macro(collect_essential_modules) # Collect all essential modules. # note: the order of this list is relevant for dependencies. # For instance: Qt5Printsupport must come before Qt5WebKitWidgets. set(ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES Core Gui Widgets PrintSupport Sql Network Test Concurrent) if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) list(APPEND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES X11Extras) endif() if(WIN32) list(APPEND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES WinExtras) endif() if(APPLE) list(APPEND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES MacExtras) endif() endmacro() macro(collect_optional_modules) # Collect all optional modules. set(ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES Xml XmlPatterns Help Multimedia MultimediaWidgets OpenGL OpenGLFunctions Positioning Location Qml Quick QuickWidgets RemoteObjects Scxml Script ScriptTools Sensors SerialPort TextToSpeech Charts Svg DataVisualization) find_package(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}UiTools) if(Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}UiTools_FOUND) list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES UiTools) else() set(DISABLE_QtUiTools 1) endif() if(WIN32) list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES AxContainer) endif() # Disabling WebKit by default # If WebKit support is needed add the following elements # to the list: WebKit WebKitWidgets list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES WebChannel WebEngineCore WebEngine WebEngineWidgets WebSockets) if (Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Core_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 5.9.3) # Depending on fixes in Qt3D list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES 3DCore 3DRender 3DInput 3DLogic 3DAnimation 3DExtras) endif() endmacro() macro(check_os) set(ENABLE_X11 "0") set(ENABLE_MAC "0") set(ENABLE_WIN "0") set(ENABLE_SIMULATOR "0") if(CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) set(ENABLE_MAC "1") set(AUTO_OS "mac") elseif(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) set(ENABLE_WIN "1") set(AUTO_OS "win") elseif(CMAKE_HOST_UNIX) set(ENABLE_X11 "1") set(AUTO_OS "x11") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "OS not supported") endif() endmacro() macro(use_protected_as_public_hack) # 2017-04-24 The protected hack can unfortunately not be disabled, because # Clang does produce linker errors when we disable the hack. # But the ugly workaround in Python is replaced by a shiboken change. if(WIN32 OR DEFINED AVOID_PROTECTED_HACK) message(STATUS "PySide2 will be generated avoiding the protected hack!") set(GENERATOR_EXTRA_FLAGS ${GENERATOR_EXTRA_FLAGS} --avoid-protected-hack) add_definitions(-DAVOID_PROTECTED_HACK) else() message(STATUS "PySide will be generated using the protected hack!") endif() endmacro() macro(remove_skipped_modules) # Removing from the MODULES list the items that were defined with # -DSKIP_MODULES on command line if (SKIP_MODULES) foreach(s ${SKIP_MODULES}) list(REMOVE_ITEM MODULES ${s}) endforeach() endif() foreach(m ${MODULES}) COLLECT_MODULE_IF_FOUND(${m}) list(FIND all_module_shortnames ${m} is_module_collected) # If the module was collected, remove it from disabled modules list. if (NOT is_module_collected EQUAL -1) list(REMOVE_ITEM DISABLED_MODULES ${m}) endif() endforeach() endmacro() macro(COLLECT_MODULE_IF_FOUND shortname) set(name "Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}${shortname}") set(_qt_module_name "${name}") if ("${shortname}" STREQUAL "OpenGLFunctions") set(_qt_module_name "Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Gui") endif() # Determine essential/optional/missing set(module_state "missing") list(FIND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES "${shortname}" essentialIndex) if(${essentialIndex} EQUAL -1) list(FIND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES "${shortname}" optionalIndex) if(NOT ${optionalIndex} EQUAL -1) set(module_state "optional") endif() else() set(module_state "essential") endif() # Silence warnings when optional packages are not found when doing a quiet build. set(quiet_argument "") if (QUIET_BUILD AND "${module_state}" STREQUAL "optional") set(quiet_argument "QUIET") endif() find_package(${_qt_module_name} ${quiet_argument}) # If package is found, _name_found will be equal to 1 set(_name_found "${_qt_module_name}_FOUND") # _name_dir will keep the path to the directory where the CMake rules were found # e.g: ~/qt5.9-install/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Core or /usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5Core set(_name_dir "${_qt_module_name}_DIR") # Qt5Core will set the base path to check if all the modules are on the same # directory, to avoid CMake looking in another path. # This will be saved in a global variable at the beginning of the modules # collection process. string(FIND "${name}" "Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}Core" qtcore_found) if(("${qtcore_found}" GREATER "0") OR ("${qtcore_found}" EQUAL "0")) get_filename_component(_core_abs_dir "${${_name_dir}}/../" ABSOLUTE) # Setting the absolute path where the Qt5Core was found # e.g: ~/qt5.9-install/qtbase/lib/cmake or /usr/lib64/cmake message(STATUS "CORE_ABS_DIR:" ${_core_abs_dir}) endif() # Getting the absolute path for each module where the CMake was found, to # compare it with CORE_ABS_DIR and check if they are in the same source directory # e.g: ~/qt5.9-install/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Script or /usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5Script get_filename_component(_module_dir "${${_name_dir}}" ABSOLUTE) string(FIND "${_module_dir}" "${_core_abs_dir}" found_basepath) # If the module was found, and also the module path is the same as the # Qt5Core base path, we will generate the list with the modules to be installed set(looked_in_message ". Looked in: ${${_name_dir}}") if("${${_name_found}}" AND (("${found_basepath}" GREATER "0") OR ("${found_basepath}" EQUAL "0"))) message(STATUS "${module_state} module ${name} found (${ARGN})${looked_in_message}") # record the shortnames for the tests list(APPEND all_module_shortnames ${shortname}) # Build Qt 5 compatibility variables if(${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} GREATER_EQUAL 6) get_target_property(Qt6${shortname}_INCLUDE_DIRS Qt6::${shortname} INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) get_target_property(Qt6${shortname}_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS Qt6::${shortname}Private INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) get_target_property(Qt6${shortname}_LIBRARIES Qt6::${shortname} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) endif() else() if("${module_state}" STREQUAL "optional") message(STATUS "optional module ${name} skipped${looked_in_message}") elseif("${module_state}" STREQUAL "essential") message(STATUS "skipped module ${name} is essential!\n" " We do not guarantee that all tests are working.${looked_in_message}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "module ${name} MISSING${looked_in_message}") endif() endif() endmacro() macro(compute_config_py_values full_version_var_name ) string(TIMESTAMP PACKAGE_BUILD_DATE "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00" UTC) if (PACKAGE_BUILD_DATE) set(PACKAGE_BUILD_DATE "__build_date__ = '${PACKAGE_BUILD_DATE}'") endif() if (PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_VERSION) set(PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_VERSION_ASSIGNMENT "__setup_py_package_version__ = '${PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_VERSION}'") set(FINAL_PACKAGE_VERSION ${PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_VERSION}) else() set(FINAL_PACKAGE_VERSION ${${full_version_var_name}}) endif() if (PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_TIMESTAMP) set(PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_TIMESTAMP_ASSIGNMENT "__setup_py_package_timestamp__ = '${PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_TIMESTAMP}'") else() set(PACKAGE_SETUP_PY_PACKAGE_TIMESTAMP_ASSIGNMENT "") endif() find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND) # Check if current source folder is inside a git repo, so that commit information can be # queried. execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --git-dir OUTPUT_VARIABLE PACKAGE_SOURCE_IS_INSIDE_REPO ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PACKAGE_SOURCE_IS_INSIDE_REPO) # Force git dates to be UTC-based. set(ENV{TZ} UTC) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} --no-pager show --date=format-local:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00 -s --format=%cd HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE) set(PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE "__build_commit_date__ = '${PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE}'") endif() unset(ENV{TZ}) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH) set(PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH "__build_commit_hash__ = '${PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH}'") endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED) set(PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED "__build_commit_hash_described__ = '${PACKAGE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED}'") endif() endif() endif() endmacro() # Creates a new target called "${library_name}_generator" which # depends on the mjb_rejected_classes.log file generated by shiboken. # This target is added as a dependency to ${library_name} target. # This file's timestamp informs cmake when the last generation was # done, without force-updating the timestamps of the generated class # cpp files. # In practical terms this means that changing some injection code in # an xml file that modifies only one specific class cpp file, will # not force rebuilding all the cpp files, and thus allow for better # incremental builds. macro(create_generator_target library_name) add_custom_target(${library_name}_generator DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mjb_rejected_classes.log") add_dependencies(${library_name} ${library_name}_generator) endmacro()