|project| ************* |project| offers Python bindings for Qt, enabling the use of Qt5 APIs in Python applications. It lets Python developers utilize the full potential of Qt, using the |pymodname| module. The |pymodname| module provides access to the individual Qt modules such as QtCore, QtGui, and so on. |project| also comes with the :doc:`Shiboken2 ` CPython binding code generator, which can be used to generate Python bindings for your C or C++ code. .. toctree:: :name: mastertoc :maxdepth: 2 contents.rst Known issues Qt Modules =========== Basic modules ------------- These are the main modules that will help you build a Widget based UI. :mod:`Qt Core ` Provides core non-GUI functionality, like signal and slots, properties, base classes of item models, serialization, etc. :mod:`Qt Gui ` Extends QtCore with GUI functionality: Events, windows and screens, OpenGL and raster-based 2D painting, images. :mod:`Qt Widgets ` Ready to use Widgets for your application, including also graphical elements for your UI. QML and Qt Quick ---------------- If you want to use the `Qml Language `, these modules will help you interact with it from Python. :mod:`Qt Qml ` Base Python API to interact with the QML module. :mod:`Qt Quick ` Provides classes for embedding Qt Quick in Qt applications. :mod:`Qt QuickWidgets ` Provides the QQuickWidget class for embedding Qt Quick in widget-based applications. Data visualization ------------------ Charts, diagrams, animations: these modules provide a large amount of classes that can help you include these elements in your UI. :mod:`Qt Charts ` Provides a set of easy to use chart components. :mod:`Qt DataVisualization ` Provides a way to visualize data in 3D as bar, scatter, and surface graphs. Multimedia ----------- Audio, video, and hardware interaction: check these modules if you are looking for multimedia solutions. :mod:`Qt Multimedia ` Provides low-level multimedia functionality. :mod:`Qt MultimediaWidgets ` Provides the widget-based multimedia API. WebEngine --------- If your project is based on a browser or the features around web based applications, these modules will help you to interact with them. :mod:`Qt WebEngineWidgets ` Provides widgets that can handle web content. :mod:`Qt WebChannel ` Enables peer-to-peer communication between a server and a client (HTML/JavaScript or QML application). All the modules --------------- There are many other modules currently supported by |pymodname|, here you can find a complete list of them. :doc:`Check all the modules ` Display a table with all the currently supported Qt modules.