Getting PySide and Qt version ***************************** PySide exports their version numbers among the version of Qt used to compile PySide in a pythonnic way, you can check it using the variables: :: import PySide # Prints PySide version # e.g. 1.0.2 print PySide.__version__ # Gets a tuple with each version component # e.g. (1, 0, 2, 'final', 1) print PySide.__version_info__ # Prints the Qt version used to compile PySide # e.g. "4.7.2" print PySide2.QtCore.__version__ # Gets a tuple with each version components of Qt used to compile PySide # e.g. (4, 7, 2) print PySide2.QtCore.__version_info__ Note that the Qt version used to compile PySide may differ from the version used to run PySide, to get the current running Qt version you can do: :: print PySide2.QtCore.qVersion()