# # This code is a modified version of the code found in sphinx distribution # the same license of sphinx distribution applies to this file as well. # import os import sys import codecs from os import path from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives from sphinx.util import parselinenos class PySideInclude(Directive): """ Like ``.. include:: :literal:``, but only warns if the include file is not found, and does not raise errors. Also has several options for selecting what to include. """ has_content = False required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = False option_spec = { 'linenos': directives.flag, 'tab-width': int, 'language': directives.unchanged_required, 'encoding': directives.encoding, 'pyobject': directives.unchanged_required, 'lines': directives.unchanged_required, 'start-after': directives.unchanged_required, 'end-before': directives.unchanged_required, 'prepend': directives.unchanged_required, 'append': directives.unchanged_required, 'snippet': directives.unchanged_required, } def run(self): document = self.state.document filename = self.arguments[0] if not document.settings.file_insertion_enabled: return [document.reporter.warning('File insertion disabled', line=self.lineno)] env = document.settings.env if filename.startswith('/') or filename.startswith(os.sep): rel_fn = filename[1:] else: docdir = path.dirname(env.doc2path(env.docname, base=None)) rel_fn = path.join(docdir, filename) try: fn = path.join(env.srcdir, rel_fn) except UnicodeDecodeError: # the source directory is a bytestring with non-ASCII characters; # let's try to encode the rel_fn in the file system encoding rel_fn = rel_fn.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) fn = path.join(env.srcdir, rel_fn) if 'pyobject' in self.options and 'lines' in self.options: return [document.reporter.warning( 'Cannot use both "pyobject" and "lines" options', line=self.lineno)] encoding = self.options.get('encoding', env.config.source_encoding) codec_info = codecs.lookup(encoding) try: f = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(open(fn, 'Ub'), codec_info[2], codec_info[3], 'strict') lines = f.readlines() f.close() except (IOError, OSError): return [document.reporter.warning( 'Include file %r not found or reading it failed' % filename, line=self.lineno)] except UnicodeError: return [document.reporter.warning( 'Encoding %r used for reading included file %r seems to ' 'be wrong, try giving an :encoding: option' % (encoding, filename))] objectname = self.options.get('pyobject') if objectname is not None: from sphinx.pycode import ModuleAnalyzer analyzer = ModuleAnalyzer.for_file(fn, '') tags = analyzer.find_tags() if objectname not in tags: return [document.reporter.warning( 'Object named %r not found in include file %r' % (objectname, filename), line=self.lineno)] else: lines = lines[tags[objectname][1] - 1: tags[objectname][2] - 1] linespec = self.options.get('lines') if linespec is not None: try: linelist = parselinenos(linespec, len(lines)) except ValueError as err: return [document.reporter.warning(str(err), line=self.lineno)] lines = [lines[i] for i in linelist] startafter = self.options.get('start-after') endbefore = self.options.get('end-before') prepend = self.options.get('prepend') append = self.options.get('append') snippet = self.options.get('snippet') if snippet: startafter = "//![%s]" % snippet endbefore = "//![%s]" % snippet if startafter is not None or endbefore is not None: use = not startafter res = [] for line in lines: if not use and startafter and startafter in line: use = True elif use and endbefore and endbefore in line: use = False break elif use: if not line.startswith("//!"): res.append(line) lines = res if prepend: lines.insert(0, prepend + '\n') if append: lines.append(append + '\n') text = ''.join(lines) if self.options.get('tab-width'): text = text.expandtabs(self.options['tab-width']) retnode = nodes.literal_block(text, text, source=fn) retnode.line = 1 retnode.attributes['line_number'] = self.lineno if self.options.get('language', ''): retnode['language'] = self.options['language'] if 'linenos' in self.options: retnode['linenos'] = True document.settings.env.note_dependency(rel_fn) return [retnode] def setup(app): app.add_directive('pysideinclude', PySideInclude)