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[2] def Letter(self) textEdit.clear() cursor = QTextCursor(textEdit.textCursor()) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Start) topFrame = cursor.currentFrame() topFrameFormat = topFrame.frameFormat() topFrameFormat.setPadding(16) topFrame.setFrameFormat(topFrameFormat) textFormat = QTextCharFormat() boldFormat = QTextCharFormat() boldFormat.setFontWeight(QFont.Bold) italicFormat = QTextCharFormat() italicFormat.setFontItalic(True) tableFormat = QTextTableFormat() tableFormat.setBorder(1) tableFormat.setCellPadding(16) tableFormat.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) cursor.insertTable(1, 1, tableFormat) cursor.insertText("The Firm", boldFormat) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("321 City Street", textFormat) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("Industry Park") cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("Some Country") cursor.setPosition(topFrame.lastPosition()) cursor.insertText(QDate.currentDate().toString("d MMMM yyyy"), textFormat) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("Dear ", textFormat) cursor.insertText("NAME", italicFormat) cursor.insertText(",", textFormat) for i in range(3): cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText(tr("Yours sincerely,"), textFormat) for i in range(3): cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("The Boss", textFormat) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("ADDRESS", italicFormat) //! [2] //! [3] def print(self) document = textEdit.document() printer = QPrinter() dlg = QPrintDialog(&printer, self) if dlg.exec() != QDialog.Accepted: return document.print(printer) statusBar().showMessage(tr("Ready"), 2000) //! [3] //! [4] def save(self): fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, tr("Choose a file name"), ".", tr("HTML (*.html *.htm)")) if fileName.isEmpty(): return file = QFile(fileName) if !file.open(QFile.WriteOnly | QFile::Text): QMessageBox.warning(self, tr("Dock Widgets"), tr("Cannot write file %1:\n%2.") .arg(fileName) .arg(file.errorString())) return out = QTextStream(file) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor) out << textEdit.toHtml() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() statusBar().showMessage(tr("Saved '%1'").arg(fileName), 2000) //! [4] //! [5] def undo(self): document = textEdit.document() document.undo() //! [5] //! [6] def insertCustomer(self, customer): if customer.isEmpty(): return customerList = customer.split(", ") document = textEdit.document() cursor = document.find("NAME") if not cursor.isNull(): cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.insertText(customerList.at(0)) oldcursor = cursor cursor = document.find("ADDRESS") if not cursor.isNull(): for i in range(customerList.size()): cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText(customerList.at(i)) cursor.endEditBlock() else: oldcursor.endEditBlock() //! [6] //! [7] def addParagraph(self, paragraph): if (paragraph.isEmpty()) return document = textEdit.document() cursor = document.find(tr("Yours sincerely,")) if cursor.isNull(): return cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor, 2) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText(paragraph) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.endEditBlock() //! [7] //! [8] def createStatusBar(self): statusBar().showMessage(tr("Ready")) //! [8] //! [9] def createDockWindows(self): dock = QDockWidget(tr("Customers"), self) dock.setAllowedAreas(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) customerList = QListWidget(dock) customerList.addItems(QStringList() << "John Doe, Harmony Enterprises, 12 Lakeside, Ambleton" << "Jane Doe, Memorabilia, 23 Watersedge, Beaton" << "Tammy Shea, Tiblanka, 38 Sea Views, Carlton" << "Tim Sheen, Caraba Gifts, 48 Ocean Way, Deal" << "Sol Harvey, Chicos Coffee, 53 New Springs, Eccleston" << "Sally Hobart, Tiroli Tea, 67 Long River, Fedula") dock.setWidget(customerList) addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock) viewMenu.addAction(dock.toggleViewAction()) dock = QDockWidget(tr("Paragraphs"), self) paragraphsList = QListWidget(dock) paragraphsList.addItems(QStringList() << "Thank you for your payment which we have received today." << "Your order has been dispatched and should be with you " "within 28 days." << "We have dispatched those items that were in stock. The " "rest of your order will be dispatched once all the " "remaining items have arrived at our warehouse. No " "additional shipping charges will be made." << "You made a small overpayment (less than $5) which we " "will keep on account for you, or return at your request." << "You made a small underpayment (less than $1), but we have " "sent your order anyway. We'll add self underpayment to " "your next bill." << "Unfortunately you did not send enough money. Please remit " "an additional $. Your order will be dispatched as soon as " "the complete amount has been received." << "You made an overpayment (more than $5). Do you wish to " "buy more items, or should we return the excess to you?") dock.setWidget(paragraphsList) addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock) viewMenu.addAction(dock.toggleViewAction()) connect(customerList, SIGNAL("currentTextChanged(const QString &)"), self, SLOT("insertCustomer(const QString &)")) connect(paragraphsList, SIGNAL("currentTextChanged(const QString &)"), self, SLOT("addParagraph(const QString &)")) //! [9]