.. _pyside6-metaobjectdump: pyside6-metaobjectdump ====================== ``pyside6-metaobjectdump`` is a command line tool. It scans Python source files and dumps out information on classes to be registered with QML in JSON-format. This serves as input for the :ref:`pyside6-qmltyperegistrar` tool. The tool is the equivalent of the `moc`_ tool in Qt / C++. It is automatically run by the :ref:`pyside6-project` tool when passing the ``qmllint`` argument instructing it to check the QML source files. Usage ----- Classes to be registered with QML are indicated by QML decorators like :deco:`QmlElement`. Invoking: .. code-block:: bash pyside6-metaobjectdump birthdayparty.py produces the JSON data on stdout: .. code-block:: json [ { "classes": [ { "className": "BirthdayParty", "qualifiedClassName": "BirthdayParty", "object": true, "superClasses": [ { "access": "public", "name": "QObject" } ], "classInfos": [ { "name": "QML.Element", "value": "auto" } ], "properties": [ { "name": "host", "type": "Person", "index": 0, "read": "host", "notify": "host_changed", "write": "host" }, { "name": "guests", "type": "QQmlListProperty", "index": 1 } ], "signals": [ { "access": "public", "name": "host_changed", "arguments": [], "returnType": "void" }, { "access": "public", "name": "guests_changed", "arguments": [], "returnType": "void" } ] } ], "outputRevision": 68, "QML_IMPORT_NAME": "People", "QML_IMPORT_MAJOR_VERSION": 1, "QML_IMPORT_MINOR_VERSION": 0, "QT_MODULES": [ "QtCore", "QtQml" ], "inputFile": ".../examples/qml/tutorials/extending-qml-advanced/advanced1-Base-project/birthdayparty.py" } ] .. _`moc`: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/moc.html