include(cmake/Macros/icecc.cmake) # this must be the first line! cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) cmake_policy(VERSION 3.1) # Don't ignore targets that do not exist, inside add_dependencies calls. cmake_policy(SET CMP0046 NEW) project(pysidebindings) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Macros/ ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) option(USE_PYTHON_VERSION "Use specific python version to build pyside2." "") if (USE_PYTHON_VERSION) find_package(PythonInterp ${USE_PYTHON_VERSION} REQUIRED) find_package(PythonLibs ${USE_PYTHON_VERSION} REQUIRED) else() find_package(PythonInterp 2.6) find_package(PythonLibs 2.6) endif() macro(get_python_extension_suffix) # Result of imp.get_suffixes() depends on the platform, but generally looks something like: # [('', 'rb', 3), ('', 'rb', 3), # ('', 'rb', 3), ('.so', 'rb', 3), ('.py', 'r', 1), ('.pyc', 'rb', 2)] # We pick the first most detailed one, strip of the file extension part. execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "if True: import imp, re first_suffix = imp.get_suffixes()[0][0] res ='^(.+)\\.', first_suffix) if res: first_suffix = else: first_suffix = '' print(first_suffix) " OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message("PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX: " ${PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX}) endmacro() if (NOT PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX) get_python_extension_suffix() endif() if (NOT PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX) if (PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 2) set(PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX "-python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}") if (PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX) set(PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX "${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}${PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX}") endif() elseif (PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 3) set(PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX "${PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX}") endif() endif() if (NOT PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX) set(PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX "${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}") # Append a "v" to disambiguate the python version and the pyside version in the # shared library file name. if (APPLE AND PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 2) set(PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX "${PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}v") endif() endif() message(STATUS "PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX: ${PYTHON_EXTENSION_SUFFIX}") message(STATUS "PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX: ${PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX}") message(STATUS "PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX: ${PYTHON_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") find_package(Shiboken2 2.0.0 REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5 5.6.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core) add_definitions(${Qt5Core_DEFINITIONS}) find_file(GL_H "gl.h" PATH_SUFFIXES "GL") message("result:" "${GL_H}") include(FindQt5Extra) set(XVFB_EXEC "") option(USE_XVFB "Uses xvfb-run with the unit tests to avoid QtGui tests popping windows on the screen." FALSE) if(USE_XVFB) find_program(XVFB_RUN NAMES xvfb-run) if (NOT ${XVFB_RUN} MATCHES "XVFB_RUN-NOTFOUND") set(XVFB_EXEC ${XVFB_RUN} -a) message(STATUS "Using xvfb-run to perform QtGui tests.") endif() endif() option(BUILD_TESTS "Build tests." TRUE) option(ENABLE_VERSION_SUFFIX "Used to use current version in suffix to generated files. This is used to allow multiples versions installed simultaneous." FALSE) set(LIB_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "Define suffix of directory name (32/64)" ) set(LIB_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}" CACHE PATH "The subdirectory relative to the install prefix where libraries will be installed (default is /lib${LIB_SUFFIX})" FORCE) if(CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) set(ALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR "" CACHE PATH "Deprecated. CMake now finds the proper include dir itself.") set(OSX_USE_LIBCPP "OFF" CACHE BOOL "Explicitly link the libc++ standard library (useful for osx deployment targets lower than 10.9.") if(OSX_USE_LIBCPP) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -stdlib=libc++") endif() endif() # Force usage of the C++11 standard, without a silent fallback # to C++98 if the compiler does not support C++11. set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) # Qt5: QT_INCLUDE_DIR does no longer exist. # On Windows, macOS, and Linux it can be