/* * This file is part of the PySide project. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * * Contact: PySide team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "dynamicqmetaobject.h" #include "dynamicqmetaobject_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qsignal.h" #include "qproperty.h" #include "qproperty_p.h" #define MAX_SIGNALS_COUNT 50 #define MAX_SLOTS_COUNT 50 #define MAX_GLOBAL_SIGNALS_COUNT 500 #define MAX_GLOBAL_SLOTS_COUNT 500 #define GLOBAL_RECEIVER_CLASS_NAME "__GlobalReceiver__" using namespace PySide; enum PropertyFlags { Invalid = 0x00000000, Readable = 0x00000001, Writable = 0x00000002, Resettable = 0x00000004, EnumOrFlag = 0x00000008, StdCppSet = 0x00000100, // Override = 0x00000200, Constant = 0x00000400, Final = 0x00000800, Designable = 0x00001000, ResolveDesignable = 0x00002000, Scriptable = 0x00004000, ResolveScriptable = 0x00008000, Stored = 0x00010000, ResolveStored = 0x00020000, Editable = 0x00040000, ResolveEditable = 0x00080000, User = 0x00100000, ResolveUser = 0x00200000, Notify = 0x00400000 }; class DynamicQMetaObject::DynamicQMetaObjectPrivate { public: QLinkedList m_signals; QLinkedList m_slots; QLinkedList m_properties; QByteArray m_className; void updateMetaObject(QMetaObject* metaObj); void writeMethodsData(QLinkedList& methods, unsigned int** data, QList* strings, int* prtIndex, int maxCount, int nullIndex, int flags); }; static int registerString(const QByteArray& s, QList* strings) { int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < strings->count(); ++i) { const QString &str = strings->at(i); if (str == s) return idx; idx += str.length() + 1; } strings->append(s); return idx; } static int qvariant_nameToType(const char* name) { if (!name) return 0; if (strcmp(name, "QVariant") == 0) return 0xffffffff; if (strcmp(name, "QCString") == 0) return QMetaType::QByteArray; if (strcmp(name, "Q_LLONG") == 0) return QMetaType::LongLong; if (strcmp(name, "Q_ULLONG") == 0) return QMetaType::ULongLong; if (strcmp(name, "QIconSet") == 0) return QMetaType::QIcon; uint tp = QMetaType::type(name); return tp < QMetaType::User ? tp : 0; } /* Returns true if the type is a QVariant types. */ static bool isVariantType(const char* type) { return qvariant_nameToType(type) != 0; } /*! Returns true if the type is qreal. */ static bool isQRealType(const char *type) { return strcmp(type, "qreal") == 0; } /* * Avoid API break keep this on cpp */ static int maxSlotsCount(const QString& className) { int maxSlots = MAX_SLOTS_COUNT; if (className == GLOBAL_RECEIVER_CLASS_NAME) maxSlots = MAX_GLOBAL_SIGNALS_COUNT; return maxSlots; } static int maxSignalsCount(const QString& className) { int maxSignals = MAX_SIGNALS_COUNT; if (className == GLOBAL_RECEIVER_CLASS_NAME) maxSignals = MAX_GLOBAL_SIGNALS_COUNT; return maxSignals; } uint PropertyData::flags() const { const char* typeName = type().data(); uint flags = Invalid; if (!isVariantType(typeName)) flags |= EnumOrFlag; else if (!isQRealType(typeName)) flags |= qvariant_nameToType(typeName) << 24; if (qpropertyIsReadable(m_data)) flags |= Readable; if (qpropertyIsWritable(m_data)) flags |= Writable; if (qpropertyHasReset(m_data)) flags |= Resettable; if (!qpropertyIsDesignable(m_data)) flags |= ResolveDesignable; else flags |= Designable; if (!qpropertyIsScriptable(m_data)) flags |= ResolveScriptable; else flags |= Scriptable; if (!qpropertyIsStored(m_data)) flags |= ResolveStored; else flags |= Stored; if (!qpropertyIsUser(m_data)) flags |= ResolveUser; else flags |= User; if (qpropertyIsConstant(m_data)) flags |= Constant; if (qpropertyIsFinal(m_data)) flags |= Final; return flags; } MethodData::MethodData(const char* signature, const char* type) { m_signature = QSharedPointer(new QByteArray(signature)); m_type = QSharedPointer(new QByteArray(type)); } void MethodData::clear() { m_signature->clear(); m_type->clear(); } bool MethodData::operator==(const MethodData& other) const { return *m_signature == other.signature(); } bool MethodData::operator==(const char* other) const { return *m_signature == other; } QByteArray MethodData::signature() const { if (!m_signature.isNull()) return *m_signature; else return QByteArray(); } QByteArray MethodData::type() const { if (!m_type.isNull()) { if (*m_type == "void") return QByteArray(); return *m_type; } else { return QByteArray(); } } bool MethodData::isValid() const { return m_signature->size(); } PropertyData::PropertyData() : m_data(0) { } PropertyData::PropertyData(const char* name, PyObject* data) : m_name(name), m_data(data) { } QByteArray PropertyData::type() const { return QByteArray(qpropertyGetType(m_data)); } bool PropertyData::isValid() const { return !m_name.isEmpty(); } QByteArray PropertyData::name() const { return m_name; } bool PropertyData::operator==(const PropertyData& other) const { return m_data == other.m_data; } bool PropertyData::operator==(const char* name) const { return m_name == QString(name); } DynamicQMetaObject::DynamicQMetaObject(const char* className, const QMetaObject* metaObject) : m_d(new DynamicQMetaObjectPrivate) { d.superdata = metaObject; d.stringdata = 0; d.data = 0; d.extradata = 0; m_d->m_className = QByteArray(className); m_d->updateMetaObject(this); } DynamicQMetaObject::~DynamicQMetaObject() { delete[] d.stringdata; delete[] d.data; delete m_d; } void DynamicQMetaObject::addSignal(const char* signal, const char* type) { QLinkedList::iterator i = qFind(m_d->m_signals.begin(), m_d->m_signals.end(), signal); if (i != m_d->m_signals.end()) return; //search for a empty space MethodData blank; i = qFind(m_d->m_signals.begin(), m_d->m_signals.end(), blank); if (i != m_d->m_signals.end()) { *i = MethodData(signal, type); m_d->updateMetaObject(this); return; } int maxSignals = maxSignalsCount(m_d->m_className); if (m_d->m_signals.size() >= maxSignals) { qWarning() << "Fail to add dynamic signal to QObject. PySide support at most" << maxSignals << "dynamic signals."; return; } m_d->m_signals << MethodData(signal, type); m_d->updateMetaObject(this); } void DynamicQMetaObject::addSlot(const char* slot, const char* type) { QLinkedList::iterator i = qFind(m_d->m_slots.begin(), m_d->m_slots.end(), slot); if (i != m_d->m_slots.end()) return; int maxSlots = maxSlotsCount(m_d->m_className); if (m_d->m_slots.size() >= maxSlots) { qWarning() << "Fail to add dynamic slot to QObject. PySide support at most" << maxSlots << "dynamic slots."; return; } //search for a empty space MethodData blank; i = qFind(m_d->m_slots.begin(), m_d->m_slots.end(), blank); if (i != m_d->m_slots.end()) *i = MethodData(slot, type); else m_d->m_slots << MethodData(slot, type); m_d->updateMetaObject(this); } void DynamicQMetaObject::removeSlot(uint index) { QMetaMethod m = method(index); foreach(MethodData md, m_d->m_slots) { if (md.signature() == m.signature()) { md.clear(); m_d->updateMetaObject(this); break; } } } void DynamicQMetaObject::addProperty(const char* property, PyObject* data) { QLinkedList::iterator i = qFind(m_d->m_properties.begin(), m_d->m_properties.end(), property); if (i != m_d->m_properties.end()) return; //search for a empty space PropertyData blank; i = qFind(m_d->m_properties.begin(), m_d->m_properties.end(), blank); if (i != m_d->m_properties.end()) { *i = PropertyData(property, data); } else { m_d->m_properties << PropertyData(property, data); } m_d->updateMetaObject(this); } DynamicQMetaObject* DynamicQMetaObject::createBasedOn(PyObject* pyObj, PyTypeObject* type, const QMetaObject* base) { PyObject* key; PyObject* value; Py_ssize_t pos = 0; QString className(type->tp_name); className = className.mid(className.lastIndexOf('.')+1); DynamicQMetaObject *mo = new PySide::DynamicQMetaObject(className.toAscii(), base); while (PyDict_Next(type->tp_dict, &pos, &key, &value)) { //Register properties if (value->ob_type == &PySideQPropertyType) { mo->addProperty(PyString_AsString(key), value); } //Register signals if (value->ob_type == &Signal_Type) { PyObject *attr = PyObject_GetAttr(pyObj, key); SignalInstanceData *data = reinterpret_cast(attr); while(data) { int index = base->indexOfSignal(data->signature); if (index == -1) mo->addSignal(data->signature); data = reinterpret_cast(data->next); } } if (!PyFunction_Check(value)) continue; //Register Slots if (PyObject_HasAttrString(value, PYSIDE_SLOT_LIST_ATTR)) { PyObject *signature_list = PyObject_GetAttrString(value, PYSIDE_SLOT_LIST_ATTR); for(Py_ssize_t i = 0, i_max = PyList_Size(signature_list); i < i_max; i++) { PyObject *signature = PyList_GET_ITEM(signature_list, i); QString sig(PyString_AsString(signature)); //slot the slot type and signature QStringList slotInfo = sig.