Printing |project| and Qt version ********************************* |project| exports its version numbers in a pythonic way. You can print these numbers using the following python constructs: :: import PySide2.QtCore # Prints PySide2 version # e.g. 5.11.1a1 print(PySide2.__version__) # Gets a tuple with each version component # e.g. (5, 11, 1, 'a', 1) print(PySide2.__version_info__) # Prints the Qt version used to compile PySide2 # e.g. "5.11.2" print(PySide2.QtCore.__version__) # Gets a tuple with each version components of Qt used to compile PySide2 # e.g. (5, 11, 2) print(PySide2.QtCore.__version_info__) Note that the Qt version used to compile |project| may differ from the version used to run |project|. To print the current running Qt version number, you can use:: print(PySide2.QtCore.qVersion())