computed from Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS, which contains # a list of include directories. We take the first one. message(STATUS "*** Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS}") list(GET Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS 0 QT_INCLUDE_DIR) # On macOS, check if Qt is a framework build. This affects how include paths should be handled. get_target_property(QtCore_is_framework Qt5::Core FRAMEWORK) if (QtCore_is_framework) # Get the path to the framework dir. get_filename_component(QT_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE_DIR "${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}/../" ABSOLUTE) message(STATUS "*** QT_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE_DIR is ${QT_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE_DIR}") # QT_INCLUDE_DIR points to the QtCore.framework directory, so we need to adjust this to point # to the actual include directory, which has include files for non-framework parts of Qt. get_filename_component(QT_INCLUDE_DIR "${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}/../../include" ABSOLUTE) endif() if(MSVC) # Qt5: this flag has changed from /Zc:wchar_t- in Qt4.X set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/Zc:wchar_t /GR /EHsc /DNOCOLOR /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS") # XXX else() if(CMAKE_HOST_UNIX AND NOT CYGWIN) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -fvisibility=hidden -Wno-strict-aliasing") endif() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g") option(ENABLE_GCC_OPTIMIZATION "Enable specific GCC flags to optimization library size and performance. Only available on Release Mode" 0) if(ENABLE_GCC_OPTIMIZATION) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-DNDEBUG -Os -Wl,-O1") if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wl,--hash-style=gnu") endif() endif() if(CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) # ALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR is deprecated, because CMake takes care of finding the proper # include folders using the qmake found in the environment. Only use it for now in case # something goes wrong with the cmake process. if(ALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR AND NOT QT_INCLUDE_DIR) set(QT_INCLUDE_DIR ${ALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() endif() endif() message(STATUS "*** computed QT_INCLUDE_DIR as ${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}") if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${SHIBOKEN_BUILD_TYPE}) endif() set(BINDING_NAME PySide2) set(BINDING_API_MAJOR_VERSION "2") set(BINDING_API_MINOR_VERSION "0") set(BINDING_API_MICRO_VERSION "0") set(BINDING_API_RELEASE_LEVEL "alpha") # alpha, beta, rc, or final set(BINDING_API_SERIAL 0) # leave as 0 when release level is final set(BINDING_API_VERSION "${BINDING_API_MAJOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MINOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MICRO_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "PySide version" FORCE) set(PYSIDE_SO_VERSION ${BINDING_API_MAJOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MINOR_VERSION}) if (BINDING_API_RELEASE_LEVEL STREQUAL "final") set(BINDING_API_VERSION_FULL "${BINDING_API_MAJOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MINOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MICRO_VERSION}" CACHE STRING "PySide version [full]" FORCE) else() set(BINDING_API_VERSION_FULL "${BINDING_API_MAJOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MINOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MICRO_VERSION}~${BINDING_API_RELEASE_LEVEL}${BINDING_API_SERIAL}" CACHE STRING "PySide version [full]" FORCE) endif() string(TIMESTAMP PYSIDE_BUILD_DATE "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00" UTC) if (PYSIDE_BUILD_DATE) set(PYSIDE_BUILD_DATE "__build_date__ = '${PYSIDE_BUILD_DATE}'") endif() find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND) # Check if current source folder is inside a git repo, so that commit information can be # queried. execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --git-dir OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYSIDE_SOURCE_IS_INSIDE_REPO ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PYSIDE_SOURCE_IS_INSIDE_REPO) # Force git dates to be UTC-based. set(ENV{TZ} UTC) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} --no-pager show --date=format-local:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00 -s --format=%cd HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE) set(PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE "__build_commit_date__ = '${PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_DATE}'") endif() unset(ENV{TZ}) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH) set(PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH "__build_commit_hash__ = '${PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH}'") endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED) set(PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED "__build_commit_hash_described__ = '${PYSIDE_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH_DESCRIBED}'") endif() endif() endif() # Used by to know which symlink to resolve and copy in to the final package, in order to # avoid resolving all symlinks and thus copying unnecessary duplicate files. set(config_py_shiboken_library_version "") set(config_py_pyside_library_version "") include(PySideModules) macro(COLLECT_MODULE_IF_FOUND shortname) set(name "Qt5${shortname}") find_package(${name}) # If package is found, _name_found will be equal to 1 set(_name_found "${name}_FOUND") # _name_dir will keep the path to the directory where the CMake rules were found # e.g: ~/qt5.9-install/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Core or /usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5Core set(_name_dir "${name}_DIR") # Qt5Core will set the base path to check if all the modules are on the same # directory, to avoid CMake looking in another path. # This will be saved in a global variable at the beginning of the modules # collection process. string(FIND "${name}" "Qt5Core" qtcore_found) if(("${qtcore_found}" GREATER "0") OR ("${qtcore_found}" EQUAL "0")) get_filename_component(_core_abs_dir "${${_name_dir}}/../" ABSOLUTE) # Setting the absolute path where the Qt5Core was found # e.g: ~/qt5.9-install/qtbase/lib/cmake or /usr/lib64/cmake message(STATUS "CORE_ABS_DIR:" ${_core_abs_dir}) endif() # Getting the absolute path for each module where the CMake was found, to # compare it with CORE_ABS_DIR and check if they are in the same source directory # e.g: ~/qt5.9-install/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Script or /usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5Script get_filename_component(_module_dir "${${_name_dir}}" ABSOLUTE) string(FIND "${_module_dir}" "${_core_abs_dir}" found_basepath) # Determine essential/optional/missing set(module_state "missing") list(FIND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES "${shortname}" essentialIndex) if(${essentialIndex} EQUAL -1) list(FIND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES "${shortname}" optionalIndex) if(NOT ${optionalIndex} EQUAL -1) set(module_state "optional") endif() else() set(module_state "essential") endif() # If the module was found, and also the module path is the same as the # Qt5Core base path, we will generate the list with the modules to be install if("${${_name_found}}" AND (("${found_basepath}" GREATER "0") OR ("${found_basepath}" EQUAL "0"))) message(STATUS "${module_state} module ${name} found (${ARGN})") # record the shortnames for the tests list(APPEND all_module_shortnames ${shortname}) else() if("${module_state}" STREQUAL "optional") message(STATUS "optional module ${name} skipped") elseif("${module_state}" STREQUAL "essential") message(STATUS "skipped module ${name} is essential!\n" " We do not guarantee that all tests are working.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "module ${name} MISSING") endif() endif() endmacro() # Set default values for pyside2_global.h set (Qt5X11Extras_FOUND "0") set (Qt5Test_FOUND "0") set (Qt5Widgets_FOUND "0") # Collect all essential modules. # note: the order of this list is relevant for dependencies. # For instance: Qt5Printsupport must come before Qt5WebKitWidgets. set(ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES Core Gui Widgets PrintSupport Sql Network Test Concurrent) if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) list(APPEND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES X11Extras) endif() if(WIN32) list(APPEND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES WinExtras) endif() if(APPLE) list(APPEND ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES MacExtras) endif() # Collect all optional modules. set(ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES Xml XmlPatterns Help Multimedia MultimediaWidgets OpenGL Qml Quick QuickWidgets Script ScriptTools TextToSpeech Charts Svg DataVisualization) find_package(Qt5UiTools) if(Qt5UiTools_FOUND) list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES UiTools) else() set(DISABLE_QtUiTools 1) endif() if(WIN32) list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES AxContainer) endif() list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES WebChannel WebEngineWidgets WebKit WebKitWidgets WebSockets) if (Qt5Core_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 5.9.3 AND Qt5Core_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.10.0) # Depending on fixes in Qt3D list(APPEND ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES 3DCore 3DRender 3DInput 3DLogic 3DAnimation 3DExtras) endif() # Modules to be built unless specified by -DMODULES on command line if (NOT MODULES) set(MODULES "${ALL_ESSENTIAL_MODULES};${ALL_OPTIONAL_MODULES}") endif() foreach(m ${MODULES}) COLLECT_MODULE_IF_FOUND(${m}) endforeach() string(REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9]+" qt_version_helper "${Qt5Core_VERSION}") list(GET qt_version_helper 0 QT_VERSION_MAJOR) list(GET qt_version_helper 1 QT_VERSION_MINOR) unset(qt_version_helper) set(PYSIDE_QT_VERSION "${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${QT_VERSION_MINOR}" CACHE STRING "Qt version used to compile PySide" FORCE) if(ENABLE_VERSION_SUFFIX) set(pyside_SUFFIX "-${BINDING_API_MAJOR_VERSION}.