.. _samegame4: QML Advanced Tutorial 4 - Finishing Touches ******************************************* Adding some flair ================= In this chapter, you are going to do two things to enhance the game experience: animate the blocks and add a High Score system. You should clean up the directory structure, now that there are a lot of files. Move all the JavaScript and QML files outside of ``samegame.qml`` into a new sub-directory named "content". In anticipation of the new block animations, ``Block.qml`` file is now renamed to ``BoomBlock.qml``. Animating block movement ------------------------ First, you will animate the blocks so that they move in a fluid manner. QML has a number of methods for adding fluid movement, and in this case you are going to use the Behavior type to add a SpringAnimation. In ``BoomBlock.qml``, apply a SpringAnimation behavior to the ``x`` and ``y`` properties so that the block follows and animate its movement in a spring-like fashion towards the specified position (whose values are set by ``samegame.js``). Here is the code added to ``BoomBlock.qml``: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/BoomBlock.qml :snippet: 1 The ``spring`` and ``damping`` values can be changed to modify the spring-like effect of the animation. The ``enabled: spawned`` setting refers to the ``spawned`` value that comes from the ``createBlock()`` function in ``samegame.js``. This ensures that the SpringAnimation on ``x`` is only enabled after ``createBlock()`` has set the block to the correct position. Otherwise, the blocks will slide out of the corner (0,0) when a game begins, instead of falling from the top in rows. Try commenting out the line, ``enabled: spawned``, and see the effect for yourself. Animating block opacity changes ------------------------------- Next, add a smooth exit animation. For this, use a Behavior type, which allows us to specify a default animation when a property change occurs. In this case, when the ``opacity`` of a Block changes, animate the opacity value so that it gradually fades in and out, instead of abruptly changing between fully visible and invisible. To do this, apply a Behavior on the ``opacity`` property of the ``Image`` item in ``BoomBlock.qml``: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/BoomBlock.qml :snippet: 2 Note the ``opacity: 0``, which means the block is transparent when it is first created. You could set the opacity in ``samegame.js`` when we create and destroy the blocks, but use states instead, as this is useful for the next animation you are going to add. Initially, add these States to the root item of ``BoomBlock.qml``: :: property bool dying: false states: [ State{ name: "AliveState"; when: spawned == true && dying == false PropertyChanges { target: img; opacity: 1 } }, State{ name: "DeathState"; when: dying == true PropertyChanges { target: img; opacity: 0 } } ] Now blocks will automatically fade in, as ``spawned`` is set to true when you implemented the block animations. To fade out, set ``dying`` to true instead of setting opacity to 0 when a block is destroyed (in the ``floodFill()`` function). Adding particle effects ----------------------- Finally, add a cool-looking particle effect to the blocks when they are destroyed. To do this, first add a Particles item in ``BoomBlock.qml``, like this: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/BoomBlock.qml :snippet: 3 To fully understand this you should read the Particles documentation, but it's important to note that ``emissionRate`` is set to zero so that particles are not emitted normally. Also, extend the ``dying`` State, which creates a burst of particles by calling the ``burst()`` method on the particles item. The code for the states now look like this: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/BoomBlock.qml :snippet: 4 Now the gaming experience is pleasing with these animations. With a few more simple animations for all of the player's actions, it will look even better. The end result is shown below, with a different set of images to demonstrate the basic theme: .. figure:: declarative-adv-tutorial4.gif :align: center The theme change here is produced simply by replacing the block images. This can be done at runtime by changing the ``source`` property of the Image. You could go a step further and add a button that toggles between themes with different images. Keeping a high scores table =========================== Another feature you might want to add to the game is a method of storing and retrieving high scores. To do this, show a dialog when the game is over to request the player's name and add it to a High Scores table. This requires a few changes to ``Dialog.qml``. In addition to a ``Text`` item, it now has a ``TextInput`` child item for receiving keyboard text input: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/Dialog.qml :snippet: 2 :prepend: Rectangle { ... :append: ... } Also, add a ``showWithInput()`` function. The text input will only be visible if this function is called instead of ``show()``. When the dialog is closed, it emits a ``closed()`` signal, and other items can retrieve the text entered by the user through the ``inputText`` property: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/Dialog.qml :snippet: 1 :prepend: Rectangle { ... :append: ... } Now the dialog can be used in ``samegame.qml``: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/samegame.qml :snippet: 0 When the dialog emits the ``closed`` signal, we call the new ``saveHighScore()`` function in ``samegame.js``, to store the high score locally in an SQL database and also send the score to an online database if possible. The ``nameInputDialog`` is activated in the ``victoryCheck()`` function in ``samegame.js``: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/samegame.js :snippet: 4 :prepend: function vitoryCheck() { ... Storing high scores offline --------------------------- Now, you need to implement the functionality to actually save the High Scores table. Here is the ``saveHighScore()`` function in ``samegame.js``: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/samegame.js :snippet: 2 First, call ``sendHighScore()`` to send the high scores to an online database. Then, use the Offline Storage API to maintain a persistent SQL database, unique to this application. Create an offline storage database for the high scores using ``openDatabase()``, then prepare the data and SQL query that we want to use to save it. The offline storage API uses SQL queries for data manipulation and retrieval. The ``db.transaction()`` uses three SQL queries: * To initialize the database, if necessary. * To add high scores to the database. * To retrieve the high score records. To use the returned records, turn it into a string with one line per row, and show a dialog containing that string. This is one way of storing and displaying high scores locally, but certainly not the only way. A more complex alternative would be to create a high score dialog component, and pass it the results for processing and display (instead of reusing the ``Dialog``). This allows for a more themeable dialog that could present the high scores in a better way. If you are using QML-based UI for a Python application, you can also pass the score to a function that stores it locally in a variety of ways. This can be a simple format without SQL, or in another SQL database. Storing high scores online -------------------------- You've seen how you can store high scores locally, but it is also easy to integrate a web-enabled high score storage into your application. The implementation we've done here is very simple: the high score data is posted to a php script running on a server somewhere, and that server then stores it and displays it to visitors. You could also request an XML or QML file, which contains and displays the scores, but that's beyond the scope of this tutorial. The php script used here is available in the ``examples`` directory. If the player entered their name, you can send the data to an online database service. The following code snippet from ``samegame.js`` demonstrates this well: .. pysideinclude:: samegame/samegame4/content/samegame.js :snippet: 1 The XMLHttpRequest in this code is the same as the ``XMLHttpRequest()`` as you'll find in standard browser JavaScript, and can be used in the same way to dynamically get XML or QML from the web service to display the high scores. We don't worry about the response in this case - we just post the high score data to the web server. If it had returned a QML file (or a URL to a QML file) you could instantiate it in much the same way as you did with the blocks. An alternate way to access and submit web-based data would be to use QML items designed for this purpose. XmlListModel makes it very easy to fetch and display XML based data such as RSS in a QML application (see the Flickr demo for an example). That's it! ========== By following this tutorial you've seen how you can write a fully functional application in QML: * Build your application with QML items. * Add application logic with JavaScript code. * Add animations with Behaviors and states. * Store persistent application data using, for example, the Offline Storage API or XMLHttpRequest. There is so much more to learn about QML that we haven't been able to cover in this tutorial. Check out all the demos and examples and the documentation to see all the things you can do with QML! [Previous :ref:`samegame3`]