import os, sys import subprocess from distutils.spawn import find_executable class QtInfo(object): def __init__(self, qmake_command=None): if qmake_command: self._qmake_command = qmake_command else: self._qmake_command = [find_executable("qmake"),] def getQMakePath(self): qmake_path = self._qmake_command[0] # Guessing the first of the commands is qmake if not os.path.exists(qmake_path): # Making it here a bit more failsave. qmake_path = find_executable(qmake_path) # In case someone just passed the name of the executable I'll search for it now. if qmake_path == None: # If we couldn't resolv the location of the executable raise ValueError("Could not find the location of %s. Please pass the absolute path to qmake or please pass the correct name of the executable." %(qmake_path)) return qmake_path def getVersion(self): return self.getProperty("QT_VERSION") def getBinsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_BINS") def getLibsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_LIBS") def getPluginsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS") def getImportsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS") def getTranslationsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS") def getHeadersPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_HEADERS") def getDocsPath(self): return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_DOCS") def getProperty(self, prop_name): cmd = self._qmake_command + ["-query", prop_name] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) prop = proc.communicate()[0] proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: return None if sys.version_info >= (3,): return str(prop, 'ascii').strip() return prop.strip() version = property(getVersion) bins_dir = property(getBinsPath) libs_dir = property(getLibsPath) plugins_dir = property(getPluginsPath) qmake_command = property(getQMakePath) imports_dir = property(getImportsPath) translations_dir = property(getTranslationsPath) headers_dir = property(getHeadersPath) docs_dir = property(getDocsPath)