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); int index = base->indexOfSlot(slotInfo[0].toAscii()); if (index == -1) mo->addSlot(slotInfo[1].toAscii(), slotInfo[0].toAscii()); } } } return mo; } void DynamicQMetaObject::removeSignal(uint index) { //Current Qt implementation does not support runtime remove signal QMetaMethod m = method(index); foreach(MethodData md, m_d->m_signals) { if (md.signature() == m.signature()) { md.clear(); m_d->updateMetaObject(this); break; } } } void DynamicQMetaObject::DynamicQMetaObjectPrivate::writeMethodsData(QLinkedList& methods, unsigned int** data, QList* strings, int* prtIndex, int maxCount, int nullIndex, int flags) { int index = *prtIndex; QLinkedList::iterator iMethod = methods.begin(); for(int i=0; i < maxCount; i++) { QByteArray mType; if (iMethod != methods.end() && ((*iMethod).signature().size() > 0) ) { (*data)[index++] = registerString((*iMethod).signature(), strings); // func name mType = (*iMethod).type(); } else { (*data)[index++] = nullIndex; // func name } (*data)[index++] = nullIndex; // arguments (*data)[index++] = (mType.size() > 0 ? registerString(mType, strings) : nullIndex); // normalized type (*data)[index++] = nullIndex; // tags (*data)[index++] = flags; if (iMethod != methods.end()) iMethod++; } *prtIndex = index; } void DynamicQMetaObject::DynamicQMetaObjectPrivate::updateMetaObject(QMetaObject* metaObj) { // these values are from moc source code, generator.cpp:66 enum MethodFlags { AccessPrivate = 0x00, AccessProtected = 0x01, AccessPublic = 0x02, MethodMethod = 0x00, MethodSignal = 0x04, MethodSlot = 0x08, MethodConstructor = 0x0c, MethodCompatibility = 0x10, MethodCloned = 0x20, MethodScriptable = 0x40 }; int maxSignals = maxSignalsCount(m_className); int maxSlots = maxSlotsCount(m_className); uint n_signals = maxSignals; uint n_methods = n_signals + maxSlots; uint n_properties = m_properties.size(); int header[] = {5, // revision 0, // class name index in m_metadata 0, 0, // classinfo and classinfo index, not used by us n_methods, 0, // method count and method list index n_properties, 0, // prop count and prop indexes 0, 0, // enum count and enum index 0, 0, // constructors n_signals}; const int HEADER_LENGHT = sizeof(header)/sizeof(int); header[5] = HEADER_LENGHT; // header size + 5 indexes per method + an ending zero delete[] metaObj->d.data; unsigned int* data; data = new unsigned int[HEADER_LENGHT + n_methods*5 + n_properties*3 + 1]; std::memcpy(data, header, sizeof(header)); QList strings; registerString(m_className, &strings); // register class string const int NULL_INDEX = registerString("", &strings); // register a null string int index = HEADER_LENGHT; //write signals writeMethodsData(m_signals, &data, &strings, &index, maxSignals, NULL_INDEX, AccessPublic | MethodSignal); //write slots writeMethodsData(m_slots, &data, &strings, &index, maxSlots, NULL_INDEX, AccessPublic | MethodSlot); if (m_properties.size()) data[7] = index; //write properties foreach(PropertyData pp, m_properties) { if (pp.isValid()) data[index++] = registerString(pp.name(), &strings); // name else data[index++] = NULL_INDEX; data[index++] = (pp.isValid() ? registerString(pp.type(), &strings) : NULL_INDEX); // normalized type data[index++] = pp.flags(); } data[index++] = 0; // the end // create the m_metadata string QByteArray str; foreach(QByteArray field, strings) { str.append(field); str.append(char(0)); } delete[] metaObj->d.stringdata; char* stringData = new char[str.count()]; std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), stringData); metaObj->d.data = data; metaObj->d.stringdata = stringData; } void PySide::deleteDynamicQMetaObject(void* data) { delete reinterpret_cast(data); }