Overview ========= The |project| project aims to provide a complete port of the PySide module to Qt 5. The development started on GitHub in May 2015. The project managed to port Pyside to Qt 5.3, 5. 4 & 5.5. The `PySide2` module was released mid June 2018 as a Technical Preview (supporting Qt 5.11), and it has been fully supported since Qt 5.12. |project| is available under LGPLv3/GPLv2 and commercial license for the following platforms: +-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------+---------+ | | Linux | macOS | Windows | +=============+========+========+========+========+=========+=========+ | | 32bit | 64bit | 32bit | 64bit | 32bit | 64bit | +-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------+---------+ | Python 2.7 | No (*) | Yes | No (*) | Yes | No (**) | No (**) | +-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------+---------+ | Python 3.5+ | No (*) | Yes | No (*) | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---------+---------+ * (*): `No Qt release `_ * (**): `MSVC issue with Python 2.7 and Qt `_ What does PySide2 look like? ---------------------------- A simple Hello World example in PySide2 looks like this: :: import sys from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) label = QLabel("Hello World") label.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())