Porting a C++ Application to Python ************************************* Qt for Python lets you use Qt APIs in a Python application. So the next question is: What does it take to port an existing C++ application? Try porting a Qt C++ application to Python to understand this. Before you start, ensure that all the prerequisites for Qt for Python are met. See :doc:`Getting Started <../../gettingstarted>` for more information. In addition, familiarize yourself with the basic differences between Qt in C++ and in Python. Basic differences ================== This section highlights some of the basic differences between C++ and Python, and how Qt differs between these two contexts. C++ vs Python -------------- * In the interest of code reuse, both C++ and Python provide ways for one file of code to use facilities provided by another. In C++, this is done using the ``#include`` directive to access the API definition of the reused code. The Python equivalent is an ``import`` statement. * The constructor of a C++ class shares the name of its class and automatically calls the constructor of any base-classes (in a predefined order) before it runs. In Python, the ``__init__()`` method is the constructor of the class, and it can explicitly call base-class constructors in any order. * C++ uses the keyword, ``this``, to implicitly refer to the current object. In python, you need to explicitly mention the current object as the first parameter to each instance method of the class; it is conventionally named ``self``. * And more importantly, forget about curly braces, {}, and semi-colon, ;. * Precede variable definitions with the ``global`` keyword, only if they need global scope. .. code:: python var = None def func(key, value = None): """Does stuff with a key and an optional value. If value is omitted or None, the value from func()'s last call is reused. """ global var if value is None: if var is None: raise ValueError("Must pass a value on first call", key, value) value = var else: var = value doStuff(key, value) In this example, ``func()`` would treat ``var`` as a local name without the ``global`` statement. This would lead to a ``NameError`` in the ``value is None`` handling, on accessing ``var``. For more information about this, see `Python refernce documentation `_. .. _python refdoc: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/simple_stmts.html#the-global-statement .. tip:: Python being an interpreted language, most often the easiest way is to try your idea in the interperter. You could call the ``help()`` function in the interpreter on any built-in function or keyword in Python. For example, a call to ``help(import)`` should provide documentation about the ``import`` statment Last but not the least, try out a few examples to familiarize yourself with the Python coding style and follow the guidelines outlined in the `PEP8 - Style Guide `_. .. _pep8: .. code-block:: python import sys from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel app = QApplication(sys.argv) label = QLabel("Hello World") label.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) .. note:: Qt provides classes that are meant to manage the application-specific requirements depending on whether the application is console-only (QCoreApplication), GUI with QtWidgets (QApplication), or GUI without QtWidgets (QGuiApplication). These classes load necessary plugins, such as the GUI libraries required by an application. In this case, it is QApplication that is initialized first as the application has a GUI with QtWidgets. Qt in the C++ and Python context --------------------------------- Qt behaves the same irrespective of whether it is used in a C++ or a Python application. Considering that C++ and Python use different language semantics, some differences between the two variants of Qt are inevitable. Here are a few important ones that you must be aware of: * **Qt Properties**: ``Q_PROPERTY`` macros are used in C++ to add a public member variable with getter and setter functions. Python's alternative for this is the ``@property`` decorator before the getter and setter function definitions. * **Qt Signals and Slots**: Qt offers a unique callback mechanism, where a signal is emitted to notify the occurrence of an event, so that slots connected to this signal can react to it. In C++, the class definition must define the slots under the ``public Q_SLOTS:`` and signals under ``Q_SIGNALS:`` access specifier. You connect these two using one of the several variants of the QObject::connect() function. Python's equivalent for this is the `@Slot`` decorator just before the function definition. This is necessary to register the slots with the QtMetaObject. * **QString, QVariant, and other types**: - Qt for Python does not provide access to QString and QVariant. You must use Python's native types instead. - QChar and QStringRef are represented as Python strings, and QStringList is converted to a list of strings. - QDate, QDateTime, QTime, and QUrl's __hash__() methods return a string representation so that identical dates (and identical date/times or times or URLs) have identical hash values. - QTextStream's bin(), hex(), and oct() functions are renamed to bin_(), hex_(), and oct_() respectively. This should avoid name conflicts with Python's built-in functions. * **QByteArray**: A QByteArray is treated as a list of bytes without encoding. The equivalent type in Python varies; Python 2 uses "str" type, whereas Python 3 uses "bytes". To avoid confusion, a QString is represented as an encoded human readable string, which means it is a "unicode" object in Python 2, and a "str" in Python 3. Here is the improved version of the Hello World example, demonstrating some of these differences: .. literalinclude:: hello_world_ex.py :linenos: :lines: 40- .. note:: The ``if`` block is just a good practice when developing a Python application. It lets the Python file behave differently depending on whether it is imported as a module in another file or run directly. The ``__name__`` variable will have different values in these two scenarios. It is ``__main__`` when the file is run directly, and the module's file name (``hello_world_ex`` in this case) when imported as a module. In the later case, everything defined in the module except the ``if`` block is available to the importing file. Notice that the QPushButton's ``clicked`` signal is connected to the ``magic`` function to randomly change the QLabel's ``text`` property. The `@Slot`` decorator marks the methods that are slots and informs the QtMetaObject about them. Porting a Qt C++ example ========================= Qt offers several C++ examples to showcase its features and help beginners learn. You can try porting one of these C++ examples to Python. The `books SQL example `_ is a good starting point as it does not require you to write UI-specific code in Python, but can use its ``.ui`` file instead. The following chapters guides you through the porting process: .. toctree:: :glob: :titlesonly: chapter1/chapter1 chapter2/chapter2 chapter3/chapter3