.. currentmodule:: PySide6.QtCore .. _ClassInfo: ClassInfo ********* This class is used to associate extra information to the class, which is available using QObject.metaObject(). Qt and PySide doesn't use this information. The extra information takes the form of a dictionary with key and value in a literal string. The recommended usage is to provide the key/value using python keyword syntax, where the keyword becomes the key, and the provided string becomes the value. If the key needs to contain special characters (spaces, commas, '::', start with a number, etc), it is also possible to pass a python dictionary with arbitrary strings for both the key and value and enabling special characters in the key. .. note:: This Class is a implementation of Q_CLASSINFO macro. Example ------- :: # Recommended syntax @ClassInfo(Author='PySide Team', URL='http://www.pyside.org') class MyObject(QObject): ... # Provided to support keys not supported by Python's keyword syntax @ClassInfo({'Some key text $': 'This syntax supports special characters in keys'}) class MyObject(QObject): ...