/* * This file is part of the API Extractor project. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * * Contact: PySide team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "qtdocparser.h" #include "reporthandler.h" #include #include Documentation QtDocParser::retrieveModuleDocumentation() { // TODO: This method of acquiring the module name supposes that the target language uses // dots as module separators in package names. Improve this. QString moduleName = QString(packageName()).remove(0, packageName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1); QString sourceFile = documentationDataDirectory() + '/' + moduleName.toLower() + ".xml"; if (!QFile::exists(sourceFile)) { ReportHandler::warning("Can't find qdoc3 file for module " + packageName() + ", tried: " + sourceFile); return Documentation(); } QXmlQuery xquery; xquery.setFocus(QUrl(sourceFile)); // Module documentation QString query = "/WebXML/document/page[@name=\"" + moduleName + "\"]/description"; return Documentation(getDocumentation(xquery, query, DocModificationList())); } void QtDocParser::fillDocumentation(AbstractMetaClass* metaClass) { if (!metaClass) return; QString filename = metaClass->qualifiedCppName().toLower().replace("::", "-"); QString sourceFile = documentationDataDirectory() + '/' + filename + ".xml"; if (metaClass->enclosingClass()) sourceFile.replace("::", "-"); if (!QFile::exists(sourceFile)) { ReportHandler::warning("Can't find qdoc3 file for class " + metaClass->name() + ", tried: " + sourceFile); return; } QXmlQuery xquery; xquery.setFocus(QUrl(sourceFile)); QString className = metaClass->name(); QString nameType = metaClass->enclosingClass() ? "fullname" : "name"; // Class/Namespace documentation QString type = metaClass->isNamespace() ? QLatin1String("namespace") : QLatin1String("class"); QString query = "/WebXML/document/" + type + "[@" + nameType + "=\"" + className + "\"]/description"; DocModificationList signedModifs, classModifs; foreach (DocModification docModif, metaClass->typeEntry()->docModifications()) { if (docModif.signature().isEmpty()) classModifs.append(docModif); else signedModifs.append(docModif); } Documentation doc(getDocumentation(xquery, query, classModifs)); metaClass->setDocumentation(doc); //Functions Documentation AbstractMetaFunctionList funcs = metaClass->functionsInTargetLang(); foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *func, funcs) { if (!func || func->isPrivate()) continue; QString query = "/WebXML/document/" + type + "[@" + nameType + "=\"" + className + "\"]"; // properties if (func->isPropertyReader() || func->isPropertyWriter() || func->isPropertyResetter()) { query += "/property[@name=\"" + func->propertySpec()->name() + "\"]"; } else { // normal methods QString isConst = func->isConstant() ? "true" : "false"; query += "/function[@name=\"" + func->originalName() + "\" and count(parameter)=" + QString::number(func->arguments().count()) + " and @const=\"" + isConst + "\"]"; int i = 1; foreach (AbstractMetaArgument* arg, func->arguments()) { QString type = arg->type()->name(); if (arg->type()->isConstant()) type.prepend("const "); if (arg->type()->isReference()) { type += " &"; } if (arg->type()->indirections()) { type += ' '; for (int j = 0, max = arg->type()->indirections(); j < max; ++j) type += '*'; } query += "/parameter[" + QString::number(i) + "][@left=\"" + type + "\"]/.."; ++i; } } query += "/description"; DocModificationList funcModifs; foreach (DocModification funcModif, signedModifs) { if (funcModif.signature() == func->minimalSignature()) funcModifs.append(funcModif); } doc.setValue(getDocumentation(xquery, query, funcModifs)); func->setDocumentation(doc); } #if 0 // Fields AbstractMetaFieldList fields = metaClass->fields(); foreach (AbstractMetaField *field, fields) { if (field->isPrivate()) return; QString query = "/doxygen/compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef/name[text()=\"" + field->name() + "\"]/.."; Documentation doc = getDocumentation(DocModificationList(), xquery, query); field->setDocumentation(doc); } #endif // Enums AbstractMetaEnumList enums = metaClass->enums(); foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum, enums) { QString query = "/WebXML/document/" + type + "[@" + nameType + "=\"" + className + "\"]/enum[@name=\"" + meta_enum->name() + "\"]/description"; doc.setValue(getDocumentation(xquery, query, DocModificationList())); meta_enum->setDocumentation(doc); } }