.. currentmodule:: PySide6.QtQml .. _QmlUncreatable: QmlUncreatable ************** .. py:decorator:: QmlUncreatable Declares that the decorated type shall not be creatable from QML. This takes effect if the type is available in QML, by a preceding ``QmlElement`` decorator. The reason will be emitted as error message if an attempt to create the type from QML is detected. Some QML types are implicitly uncreatable, in particular types exposed with ``QmlAnonymous``. Passing None or no argument will cause a standard message to be used instead. .. code-block:: python QML_IMPORT_NAME = "com.library.name" QML_IMPORT_MAJOR_VERSION = 1 QML_IMPORT_MINOR_VERSION = 0 # Optional @QmlElement @QmlUncreatable("BaseClassForQml is an abstract base class") class BaseClassForQml(QObject): # ... .. note:: The order of the decorators matters; ``QmlUncreatable`` needs to be preceded by ``QmlElement``.