import os, sys, re, subprocess from distutils.spawn import find_executable class QtInfo(object): def __init__(self, qmake_command=None): self.initialized = False if qmake_command: self._qmake_command = qmake_command else: self._qmake_command = [find_executable("qmake"),] # Dict to cache qmake values. self._query_dict = {} # Dict to cache mkspecs variables. self._mkspecs_dict = {} # Initialize the properties. self._initProperties() def getQMakeCommand(self): qmake_command_string = self._qmake_command[0] for entry in self._qmake_command[1:]: qmake_command_string += " {}".format(entry) return qmake_command_string def getVersion(self): return self.getProperty("QT_VERSION") def getBinsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_BINS") def getLibsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_LIBS") def getLibsExecsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_LIBEXECS") def getPluginsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS") def getPrefixPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_PREFIX") def getImportsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS") def getTranslationsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS") def getHeadersPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_HEADERS") def getDocsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_DOCS") def getQmlPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_QML") def getBuildType(self): """ Return value is either debug, release, debug_release, or None. """ return self.getProperty("BUILD_TYPE") def getSrcDir(self): """ Return path to Qt src dir or None.. """ return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_PREFIX/src") def getProperty(self, prop_name): if prop_name not in self._query_dict: return None return self._query_dict[prop_name] def getProperties(self): return self._query_dict def getMkspecsVariables(self): return self._mkspecs_dict def _getQMakeOutput(self, args_list = []): cmd = self._qmake_command + args_list proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) output = proc.communicate()[0] proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: return None if sys.version_info >= (3,): output = str(output, 'ascii').strip() else: output = output.strip() return output def _parseQueryProperties(self, process_output): props = {} if not process_output: return props lines = [s.strip() for s in process_output.splitlines()] for line in lines: if line and ':' in line: key, value = line.split(':', 1) props[key] = value return props def _getQueryProperties(self): output = self._getQMakeOutput(['-query']) self._query_dict = self._parseQueryProperties(output) def _parseQtBuildType(self): key = 'QT_CONFIG' if key not in self._mkspecs_dict: return None qt_config = self._mkspecs_dict[key] if 'debug_and_release' in qt_config: return 'debug_and_release' split = qt_config.split(' ') if 'release' in split and 'debug' in split: return 'debug_and_release' if 'release' in split: return 'release' if 'debug' in split: return 'debug' return None def _getOtherProperties(self): # Get the src property separately, because it is not returned by qmake unless explicitly # specified. key = 'QT_INSTALL_PREFIX/src' result = self._getQMakeOutput(['-query', key]) self._query_dict[key] = result # Get mkspecs variables and cache them. self._getQMakeMkspecsVariables() # Figure out how Qt was built: debug mode, release mode, or both. build_type = self._parseQtBuildType() if build_type: self._query_dict['BUILD_TYPE'] = build_type def _initProperties(self): self._getQueryProperties() self._getOtherProperties() def _getQMakeMkspecsVariables(self): # Create empty temporary qmake project file. temp_file_name = 'qmake_fake_empty_project.txt' open(temp_file_name, 'a').close() # Query qmake for all of its mkspecs variables. qmakeOutput = self._getQMakeOutput(['-E', temp_file_name]) lines = [s.strip() for s in qmakeOutput.splitlines()] pattern = re.compile(r"^(.+?)=(.+?)$") for line in lines: found = if found: key = value = self._mkspecs_dict[key] = value # We need to clean up after qmake, which always creates a .qmake.stash file after a -E # invocation. qmake_stash_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".qmake.stash") if os.path.exists(qmake_stash_file): os.remove(qmake_stash_file) # Also clean up the temporary empty project file. if os.path.exists(temp_file_name): os.remove(temp_file_name) version = property(getVersion) bins_dir = property(getBinsPath) libs_dir = property(getLibsPath) lib_execs_dir = property(getLibsExecsPath) plugins_dir = property(getPluginsPath) prefix_dir = property(getPrefixPath) qmake_command = property(getQMakeCommand) imports_dir = property(getImportsPath) translations_dir = property(getTranslationsPath) headers_dir = property(getHeadersPath) docs_dir = property(getDocsPath) qml_dir = property(getQmlPath) build_type = property(getBuildType) src_dir = property(getSrcDir)