Qt Modules Supported by Qt for Python ===================================== .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: PySide2/Qt*/index .. list-table:: :widths: 150, 150 :align: left * - :mod:`Qt Core ` Provides core non-GUI functionality. - :mod:`Qt 3D Animation ` Provides basic elements required to animate 3D objects. * - :mod:`Qt Gui ` Extends QtCore with GUI functionality. - :mod:`Qt Help ` Provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications. * - :mod:`Qt Network ` Offers classes that let you to write TCP/IP clients and servers. - :mod:`Qt OpenGL ` Offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. * - :mod:`Qt PrintSupport ` Provides extensive cross-platform support for printing. - :mod:`Qt Qml ` Python API for Qt QML. * - :mod:`Qt Charts ` Provides a set of easy to use chart components. - :mod:`Qt Quick ` Provides classes for embedding Qt Quick in Qt applications. * - :mod:`Qt DataVisualization ` Provides a way to visualize data in 3D as bar, scatter, and surface graphs. - :mod:`Qt QuickWidgets ` Provides the QQuickWidget class for embedding Qt Quick in widget-based applications. * - :mod:`Qt TextToSpeech ` Provides API to access text-to-speech engines. - :mod:`Qt Sql ` Helps you provide seamless database integration to your Qt applications. * - :mod:`Qt Multimedia ` Provides low-level multimedia functionality. - :mod:`Qt MultimediaWidgets ` Provides the widget-based multimedia API. * - :mod:`Qt MacExtras ` Provides classes and functions specific to macOS and iOS operating systems. - :mod:`Qt Svg ` Provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. * - :mod:`Qt UiTools ` Provides classes to handle forms created with Qt Designer. - :mod:`Qt Test ` Provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries. * - :mod:`Qt Concurrent ` Provides high-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives such as mutexes, read-write locks, wait conditions, or semaphores. - :mod:`Qt AxContainer ` Provides QAxObject and QAxWidget which act as containers for COM objects and ActiveX controls. * - :mod:`Qt WebEngineCore ` Provides the core functionality to integrate web content. - :mod:`Qt WebEngineWidgets ` Provides widgets that can handle web content. * - :mod:`Qt WebChannel ` Enables peer-to-peer communication between a server and a client (HTML/JavaScript or QML application). - :mod:`Qt WebSockets ` Provides interfaces that enable Qt applications to act as a server that can process WebSocket requests, or a client that can consume data received from the server, or both. * - :mod:`Qt Widgets ` Extends Qt GUI with C++ widget functionality. - :mod:`Qt WinExtras ` Provides classes and functions for using some Windows APIs in a Qt way. * - :mod:`Qt X11Extras ` Provides information about the X display configuration. - :mod:`Qt Xml ` Provides C++ implementations of SAX and DOM. * - :mod:`Qt XmlPatterns ` Provides support for XPath, XQuery, XSLTi, and XML Schema validation. - :mod:`Qt 3D Core ` Contains functionality to support near-realtime simulation systems. * - :mod:`Qt 3D Extras ` Provides a set of prebuilt elements to help you get started with Qt 3D. - :mod:`Qt 3D Input ` Provides classes for handling user input in applications using Qt 3D. * - :mod:`Qt 3D Logic ` Enables synchronizing frames with the Qt 3D backend. - :mod:`Qt 3D Render ` Contains functionality to support 2D and 3D rendering using Qt 3D. * - :mod:`Qt Positioning ` Provides positioning information via QML and Python interfaces. - :mod:`Qt Location ` Helps you create viable mapping solutions using the data available from some of the popular location services. * - :mod:`Qt Sensors ` Provides access to sensor hardware via QML and Python interfaces and a motion gesture recognition API for devices. - :mod:`Qt Scxml ` Provides classes to create and use state machines from SCXML files.