.. _features-why: Why do we have a __feature__? ============================= History ------- In PySide user story PYSIDE-1019, we tested certain ways to make PySide more pythonic. The first idea was to support some way to allow for ``snake_case`` function names. This feature is possible with relatively low compatibility problems, because having the same function with different names would be not so nice, but a possible low-effort solution. When going to ``true_property``, things become different. When we support properties as first class objects instead of getter and setter functions, we get a conflict, because a function cannot act as a property (no braces) and be a function at the same time. This consideration led us to the idea: Features must be selectable per-module. Why are features selectable per-module? --------------------------------------- Suppose you have some pre-existing code. Maybe you use some downloaded code or you generated an interface file. When you now decide to use a feature, you don't want all this existing stuff to become incorrect. By using the statement .. code-block:: python from __feature__ import ... you declare that this module uses some feature. Other modules will not be influenced by this decision and can stay unchanged. Why dunder, and why not __future__? ----------------------------------- Especially in Python 2, but in a few cases also in Python 3, there is the future statement .. code-block:: python from __future__ import ... That is a statement that can only appear at the beginning of a module, and it switches how the Python parser works. Our first idea was to mimick this behavior for PySide, although we are a bit cheating: The feature statement is not a syntactical construct, and we cannot easily forbid that it is in the middle of a module. We then realized that the intention of Python's ``__future__`` import and PySide's ``__feature__`` import are different: While Python implies by ``__future__`` some improvement, we do not want to associate with ``__feature__``. We simply think that some users who come from Python may like our features, while others are used to the C++ convention and consider something that deviates from the Qt documentation as drawback. The intention to use the ``from __feature__ import ...`` notation was the hope that people see the similarity to Python's ``__future__`` statement and put that import at the beginning of a module to make it very visible that this module has some special global differences. The snake_case feature ====================== By using the statement .. code-block:: python from __feature__ import snake_case all methods of all classes used in this module are changing their name. The algorithm to change names is this: * if the name has less than 3 chars, or * if two upper chars are adjacent, or * if the name starts with ``gl`` (which marks OpenGL), * the name is returned unchanged. Otherwise * a single upper char ``C`` is replaced by ``_c`` The true_property feature ========================= By using the statement .. code-block:: python from __feature__ import true_property all methods of all classes used in this module which are declared in the Qt documentation as property become real properties in Python. This feature is incompatible with the past and cannot coexist; it is the reason why the feature idea was developed at all. Normal Properties ----------------- Normal properties have the same name as before: .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().color() becomes as property .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().color When there is also a setter method, .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().setColor(value) becomes as property .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().color = value Normal properties swallow the getter and setter functions and replace them by the property object. Special Properties ------------------ Special properties are those with non-standard names. .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().size() becomes as property .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().size But here we have no setSize function, but .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().resize(value) which becomes as property .. code-block:: python QtWidgets.QLabel().size = value In that case, the setter does not become swallowed, because so many people are used to the ``resize`` function. Class properties ---------------- It should be mentioned that we not only support regular properties as they are known from Python. There is also the concept of class properties which always call their getter and setter: A regular property like the aforementioned ``QtWidgets.QLabel`` has this visibility: .. code-block:: python >>> QtWidgets.QLabel.size >>> QtWidgets.QLabel().size PySide6.QtCore.QSize(640, 480) A class property instead is also evaluated without requiring an instance: .. code-block:: python >>> QtWidgets.QApplication.windowIcon You can only inspect it if you go directly to the right class dict: .. code-block:: python >>> QtGui.QGuiApplication.__dict__["windowIcon"] About Property Completeness --------------------------- There are many properties where the Python programmer agrees that these functions should be properties, but a few are not properties, like .. code-block:: python >>> QtWidgets.QMainWindow.centralWidget We are currently discussing if we should correct these rare cases, as they are probably only omissions. Having to memorize the missing properties seems to be quite cumbersome, and instead of looking all properties up in the Qt documentation, it would be easier to add all properties that should be properties and are obviously missing. The __feature__ import ====================== The implementation of ``from __feature__ import ...`` is built by a slight modification of the ``__import__`` builtin. We made that explicit by assigning variables in the builtin module. This modification takes place at |project| import time: * The original function in ``__import__`` is kept in ``__orig_import__``. * The new function is in ``__feature_import__`` and assigned to ``__import__``. This function calls the Python function ``PySide6.support.__feature__.feature_import`` first, and falls back to ``__orig_import__`` if feature import is not applicable. Overriding __import__ --------------------- This is not recommended. Import modifications should be done using import hooks, see the Python documentation on `Import-Hooks`_. If you would like to modify ``__import__`` anyway without destroying the features, please override just the ``__orig_import__`` function. .. _`Import-Hooks`: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html#import-hooks