Getting Started on Linux ========================== Requirements ------------ * GCC * ``sphinx`` package for the documentation (optional). * Depending on your linux distribution, the following dependencies might also be required: * ``libgl-dev``, ``python-dev``, ``python-distutils``, and ``python-setuptools``. Building from source -------------------- Creating a virtual environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``venv`` module allows you to create a local, user-writeable copy of a python environment into which arbitrary modules can be installed and which can be removed after use:: python -m venv testenv source testenv/bin/activate will create and use a new virtual environment, which is indicated by the command prompt changing. Setting up CLANG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you don't have libclang already in your system, you can download from the Qt servers:: wget Extract the files, and leave it on any desired path, and set the environment variable required:: 7z x libclang-release_100-based-linux-Rhel7.6-gcc5.3-x86_64.7z export LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=$PWD/libclang Getting the source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cloning the official repository can be done by:: git clone Checking out the version that we want to build, for example 6.0:: cd pyside-setup && git checkout 6.2 Install the general dependencies:: pip install -r requirements.txt .. note:: Keep in mind you need to use the same version as your Qt installation. Additionally, :command:`git checkout -b 6.2 --track origin/6.2` could be a better option in case you want to work on it. Building and Installing (setuptools) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `setuptools` approach uses the `` file to execute the build, install, and packaging steps. Check your Qt installation path, to specifically use that version of qtpaths to build PySide. for example, :command:`/opt/Qt/6.0.0/gcc_64/bin/qtpaths`. Build can take a few minutes, so it is recommended to use more than one CPU core:: python build --qtpaths=/opt/Qt/6.4.0/gcc_64/bin/qtpaths --build-tests --ignore-git --parallel=8 To install on the current directory, just run:: python install --qtpaths=/opt/Qt/6.4.0/gcc_64/bin/qtpaths --build-tests --ignore-git --parallel=8 Building and Installing (cmake) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `setuptools` approach includes internal `CMake` calls when building and installing the project, but a CMake-only approach is only recommended for packaging the project for distribution builds. Assumming that Qt is in PATH, for example, the configure step can be done with:: cmake -B /path/to/the/build/directory \ -S /path/to/the/pyside-setup \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/where/to/install \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/interpreter .. note:: You can add `-DFORCE_LIMITED_API=yes` in case you want to have a build which will be compatible with Python 3.7+. and then for building:: cmake --build /path/to/the/build/directory --parallel X where `X` is the amount of processes you want to use. Finally, the install step can be done with:: cmake --install /path/to/the/build/directory .. note:: You can build only pyside6 or only shiboken6 by using the diferent source directories with the option `-S`. Test installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can execute one of the examples to verify the process is properly working. Remember to properly set the environment variables for Qt and PySide:: python examples/widgets/widgets/