.. _pyside6-qmlcachegen: pyside6-qmlcachegen =================== ``pyside6-qmlcachegen`` is a command line tool that wraps `qmlcachegen`_. This tool creates C++ code or `QML byte code` for ``.qml`` files. For Qt for Python, only `QML byte code` is relevant. The file suffix is ``.qmlc`` and it works similar to compiled Python bytecode (``.pyc`` files). Usage ----- The command line option ``--only-bytecode`` should be used to create `QML byte code`. For example: .. code-block:: bash qmlcachegen --only-bytecode gallery.qml produces a file ``gallery.qmlc`` containing `QML byte code` which is automatically loaded by the QML engine. .. _`qmlcachegen`: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-tool-qmlcachegen.html