.. currentmodule:: PySide6.QtDesigner .. py:class:: QPyDesignerCustomWidgetCollection Synopsis -------- Functions ^^^^^^^^^ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |def :meth:`registerCustomWidget` (type) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |def :meth:`addCustomWidget` (custom_widget) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Detailed Description -------------------- The :class:`~.QPyDesignerCustomWidgetCollection` implements `QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface `_ and provides static helper functions for registering custom widgets by type or by implementing `QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface`_ . The usage is explained in :ref:`designer_custom_widgets`. .. py:staticmethod:: QPyDesignerCustomWidgetCollection.registerCustomWidget(type[, xml=""[, tool_tip=""[, icon=""[, group=""[container=False]]]]]) Registers an instance of a Python-implemented QWidget by type with *Qt Widgets Designer*. The optional keyword arguments correspond to the getters of `QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface`_ : :param str xml: A snippet of XML code in ``.ui`` format that specifies how the widget is created and sets initial property values. :param str tool_tip: Tool tip to be shown in the widget box. :param str icon: Path to an icon file be shown in the widget box. :param str group: Category for grouping widgets in the widget box. :param str module: Module name for generating the import code by `uic `_ . :param bool container: Indicates whether the widget is a container like `QGroupBox`, that is, child widgets can be placed on it. .. seealso:: :meth:`registerCustomWidget()` .. py:staticmethod:: QPyDesignerCustomWidgetCollection.addCustomWidget(custom_widget) Adds a custom widget (implementation of `QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface`_) with *Qt Widgets Designer*. :param QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface custom_widget: Custom widget instance .. _QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qdesignercustomwidgetinterface.html