{% extends "layout.html" %} {% set title = 'Overview' %} {% block body %}

PySide {{ version }} Reference

Qt is a complete cross-platform software framework. PySide aims to provide Python developers access to the Qt libraries in the most natural way.

PySide is built using the Shiboken binding generator.


About 0 vs None

The PySide class reference documentation is automatically generated from the original Qt documentation for C++, some parts were tuned to fit the Python world. However, it's not possible to rewrite all Qt docs as it would require a really huge effort, so if the documentation says you can use 0 on an QObject argument, interpret it as None.

About keyword arguments

Only optional arguments can be used as keyword arguments.


Tutorials and examples

A collection of tutorials and "walkthrough" guides are provided with PySide to help new users get started with PySide development. These documents were ported from C++ to Python and cover a range of topics, from basic use of widgets to step-by-step tutorials that show how an application is put together.

Other stuff

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