This function takes a type (or a type string) and a value of that type and returns an internal object that can be passed to QMetaObject.invokeMethod(). See also Q_RETURN_ARG(). This macro takes a type (or a type string) a value of which is then returned by QMetaObject::invokeMethod(). See also Q_ARG(). Returns a read only buffer object pointing to the segment of data that this resource represents. If the resource is compressed the data returns is compressed and qUncompress() must be used to access the data. If the resource is a directory None is returned. qRegisterMetaType<QList<QPersistentModelIndex> >("QList_QPersistentModelIndex"); Creates a model index for the given row and column with the internal pointer ptr. When using a QSortFilterProxyModel, its indexes have their own internal pointer. It is not advisable to access this internal pointer outside of the model. Use the data() function instead. This function provides a consistent interface that model subclasses must use to create model indexes. .. warning:: Because of some Qt/Python itegration rules, the ptr argument do not get the reference incremented during the QModelIndex life time. So it is necessary to keep the object used on ptr argument alive during the whole process. Do not destroy the object if you are not sure about that. To find the child of a certain QObject, the first argument of this function should be the child's type, and the second the name of the child: :: ... parent = QWidget() ... # The first argument must be the child type child1 = parent.findChild(QPushButton, "child_button") child2 = parent.findChild(QWidget, "child_widget") Like the method *findChild*, the first parameter should be the child's type. .. class:: QCoreApplication(args) Constructs a Qt kernel application. Kernel applications are applications without a graphical user interface. These type of applications are used at the console or as server processes. The *args* argument is processed by the application, and made available in a more convenient form by the :meth:`~QCoreApplication.arguments()` method. Custom overload that adds an optional named parameter to the function ``value()`` to automatically cast the type that is being returned by the function. An example of this situation could be an ini file that contains the value of a one-element list:: settings.setValue('var', ['a']) The the ini file will be:: [General] var=a # we cannot know that this is a list! Once we read it, we could specify if we want the default behavior, a str, or to cast the output to a list. settings.value('var') # Will get "a" settings.value('var', type=list) # Will get ["a"] qCDebug(*category, "%s", %2); qCCritical(*category, "%s", %2); qCInfo(*category, "%s", %2); qCWarning(*category, "%s", %2);