############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. ## Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ## ## This file is part of the Qt for Python examples of the Qt Toolkit. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ## You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ## the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ## distribution. ## * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its ## contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ## from this software without specific prior written permission. ## ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ## "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ## A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 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BrowserTabWidget(QTabWidget): """Enables having several tabs with QWebEngineView.""" url_changed = QtCore.Signal(QUrl) enabled_changed = QtCore.Signal(QWebEnginePage.WebAction, bool) download_requested = QtCore.Signal(QWebEngineDownloadItem) def __init__(self, window_factory_function): super(BrowserTabWidget, self).__init__() self.setTabsClosable(True) self._window_factory_function = window_factory_function self._webengineviews = [] self._history_windows = {} # map WebengineView to HistoryWindow self.currentChanged.connect(self._current_changed) self.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.handle_tab_close_request) self._actions_enabled = {} for web_action in WebEngineView.web_actions(): self._actions_enabled[web_action] = False tab_bar = self.tabBar() tab_bar.setSelectionBehaviorOnRemove(QTabBar.SelectPreviousTab) tab_bar.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) tab_bar.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self._handle_tab_context_menu) def add_browser_tab(self): factory_func = partial(BrowserTabWidget.add_browser_tab, self) web_engine_view = WebEngineView(factory_func, self._window_factory_function) index = self.count() self._webengineviews.append(web_engine_view) title = 'Tab {}'.format(index + 1) self.addTab(web_engine_view, title) page = web_engine_view.page() page.titleChanged.connect(self._title_changed) page.iconChanged.connect(self._icon_changed) page.profile().downloadRequested.connect(self._download_requested) web_engine_view.urlChanged.connect(self._url_changed) web_engine_view.enabled_changed.connect(self._enabled_changed) self.setCurrentIndex(index) return web_engine_view def load(self, url): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0 and url.isValid(): self._webengineviews[index].setUrl(url) def find(self, needle, flags): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0: self._webengineviews[index].page().findText(needle, flags) def url(self): index = self.currentIndex() return self._webengineviews[index].url() if index >= 0 else QUrl() def _url_changed(self, url): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0 and self._webengineviews[index] == self.sender(): self.url_changed.emit(url) def _title_changed(self, title): index = self._index_of_page(self.sender()) if (index >= 0): self.setTabText(index, BookmarkWidget.short_title(title)) def _icon_changed(self, icon): index = self._index_of_page(self.sender()) if (index >= 0): self.setTabIcon(index, icon) def _enabled_changed(self, web_action, enabled): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0 and self._webengineviews[index] == self.sender(): self._check_emit_enabled_changed(web_action, enabled) def _check_emit_enabled_changed(self, web_action, enabled): if enabled != self._actions_enabled[web_action]: self._actions_enabled[web_action] = enabled self.enabled_changed.emit(web_action, enabled) def _current_changed(self, index): self._update_actions(index) self.url_changed.emit(self.url()) def _update_actions(self, index): if index >= 0 and index < len(self._webengineviews): view = self._webengineviews[index] for web_action in WebEngineView.web_actions(): enabled = view.is_web_action_enabled(web_action) self._check_emit_enabled_changed(web_action, enabled) def back(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Back) def forward(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Forward) def reload(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Reload) def undo(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Undo) def redo(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Redo) def cut(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Cut) def copy(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Copy) def paste(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.Paste) def select_all(self): self._trigger_action(QWebEnginePage.SelectAll) def show_history(self): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0: webengineview = self._webengineviews[index] history_window = self._history_windows.get(webengineview) if not history_window: history = webengineview.page().history() history_window = HistoryWindow(history, self) history_window.open_url.connect(self.load) history_window.setWindowFlags(history_window.windowFlags() | Qt.Window) history_window.setWindowTitle('History') self._history_windows[webengineview] = history_window else: history_window.refresh() history_window.show() history_window.raise_() def zoom_factor(self): return self._webengineviews[0].zoomFactor() if self._webengineviews else 1.0 def set_zoom_factor(self, z): for w in self._webengineviews: w.setZoomFactor(z) def _handle_tab_context_menu(self, point): index = self.tabBar().tabAt(point) if index < 0: return tab_count = len(self._webengineviews) context_menu = QMenu() duplicate_tab_action = context_menu.addAction("Duplicate Tab") close_other_tabs_action = context_menu.addAction("Close Other Tabs") close_other_tabs_action.setEnabled(tab_count > 1) close_tabs_to_the_right_action = context_menu.addAction("Close Tabs to the Right") close_tabs_to_the_right_action.setEnabled(index < tab_count - 1) close_tab_action = context_menu.addAction("&Close Tab") chosen_action = context_menu.exec_(self.tabBar().mapToGlobal(point)) if chosen_action == duplicate_tab_action: current_url = self.url() self.add_browser_tab().load(current_url) elif chosen_action == close_other_tabs_action: for t in range(tab_count - 1, -1, -1): if t != index: self.handle_tab_close_request(t) elif chosen_action == close_tabs_to_the_right_action: for t in range(tab_count - 1, index, -1): self.handle_tab_close_request(t) elif chosen_action == close_tab_action: self.handle_tab_close_request(index) def handle_tab_close_request(self, index): if (index >= 0 and self.count() > 1): webengineview = self._webengineviews[index] if self._history_windows.get(webengineview): del self._history_windows[webengineview] self._webengineviews.remove(webengineview) self.removeTab(index) def close_current_tab(self): self.handle_tab_close_request(self.currentIndex()) def _trigger_action(self, action): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0: self._webengineviews[index].page().triggerAction(action) def _index_of_page(self, web_page): for p in range(0, len(self._webengineviews)): if (self._webengineviews[p].page() == web_page): return p return -1 def _download_requested(self, item): self.download_requested.emit(item)