${BINDING_API_MINOR_VERSION}") endif() # no more supported: include(${QT_USE_FILE}) # Configure OS support set(ENABLE_X11 "0") set(ENABLE_MAC "0") set(ENABLE_WIN "0") set(ENABLE_SIMULATOR "0") # no more Maemo, no more simulator if(CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) set(ENABLE_MAC "1") set(AUTO_OS "mac") elseif(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) set(ENABLE_WIN "1") set(AUTO_OS "win") elseif(CMAKE_HOST_UNIX) set(ENABLE_X11 "1") set(AUTO_OS "x11") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "OS not supported") endif() message(STATUS "Detected OS: ${AUTO_OS}") if (WIN32) set(PATH_SEP "\;") else() set(PATH_SEP ":") endif() # Define supported Qt Version set(SUPPORTED_QT_VERSION "${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${QT_VERSION_MINOR}") set(BINDING_VERSION ${BINDING_API_VERSION}.${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${QT_VERSION_MINOR}) # uninstall target configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) add_custom_target(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake") set(ARCHIVE_NAME pyside-qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${QT_VERSION_MINOR}+${BINDING_API_VERSION_FULL}) add_custom_target(dist COMMAND mkdir -p "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ARCHIVE_NAME}" && git log > "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ARCHIVE_NAME}/ChangeLog" && git archive --prefix=${ARCHIVE_NAME}/ HEAD --format=tar --output="${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ARCHIVE_NAME}.tar" && tar -C "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" --owner=root --group=root -r "${ARCHIVE_NAME}/ChangeLog" -f "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ARCHIVE_NAME}.tar" && bzip2 -f9 "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ARCHIVE_NAME}.tar" && echo "Source package created at ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${ARCHIVE_NAME}.tar.bz2.\n" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) if (NOT PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES) execute_process( COMMAND ${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INTERPRETER} -c "if True: from distutils import sysconfig from os.path import sep print(sysconfig.get_python_lib(1, 0, prefix='${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}').replace(sep, '/')) " OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (NOT PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not detect Python module installation directory.") elseif (APPLE) message(STATUS "!!! The generated bindings will be installed on ${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES}, is it right!?") endif() endif() set(GENERATOR_EXTRA_FLAGS --generator-set=shiboken --enable-parent-ctor-heuristic --enable-pyside-extensions --enable-return-value-heuristic --use-isnull-as-nb_nonzero) # 2017-04-24 The protected hack can unfortunately not be disabled, because # Clang does produce linker errors when we disable the hack. # But the ugly workaround in Python is replaced by a shiboken change. if(WIN32 OR DEFINED AVOID_PROTECTED_HACK) message(STATUS "PySide2 will be generated avoiding the protected hack!") set(GENERATOR_EXTRA_FLAGS ${GENERATOR_EXTRA_FLAGS} --avoid-protected-hack) add_definitions(-DAVOID_PROTECTED_HACK) else() message(STATUS "PySide will be generated using the protected hack!") endif() add_subdirectory(libpyside) find_package(Qt5Designer) if(Qt5UiTools_FOUND AND Qt5Designer_FOUND) add_subdirectory(plugins) endif() # project directories add_subdirectory(PySide2) if (BUILD_TESTS) enable_testing() add_subdirectory(tests) endif () find_program(SPHINX_BUILD sphinx-build) find_program(DOT_EXEC dot) if (QT_SRC_DIR AND SPHINX_BUILD AND DOT_EXEC) add_subdirectory(doc) else () set(DOCS_TARGET_DISABLED_MESSAGE "apidoc generation targets disabled.") if (NOT QT_SRC_DIR) message(STATUS "QT_SRC_DIR variable not set, ${DOCS_TARGET_DISABLED_MESSAGE}") elseif (NOT SPHINX_BUILD) message(STATUS "sphinx-build command not found, ${DOCS_TARGET_DISABLED_MESSAGE}") elseif (NOT DOT_EXEC) message(STATUS "graphviz not found, ${DOCS_TARGET_DISABLED_MESSAGE}") else() message(STATUS "Unknown issue occurred, ${DOCS_TARGET_DISABLED_MESSAGE}") endif() endif()