self.m_suspendResumeButton.setText(self.SUSPEND_LABEL) @Slot() def toggle_suspend_resume(self): if self.m_audioSink.state() == QAudio.SuspendedState: qWarning("status: Suspended, resume()") self.m_audioSink.resume() self.m_suspendResumeButton.setText(self.SUSPEND_LABEL) elif self.m_audioSink.state() == QAudio.ActiveState: qWarning("status: Active, suspend()") self.m_audioSink.suspend() self.m_suspendResumeButton.setText(self.RESUME_LABEL) elif self.m_audioSink.state() == QAudio.StoppedState: qWarning("status: Stopped, resume()") self.m_audioSink.resume() self.m_suspendResumeButton.setText(self.SUSPEND_LABEL) elif self.m_audioSink.state() == QAudio.IdleState: qWarning("status: IdleState") state_map = { QAudio.ActiveState: "ActiveState", QAudio.SuspendedState: "SuspendedState", QAudio.StoppedState: "StoppedState", QAudio.IdleState: "IdleState"} @Slot(QAudio.State) def handle_state_changed(self, state): state = self.state_map.get(state, 'Unknown') qWarning(f"state = {state}") if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName("Audio Output Test") devices = QMediaDevices.audioOutputs() if not devices: print('No audio outputs found.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) audio = AudioTest(devices) audio.show() sys.exit(app.exec())