# Scriptable Application This example demonstrates how to make a Qt C++ application scriptable. It has a class **MainWindow** (`mainwindow.{cpp,h}`) that inherits from *QMainWindow*, for which bindings are generated using Shiboken. The header `wrappedclasses.h` is passed to Shiboken which generates class wrappers and headers in a sub directory called **AppLib/** which are linked to the application. The files `pythonutils.{cpp,h}` contain some code which binds the instance of **MainWindow** to a variable called **'mainWindow'** in the global Python namespace (`__main___`). It is then possible to run Python script snippets like: ```python mainWindow.testFunction1() ``` which trigger the underlying C++ function. ## Building the project This example can be built using *CMake* or *QMake*, but there are common requirements that you need to take into consideration: * Make sure that a --standalone PySide package (bundled with Qt libraries) is installed into the current active Python environment (system or virtualenv) * qmake has to be in your PATH: * so that CMake find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core) works (used for include headers), * used for building the application with qmake instead of CMake * use the same Qt version for building the example application, as was used for building PySide, this is to ensure binary compatibility between the newly generated bindings libraries, the PySide libraries and the Qt libraries. For Windows you will also need: * a Visual Studio environment to be active in your terminal * Correct visual studio architecture chosen (32 vs 64 bit) * Make sure that your Qt + Python + PySide package + app build configuration is the same (all Release, which is more likely, or all Debug). * Make sure that your Qt + Python + PySide package + app are built with the same version of MSVC, to avoid mixing of C++ runtime libraries. In principle this means that if you use the python.org provided Python interpreters, you need to use MSVC2015 for Python 3 projects. Both build options will use the `pyside_config.py` file to configure the project using the current PySide/Shiboken installation (for qmake via pyside.pri, and for CMake via the project CMakeLists.txt). ### Using CMake To build this example with CMake you will need a recent version of CMake (3.1+). You can build this example by executing the following commands (slightly adapted to your file system layout) in a terminal: macOS/Linux: ```bash cd ~/pyside-setup/examples/scriptableapplication ``` On Windows: ```bash cd C:\pyside-setup\examples\scriptableapplication ``` ```bash mkdir build cd build cmake -H.. -B. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ninja ./scriptableapplication ``` ### Using QMake The file `scriptableapplication.pro` is the project file associated to the example when using qmake. You can build this example by executing: ```bash mkdir build cd build qmake .. make # or nmake / jom for Windows ``` #### Windows troubleshooting Using **qmake** should work out of the box, there was a known issue with directories and white spaces that is solved by using the "~1" character, so the path will change from: c:\Program Files\Python34\libs to c:\Progra~1\Python34\libs this will avoid the issues when the Makefiles are generated. It is possible when using **cmake** to pick up the wrong compiler for a different architecture, but it can be addressed explicitly using the -G option: ```bash cmake -H.. -B. -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ``` If the `-G "Visual Studio 14 Win64"` option is used, a `sln` file will be generated, and can be used with `MSBuild` instead of `nmake/jom`. ```bash MSBuild scriptableapplication.sln "/p:Configuration=Release" ``` Note that using the "NMake Makefiles JOM" generator is preferred to the MSBuild one, because in the latter case the executable is placed into a directory other than the one that contains the dependency dlls (shiboken, pyside). This leads to execution problems if the application is started within the Release subdirectory and not the one containing the dependencies. ## Virtualenv Support If the application is started from a terminal with an activated python virtual environment, that environment's packages will be used for the python module import process. In this case, make sure that the application was built while the `virtualenv` was active, so that the build system picks up the correct python shared library and PySide package. ## Linux Shared Libraries Notes For this example's purpose, we link against the absolute paths of the shared libraries (`libshiboken` and `libpyside`) because the installation of the modules is being done via wheels, and there is no clean solution to include symbolic links in the package (so that regular -lshiboken works). ## Windows Notes The build config of the application (Debug or Release) should match the PySide6 build config, otherwise the application will not properly work. In practice this means the only supported configurations are: 1. release config build of the application + PySide `setup.py` without `--debug` flag + `python.exe` for the PySide build process + `python36.dll` for the linked in shared library + release build of Qt. 2. debug config build of the application + PySide `setup.py` **with** `--debug` flag + `python_d.exe` for the PySide build process + `python36_d.dll` for the linked in shared library + debug build of Qt. This is necessary because all the shared libraries in question have to link to the same C++ runtime library (`msvcrt.dll` or `msvcrtd.dll`). To make the example as self-contained as possible, the shared libraries in use (`pyside6.dll`, `shiboken6.dll`) are hard-linked into the build folder of the application.