/* * This file is part of the API Extractor project. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * * Contact: PySide team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "generator.h" #include "reporthandler.h" #include "fileout.h" #include "apiextractor.h" #include #include #include #include struct Generator::GeneratorPrivate { const ApiExtractor* apiextractor; QString outDir; // License comment QString licenseComment; QString packageName; int numGenerated; int numGeneratedWritten; }; Generator::Generator() : m_d(new GeneratorPrivate) { m_d->numGenerated = 0; m_d->numGeneratedWritten = 0; } Generator::~Generator() { delete m_d; } bool Generator::setup(const ApiExtractor& extractor, const QMap< QString, QString > args) { m_d->apiextractor = &extractor; // FIXME: Avoid this ugly hack to get the package name.. and... why the name "package"!? foreach (const AbstractMetaClass* cppClass, m_d->apiextractor->classes()) { if (m_d->packageName.isEmpty() && cppClass->typeEntry()->generateCode() && !cppClass->package().isEmpty()) { m_d->packageName = cppClass->package(); break; } } return doSetup(args); } QMap< QString, QString > Generator::options() const { return QMap(); } AbstractMetaClassList Generator::classes() const { return m_d->apiextractor->classes(); } AbstractMetaFunctionList Generator::globalFunctions() const { return m_d->apiextractor->globalFunctions(); } AbstractMetaEnumList Generator::globalEnums() const { return m_d->apiextractor->globalEnums(); } QList Generator::primitiveTypes() const { return m_d->apiextractor->primitiveTypes(); } QList Generator::containerTypes() const { return m_d->apiextractor->containerTypes(); } const AbstractMetaEnum* Generator::findAbstractMetaEnum(const EnumTypeEntry* typeEntry) const { return m_d->apiextractor->findAbstractMetaEnum(typeEntry); } const AbstractMetaEnum* Generator::findAbstractMetaEnum(const TypeEntry* typeEntry) const { return m_d->apiextractor->findAbstractMetaEnum(typeEntry); } const AbstractMetaEnum* Generator::findAbstractMetaEnum(const FlagsTypeEntry* typeEntry) const { return m_d->apiextractor->findAbstractMetaEnum(typeEntry); } const AbstractMetaEnum* Generator::findAbstractMetaEnum(const AbstractMetaType* metaType) const { return m_d->apiextractor->findAbstractMetaEnum(metaType); } QSet< QString > Generator::qtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames() const { return m_d->apiextractor->qtMetaTypeDeclaredTypeNames(); } QString Generator::licenseComment() const { return m_d->licenseComment; } void Generator::setLicenseComment(const QString& licenseComment) { m_d->licenseComment = licenseComment; } QString Generator::packageName() const { return m_d->packageName; } QString Generator::moduleName() const { QString& pkgName = m_d->packageName; return QString(pkgName).remove(0, pkgName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } QString Generator::outputDirectory() const { return m_d->outDir; } void Generator::setOutputDirectory(const QString &outDir) { m_d->outDir = outDir; } int Generator::numGenerated() const { return m_d->numGenerated; } int Generator::numGeneratedAndWritten() const { return m_d->numGeneratedWritten; } void Generator::generate() { foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_d->apiextractor->classes()) { if (!shouldGenerate(cls)) continue; QString fileName = fileNameForClass(cls); if (fileName.isNull()) continue; ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString("generating: %1").arg(fileName)); FileOut fileOut(outputDirectory() + '/' + subDirectoryForClass(cls) + '/' + fileName); generateClass(fileOut.stream, cls); if (fileOut.done()) ++m_d->numGeneratedWritten; ++m_d->numGenerated; } finishGeneration(); } bool Generator::shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass) const { return metaClass->typeEntry()->codeGeneration() & TypeEntry::GenerateTargetLang; } void verifyDirectoryFor(const QFile &file) { QDir dir = QFileInfo(file).dir(); if (!dir.exists()) { if (!dir.mkpath(dir.absolutePath())) ReportHandler::warning(QString("unable to create directory '%1'") .arg(dir.absolutePath())); } } void Generator::replaceTemplateVariables(QString &code, const AbstractMetaFunction *func) { const AbstractMetaClass *cpp_class = func->ownerClass(); if (cpp_class) code.replace("%TYPE", cpp_class->name()); foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *arg, func->arguments()) code.replace("%" + QString::number(arg->argumentIndex() + 1), arg->name()); //template values code.replace("%RETURN_TYPE", translateType(func->type(), cpp_class)); code.replace("%FUNCTION_NAME", func->originalName()); if (code.contains("%ARGUMENT_NAMES")) { QString str; QTextStream aux_stream(&str); writeArgumentNames(aux_stream, func, Generator::SkipRemovedArguments); code.replace("%ARGUMENT_NAMES", str); } if (code.contains("%ARGUMENTS")) { QString str; QTextStream aux_stream(&str); writeFunctionArguments(aux_stream, func, Options(SkipDefaultValues) | SkipRemovedArguments); code.replace("%ARGUMENTS", str); } } QTextStream& formatCode(QTextStream &s, const QString& code, Indentor &indentor) { // detect number of spaces before the first character QStringList lst(code.split("\n")); QRegExp nonSpaceRegex("[^\\s]"); int spacesToRemove = 0; foreach(QString line, lst) { if (!line.trimmed().isEmpty()) { spacesToRemove = line.indexOf(nonSpaceRegex); if (spacesToRemove == -1) spacesToRemove = 0; break; } } static QRegExp emptyLine("\\s*[\\r]?[\\n]?\\s*"); foreach(QString line, lst) { if (!line.isEmpty() && !emptyLine.exactMatch(line)) { while (line.end()->isSpace()) line.chop(1); int limit = 0; for(int i = 0; i < spacesToRemove; ++i) { if (!line[i].isSpace()) break; limit++; } s << indentor << line.remove(0, limit); } s << endl; } return s; } AbstractMetaFunctionList Generator::implicitConversions(const TypeEntry* type) const { if (type->isValue()) { const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass = classes().findClass(type); if (metaClass) return metaClass->implicitConversions(); } return AbstractMetaFunctionList(); } AbstractMetaFunctionList Generator::implicitConversions(const AbstractMetaType* metaType) const { return implicitConversions(metaType->typeEntry()); } QString Generator::translateType(const AbstractMetaType *cType, const AbstractMetaClass *context, Options options) const { QString s; static int constLen = strlen("const"); if (context && cType && context->typeEntry()->isGenericClass() && cType->originalTemplateType()) { cType = cType->originalTemplateType(); } if (!cType) { s = "void"; } else if (cType->isArray()) { s = translateType(cType->arrayElementType(), context, options) + "[]"; } else if (options & Generator::EnumAsInts && (cType->isEnum() || cType->isFlags())) { s = "int"; } else { if (options & Generator::OriginalName) { s = cType->originalTypeDescription().trimmed(); if ((options & Generator::ExcludeReference) && s.endsWith("&")) s = s.left(s.size()-1); // remove only the last const (avoid remove template const) if (options & Generator::ExcludeConst) { int index = s.lastIndexOf("const"); if (index >= (s.size() - (constLen + 1))) // (VarType const) or (VarType const[*|&]) s = s.remove(index, constLen); } } else if (options & Generator::ExcludeConst || options & Generator::ExcludeReference) { AbstractMetaType* copyType = cType->copy(); if (options & Generator::ExcludeConst) copyType->setConstant(false); if (options & Generator::ExcludeReference) copyType->setReference(false); s = copyType->cppSignature(); if (!copyType->typeEntry()->isCppPrimitive()) s.prepend("::"); delete copyType; } else { s = cType->cppSignature(); } } return s; } QString Generator::subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass* clazz) const { return subDirectoryForPackage(clazz->package()); } QString Generator::subDirectoryForPackage(QString packageName) const { if (packageName.isEmpty()) packageName = m_d->packageName; return QString(packageName).replace(".", QDir::separator()); } template static QString getClassTargetFullName_(const T* t, bool includePackageName) { QString name = t->name(); const AbstractMetaClass* context = t->enclosingClass(); while (context) { name.prepend('.'); name.prepend(context->name()); context = context->enclosingClass(); } if (includePackageName) { name.prepend('.'); name.prepend(t->package()); } return name; } QString getClassTargetFullName(const AbstractMetaClass* metaClass, bool includePackageName) { return getClassTargetFullName_(metaClass, includePackageName); } QString getClassTargetFullName(const AbstractMetaEnum* metaEnum, bool includePackageName) { return getClassTargetFullName_(metaEnum, includePackageName); }